Minutes 1952/03/03 1310 Gilroy,California Maroh 3,1952. This regular monthly meeting of the Cownon Counoil is oalled to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, David V.Stout,Carl W.Pate. Absent: Councilman Dale D.Daniels. Minutes of the regular monthJy meeting of February 4th and the regular adjourned meetings of February 7th and 25th,1952 are read and approved. This being the time specified in a legal advertisement calling for bids for the drilling of a water well on oity sewer farm land lying east of the east bank of the Lligas Creek one bid is presented and read. Bid of Wa!stern Well Drilling Co. ,Ltd. "for 300 ft. well and installing and removing test pump-$2,960.20. I Motion by Councilman stout,seoonded by Counoilman Mason and carried that the bid of Western Well Drilling Co.,Ltd.be rejeoted and that the city prooeed to make arrangements for the drilling of the well on the oity sewer farm land lying wast of the Llagas Creek, that Henry Allemand be advised of the Counoil~s aotion and the certified check submitted by Western Well Drilling Co.,Ltd. be returned to them. A communication is read from the Public Utilities Cormnission requesting information on the oity's position with reference to sharing an estimated ~~13,780.00 oost with the Southern Paoific Company to install automatio flashing light signalS at the Ninth ./ Street crossing. Motion by Councilman Pate,Seoonded by Councilman Thomas and carried that the Publio Utilities Commission be advised that the 1< area to be proteoted by automatioe flashing light signals at the Ninth Street crossing is within the switching area ot: the Southern Paoifio Company and that the automatio ~,shing light signal is neoessary to properly protect this orossing and that the .ig~.8~ 8.holild,;be,)jmst~lled at no cost to the 6ity ot: Gilroy. A communication signed by twenty-five tenants and property owners on North Monterey Street,between First Street and Third Street 1311 requesting the installation of a pedestrian crosswalk at Llonterey and Second Streets,insta11ation of appropriate signs indicating the area as a school orossing;installation of a blinking oaution light in the area of I.O.O.F.Ave. and Second Street and installation of a stop signal at First and Monterey streets, is presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that a oopy of the letter signed by property owners and tenants on North Monterey street,between First Street and Third Street,with reference to traffio signals,etc. be sent to the Division of Highways with a request that a study be made of the request and that Council advised of their findings. A oommunication is read from the City of Albany with referenoe to the oost of milk. This communication is ordered filed. A comrm.jnication is read from the City of Burbank opposing the pro- posal of the County Supervisors Association for a 4% State Sales tax to be participated in by the counties. It is unan~ously agreed to tabled this communioation until suoh time as this matter may cane before the State Legislature. A oommunioation is read from the Division of Highways relative to the retirement of Col.Jno.H.Skeggs,Assistant State Engineer,Division ~;.p IV.and inviting the city to partioipate in the affai:t: to be held on .......-.;"" b..."" the oocasion of his retirement and to partioipate in the purohase of gi ft . Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Thomas and oarried that the letter from the Division of Highways inviting the oity to participate in the event marking the retirement of Col.Jno.H.Skeggs, be ta bled. A oommunioation is read fram Henry Allemand,lessee. of city sewer farm land stat ing that he would be willing to allow the oit y to lease a portion of the land he has under lease to Pictsweet Foods,Ino. for use as a viner station. A oommunioation is re~d fram Pi~tsweet Foods,Ino.offering to lease from the oity a portion of the land lying east of the old Gentry garbage dump and the west bank of the Llagas Creek, for $150.00 a year, far use as a viner station.is ::"';'2:e:I-Gec Motion by Councilman Thomas,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried that Piotsweet Foods,Inc.be given a year to year lease on the land lying between the old Gentry garbage dump and the west bank of the Llagas Creek for use as a viner station, the City Attorney to draw the necessary lease to oontain provisions for the grou~d being left olean 1312 at tennination of the lease,all residue to be removed from the premises two weeks after o~ rations cease and in no event not later than Deoember 1,1952; and the lease to hold the oity harmless in the event of injury