Minutes 1952/05/06
I,J1ay 6,1952
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order
by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present: Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,David
V.Stout,Carl W.Pate. Absent:Councilman Dale D.Daniels.
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of April 7th and regular ad-
journed meetings of Apr~l 17th,21st,29th,l952 are read and approved.
This being the time specified in a legal notioe calling for bids
for the Lewis Street Stann Sewer five bids are presented and read.
Granite Construotion Company-$l2,987.00;A.J.Peters & Son-$16,676.54;
MoGuire & Hester-$2l,4l0.00;Pisano Bros.-$13,151.00;William Radtke &
l:Tot ion by Counoilman Thomas, seoonded by Councilman Mason and carried
that the bid 0 f William Radtke & Son in the amount of $lO ,864.34 for
the construotion of the Lewis Street Storm Sewer be aooepted as the
lo\~st and best bid and that oheoks and/or bonds accompanying the
unsuooessful bids be returned.
This being the time specified in a legal notice oalling for bids
for that certain piece of property known as the "City Corporation
Yard" 100ated on the south side of East Sixth Street bt'etween Monterey
Street and Railroad alley,one bmd is presented and read-G.N.Brodersen-
$10,220.00. It is unanimously agreed to refer this bid to the Finance
Committee for study and report.
A oommunication is read from the General Petroleum Corporation
stating that they are contemplating certain improvements on property
located at 350 N.I!Ionterey Street to consist ot: installation of 3-
10,000 gallon underground tanks;loading rack,warehouse with necessary
piping and facilities. It is unanomous1y agreed to refer this matter
the the Gilroy City Planning Commission.
A communication is read from the Santa Clara County Flood Control
Committee giving information on the committee's activities to date.
This oorr~lunication is ordered filed.
A oommunioation is read from Logan and Frazer,city auditors,stating
that they had completed the audit of the oity's books of record and
acoount to March 31st and'had found everything in good order.Tijis
oO~uunioation is ordered filed.
A comm1j.ni cation is read from the Santa Clara County Taxpayers'
Association,Ino. affering its facilities to the oity to develop
statistios and prepare cost studies for budget purposes.The Clerk
is instruoted to write a letter to the assooiation thanking them for
their offer of assistanoe.
A oowaunication signed by forty property owners residing inside
the city limits on Miller Avenue oomplaining about speeding vehioles
and requesting that proper signs be p1aced;that Police officer prop-
er1y enforoe speed laws and that the city do everything in its power
to stop miller Avenue from being used as a speedway, is presented
and read. The Chied' Administrative Officer reports that 25 mile
speed limit signs have been ordered and will be erected within the
cities portion of the avenue and that the oounty will provide 25
mile speed limit signs on its portion of the avenue.
Mrs.Ruth Bo,one of the signers of the petition, nowapprears
before the Counoil and states that between 9 A.M. and 12 Nann and
between 3 P.M. and. P.M. are the hours she has noticed most of
the violations;she also asks that the tree be trimmed from around
the south city limit marker to make it more visible. The Clerk is
instruoted to notify the Po1ioe Department to make frequent
inspections on Miller Avenue.
A cOl1lillunica t ion is read from Mrs .Edi t h Leonard, 895 N.lJIonterey
Street, eomplaining about the parking of trucks in front of her
residenoe the driver littering her lawn with empty oil oans and
causing a general disturbance in the vioinity. The Clerk is in-
structed to advise lArs.Leonard that an ordinance is being prepared
to stop the parking of trucks on N.Monterey Street.
A oommunioation is read from the Santa Clara County Health Dep-
artment stating that the Acapulco Cafe,S.Monterey Street is now
in a satisfactory condition to continue operations in the eating
and drinking portions of the establishment. This letter is ordered
The report ~f the County Contr&ller giving the amount of fines
oolleoted in the Distriot Court for the month of Earch,1952,is
presented and read and ordered placed on file.
The report of the Building Inspector for the month of April,1952
is presented and read and ordered placed on file.
The Police Department report of arrests and citations issued for
the month of April,1952 is presented and read and ordered placed on
fi Ie.
The Poundmaster report for the month of April,1952 is presented
and read and 0 re.ered placed on f He.
The Ijiayor announces the the ,Ameri can flag and the California Bear
flag standing at the rear of the Council table had been presented to
the city by the City Clerk.
:7 TSotion by Councilman Stout, sec onded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the American flag and the California Bear flag be
accepted as a gift from the City Clerk.
Councilman Wentworth states that the Budlding lnsepctor has con-
tacted that the several property owners and tenants on North Monterey
Street between First Street and Welburn Avenue with reference to their
endorsement or rejection of a proposed plan to stop the parking of
trucks in this area and a written report of his conversations with
these individuals is presented and read. Councilman ~rentworth further
states that the Street Co~nittee is waiting for the Division of High-
ways to send a representative to Gilroy yo discuss the matter of park-
ing in front of the ';i110ws Restaurant and that the committee will also
tiisouss with the highway representative the matter of trucks parking
on the portion of Monterey Street.
The Clerk is instructed to notify the Police Department to check on
vehicles parking in driveways on North Monterey Street immediately.
App1icat ions for Off S ale Beer and Wine license from Easuru
Kunimura,143 S.IJonterey Street;and One Sale Beer license from Massaro
Rocco,d.b.a.The Cannery Cafe,140 Lewis Street and a transfer of an
On Sale General license from Josep L.Puppo to Joseph L.Puppo and
Richard G.Thrasher,d.b.a.Cronan's Centra1,50 N.Monterey Street,are
presented and read. No objection is made.
Mot ion by Counc i1man Pate, seconded by Councilman St out and carried
that elect ion officials sefving on the precinct boards for the Hay 5th
election be paid $l8.00 each instead of the $12.00 originally voted.
The matter of payment for the Campbell & Budlong pump installed at
the sewer farm on the 47 acres lying east of the Llagas Creek is dis-
cussed it being possible to save $40.19 for prepayment.
Motion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Mason and carried
that Hurst Industries,Inc.be paid for the pump installed at the sewer
farm and that the provision of 2% disoount for prepayment be taken
advtntage of and the Hurst Industries,Inc. be paid the sum of $2,139.56.
Reports of the city officers are presented and read.
Motion by Counoi1man Stout,seconded by Councilman IAason and carried
that the reports of the city officers be accepted as read and plaoed
on file.
ILot ion by Counoilman Stout ,seconded by Counoilman Pate and carried
.~ that bills as presented be allmved and warranst ordered drawn on the
It is unanimously agreed to meet Thursday,May 8th at 8 0 'c look P.M.
to canvass the vote of the General LIunicipal e 1eot ion held May 5th, 1952.
Councilman Pate disousses the matter of rooking the payment of licenses
by the last day of the month ending the quarter instead of the 20th
of the month oas now provided in the license ordinanoe. This matter
is referred to the ordinanoe committe to prepare the necessary
amendment to the license ordinance.
Councilman Stout reports that cost of painting the City Hall
building aM the Library building are being investigated and costs
~scertained and that he will have a rpport to make at a later date.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the ohair.
City Clerk
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