Minutes 1952/04/21
Apr i1 21, 1952
This regular adjourned ~eeting of the Comrnon Council is oalled to
order by His Honor I'1ay or George C.Milias.
Present:Councilmen George M.I~son,J.H.Wentworth,David V.Stout,Carl
W.Pate. Absent:Councilmen James B.Thomas,Dale D.Daniels.
The Mayor states that the purpo sa of this meeting is to di scuss
the matter 0 f sewage faoilities for industrial wastes from the Fili ce
and Perrelli oannery.
'rhe report of R.e.Stookman,Consulting Engineer, "Revision of Sewers
for Cannery TIastes",City of Gi1roy,California,April 12,1952, is
presented and read.and diEcussed.
Letters in answer to questions sent by the Clerk to Modesto,Merced,
Madera,Lodi,Tur10ck and Selma are presented and read.
V:.J.Hanna,Jr.representing the City Engineers office, now ap~ars
before the Counoil to disouss the matter of costs of a proposed
industrial sewer to start at the cannery on Lewi s Street, thence east
on Lewis Street to the alley between Forest and Alexander streets,
thence south in the alley between these streets to Old Gilroy Street
thenoe continuing south from Old Gilroy Street to Ninth Street thence
east on Ni.th Street to Pacheoo Pass road to oonnect with the outfall
sewer. The engineer estimates the cost of the necessary industrial
sewer from the oannery to Old Gilroy Street at $lO,l98.90, from Old
Gilroy Street to Ninth Street and thence east on Ninth Street to
Pacheco Pass Road/,", " .,"..); that the ent ire distance from the
Cannery to Pacheoo Pass Road the cannery owners should pay $23,000.00
of the total estimated cost of $31,163.15.
The engineer is instructed to go over his figures and be ready,
after another consultation with R.C.Stockman, to present final 'igures
of cost for the propased industrial sewer to serve to oannery.
It is unanimously agreed that as soon as the City Engineer has
arrived at his final figures a meeting of the Counci~,cannery officials
aity engineer,and R.C.Stockman, should be
Adjourned subject to the
-~11 ~~ the ohair.
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0.itv Clerk