to rersons or property. A cOmD~unicatin is read from the League of California Cities with reference to Traffio Safety. This letter is referred to the street Committee. ~ A communioation is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission reoommending the acoeptanoe of Tract 971,Wayland Lane Tract as a subdivision as set forth on the map presented;that the Declaration of Restriotions presented by George C. and Harriet Renz and Renz Construction Company governing the entire Renz Addition be filed with the Building Inspector for his guidanoe;that the deed Manabi and Sumi Hirasaki to the City of Gilroy deeding a strip of land wide 40.02/by 52l.02 ft long lying south of Ninth street at the prolongation ... south of Alexander StFeet,be accepted. RESOLUTION NO.271 is presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Thomas that RESOLUTION NO.27l be adopted. RESOLUT ION NO.27l RESOLUTION OF THE COMr:lON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CONDITIONALLY APPROVIKG FILING OF MAP OR PLATT OF TRfi NO.97l "WAYLAND LA.NE TRACT." ~ .... WHEREAS, there has been filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Gilroy, a map or platt of Traot No.971 "Wa,.i.and Lane Tract", and the Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy has been requested to approve and aooept said mapjand, ViEEREAS, the said COID..rnon Council of the City, of Gilroy has here- tofore adopted a resolution providing that as a matter of policy the City of Gilroy shall not aooept any maps or platts of subdivisions for filing until and unless sewer and water mains have been laid and inst- alled in the subdivision,and the streets and alleys therein gravelled, and oild and sidewalks,ourbs,abd gutters installed,all to the satis- faotion of the said Co~non Counoil of the City of Gilro~,or the sub- divider has entered into a written agreement with the City of Gilroy to furnish and install said sewer and water mains,sidewalks,curbs,and gttx gutters, and perform said street work on or before L1arch ,1954, and the agreement is aocmnpanied by a good and sufficient surety bon~ oonditioned upon the faithful performanoe at the provisions at: the said agreement; and, 0~REAS, the owners and subdivider of said tract has requested the ~ said Common Council of the city of Gilroy to approve said map and order the same filed upon the signing of the aforementioned agreement __ and the furnis hing of t he sa id bond. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Cornuon Counoi1 of the city of Gilroy that the said map or platt hereinbefore desoribed is approved ani accepted by the City of Gilroy,suoh aoceptanoe and approval being oontitioned upon the execution of the aforementioned agreement and the furnishing a a good and suffioient bond,which bond is to be contit10ned upon the faithful performanoe of the said agreement ,and whioh agreement and bond shall be approved by the City ..:~ttorney or the City of Gilroy,and upon the giving,exeoution, and filing ot: the said agreement and bond, this acceptance and approval of the said map or platt be effective and not before. 1313 ADOPTED and PASSED the 3rd day of March,1952, by the following vote: AYES: mE: Councilmen Mason,Wentworth,Thornas,Stout,Pate Counc ilmen None ABSENT: Counoilman Daniels ATTEST: G.~~ City Clerk ~ e MAYOR 7~~~ J - It is unanimously agreed to accept the recommendation of the Gilroy City Planning Commission with reference to the Declaration of Rest- riot ions for the Renz Addition and the filing of these restriations with the Building Inspector for his guidanoe only. The matter of the deed Hirasaki to the City of Gilroy is discussed. Motion by Councilman Wentworth,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the deed Manabi and Sumi Hirasaki to the City of Gilroy deeding a strip of land 40.02 feet wide by 52l.02 feet long lying south of Ninth Street and being a prolongation south of Alexander Street,be acaepted. An application for Police Officer from Virgil Monroe Gregory,29 California Street,Salinas,Ca1ifornia,is presented and ordered filed. The report of the 1951 franchise tax from the Gilroy Telephone Company is presented and read. The City Attorney is instructed to check into the return as presented. Reports of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department on 1/28/52, 2/13/52;2/18/52 and 2/25/52,showed all samples except one,satisfactory. Subsequent cheok of the unsatisfactory report indicated satisfaotory. The report of the County Auditor of Santa Clara County showing the amount of fines colleoted during the month of January,1952 and alloo- ation to the oity and county, is