Minutes 1952/04/17 1 ~. Gilroy ,Ca 1ifornia April l7,1952 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by Hia Honor Mayor George C.Milias. ~325 1326 Present: Councilmen George lI.Mason,J.H. Wentworth , Jarnes B.Thomas ,David Stout ,Carl ',i.Pate. Absent: Councilman Dale D.Daniels. This being the time specified in a legal notice calling for bids to furnish a pump to be installed on the 47 acres of city sewer farm land located east of the Llagas Creek; five bids are presented and read: Food Machinery and~hemi ca 1 Corpo ration(!eerless Pump) $2414.72; Frank Cisternino Pump Service (iayne & Bowler Pump)$2,605.32; Cascade Pump Co. (Jaouzzi Pump}$2,495.35;Chappell Pump Co. (Western Pump)$2,412.54;Hurst Industries,Ino.(Campbell-Budlong Pump)$2,179.75. :Mot ion by Counc ilman Stout, seconded by Counc i1man Mason and carried that the bid of Hurst Industries,Inc. of $2,179.75 for a Campbell- Budlong pump be acoepted and in the event that the bid meets all the spe cifications cheoks of other bidders presented with their bids be returned to them upon approval by the City Attorney. A oomnunication signed by three motel operators located on North Monterey street, oomplainllg about truoks parking in front of their plaoes of business and the noise caused by trucks starting up,and asking the Council that something be done to alleviate this situation, is prase nted and read. Mr.Dooher,a partner in one of the Motels, ap~ars before the Council and states that the noise and confusion during the late hours of the night and early morning hours is causing his business to decline. It is unanimuusly agreed that a letter be written to the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County requesting that they pass a resolitlon along with one by the city requesting the Division of Highways to plaoe one sign north of the no rth c it y limits of the City of Gilroy and one aouth of the junotion of the Pacheco Pass and Ferguson roads direlbting all trucks bound for.or ooming from San Joaquin Valley points to use the Ferguson-Leavesley Road. It is also unanimously agreed that the Ordinance cormnittee prepare and ordinanoe to prohibit trucks parking on North I~onterey Street between the Willows Restautant and First Street. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. ~ ~'U.,(~1 City Clerk