Minutes 1952/04/29 I 1327 Gilroy,California April 29,1952. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. ~ Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,Carl W.Pate. Absent:Councilmen David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. The Mayor announoes that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss with Filioe and Perrelli Cannery offioia1s the matter of an industrial sewer tor the cannery. Mr.Frank Perrelli,representing the Filioe and Perrelli Carming Company, is present. 1328 Mr.R.C.Stockman,consulting engineer, is also present. W.J.Hanna,Jr. of the city engineer's office is present and at the request of the Mayor disousses the Stockman report,tfRevision of Sewers for Cannery ',Vastes",dated April 12,1952. Mr.Stookman joins in the discussion of his report and answers questions asked by the Lfuyor,and Councilmen. After a general disoussion of the entire project-the construction s ewe r of an industrial/to start at the oannery on Lewis Street,running east to the alley between Alexander and Forest streets, thence South to Old Gilroy Street where it will join the main outfall sewer line, thence oontinuing south the Ninth Street and thence east to intersect the main outfall sewer line on Paoheco Pass road~The matter of allocation of costs is discussed. Mr.Perre1li joins in the dis- cussion. It is unanimously agreed that T,lr.Perre1li be furnished the city engineer's figures as to oosts of the proposed industrial sewer line and a map of the proposed route to be used to discuss with offioials of the oanning oompany the subjects relative to allocation of oosts and that as soon as these officials arrive at a deoision that the~Mayor be informed. Llot ion by Councilman Pate ,see onded by Councilman Thomas and carried that the annual donation of ~50.00 be made to the Gilroy Volunteer Fire Department. The Mayor discusses the matter of weeds in the alley between Broadway and La Sierra Way from Hanna to Carmel Streets and the Chief Administrative Offioer is i~tructed to investigate this matter and take the necessary steps to have the alley graded,eto. Adjourned subject to the call 0 f the cha ire g. ~.~~ City Clerk. i