presented and read. and ordred filed. The report of arrests and citations issued by the Gilroy Polioe Department for the month o-r J'emulalY, 1952 is prese nted and read and .'",,.., . ordered filed. The rep'ort of the Building Inspector for the month of February,1952 :is Jr esented and read and ord6It"ed'.ifiled. The rpport of the Poundmaster for the month of February,1952 is Jresented and read and ordered filed. The Mayor now discusses the matter of furnishing oertain information from oi ty reoords to the Credit Bureau ot: Gilroy stat ing that an 1314 attorney had oautioned him about permitting the credit bureau to use information about oha~se of address of water oustomers,etc. This matter is held over for further disoussion at the regular monthly meeting in April,1952. Councilman Mason now discusses the petition of city employees requesting salary increase of l5%. It is unanimously agreed to p~ tpone final decision on the matter of increase in salaries for oity employees until Monday,Maroh 10, ~ 1952 at 8 o'clock P.~. liiiIiIIII The City Clerk now presents.l.the Notice of Eleotion to be held Monday,May 5,1952. Motion by Counoilman Wentworth,seconded by Counoilman Pate and carried that the Clerk be instructed to advertise the following notioe: Notice is hereby given that a General l~unioipal Election will be held in the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,State of California on Monday,the fifth day of May,1952, at which time the following offioe are to be filled: City Mayor, City Clerk, Ci ty Treasurer Ci ty Marshal and six Common Counoilmen. ~ There will be two voting preoincts for the purpose of holding said ~ eleotion,consisting of a consolidation of the regular e1eotion preoincts established for holding State and County eleotions, as follows: Consolida ted voting precinct "A" ,comprising State and County precincts numbers one,two,three,four and nine, and the polling plaoe thereof shall be the Fire House,located on Fifth Street between Mon- 1e rey and Eigelberry Streets; cons olidated precinct "Btt, oomprising State and County eleotion precincts numbers five,six,seven aDAneight, and the polling place thereot: shall be the City Clerk's ot:fice,3 East Sixth Street,Gilroy,California. Notice is also further given that at said eleotion the polls will be open from the hour of ? o'clock A.M. to the hour of ? o'clock P.M. om the day thereof;that during said hours said election will be held and conduoted at the legally designated polling places in each eleo- ~ WIIJIII tion precinot in said City of Gilroy,as hereinafter set forth; and that the polling plaoes in the several election precincts and the names of the several persons who are hereby appointed to serve as election officers for the oonduct of said election in their res- 4'- . pcctive election preoinots,as named,selected and designated by the Common Counoil of said City of Gilroy,as provided by law, are as 1 I 1315' follows, to-wit: Name of Preo inct "An. Loo at ion of Polling place-Fire House, Fifth Street between Monterey and Eigelberry Streets,Gilroy,California: PRECINCT BOARD Inspeotor-Elsie Cotta; Judge-Helen M.Wilde; Clerk-Mary Howorth; Clerk-Edna M.Zamzow;Clerk-Mary W.HarrisOG. Name of Preoinct "B". Location of Polling plaoe-City Clerk's office,3 East Sixth Street, Gilroy,California: Inspector-Nina Avery; Judge-Fannie Mc~uilkin; Clerk-Lila Ramezane; CIs rk-Helen Garcia; Clerk-Leola Griffin. That the oompensation for eaoh member of the precinot boards be the sum ot twelve dollars. Heports of City Officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Counoilman Thomas and carried that the reports of city offioers be accepted as read and placed on tile. A representative of the Homelite Corp. is present and invites the memeers 0 f the Counoil to witness a demonstrat ion 0 f the Homeli te generator immediately after the meeting. Motion by Councilman I/lason,seconed by Counoilman Wentworth am carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Counoilman Stout disousses his progress in having the city property looated on the south side of Sixt h Street between Monterey Street and Railroad alley,appraised. The bill of Robert J.Edwards,fo~er temporary Polioe Offioe~ for travelling expenses while on investigations is disoussed. It is stated that the City Marshal has refused to ~Y.ethis olaim. Motion by Counoilman Pate,seoonded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the bill of Robert J.Edwards,former temporary Polioe Offioer,in the amount of $37.20 be paid. ~. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. (3. CA,~ City Clerk / Gilrov_~o'-l.p-- - , l""" .