Minutes 1952/05/08 133'/ ~ .. Gilroy, California May 8,l952. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Mi1ias. Present:Councilmen George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas, Carl W.Pate. Absent:Counoi1men David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. The Mayor now declares that the Counoil shall now sit as a board to oanvass the returns of the General Munioipal election held, Monday,May 5,1952. The Mayor now appoints Councilmen Thomas and Mason as Clerks and Counci~nan Pate as Judge. Upon completion of the canvass RESOLUTION NO.2?? is presented and read. Illation by Council-man Mason,seconded by Councilman Wentworth that RESOLUTION NO.2?? be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.277 RESOLUTION AND ORDER CA1~ASSING VOTE AND DECLARING ELECTION OF rmlNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF GILROY. WHEREAS,the regular municipal eleotion for the municipal officers of the City of Gilroy was held in said City on the 5th day of May,1952, in aocordanoe wibh the provisions of the City Charter and pursuant to law and to due and legal notice given of said eleotion;and 'i'ifIEREAS, the Common Counoil of the Ci ty 0 f Gilroy has this 8th day of May,1952, oanvassed the returns of said eleotion and found and ascertained that the tQltal number of votes cast at said election was 1769, that the number of votes cast in Precinot "A" was 769,and the number of votes oast in Preoinct "B" was 995,and absentee voters votes 5, and that the following persons received the number of votes set opposite their respeotive names Ibr the respective offices for which they were candidates,to-wit: 1333 NUl,lEER OF VOTES Prec- Preo- Absent inot inct Voters Total "Aft "Bit FOR MAYOR George C.Mi1ias 534 652 4 1190 "Write-Ins" Jack Scherrer 1 1 Frances Howson 2 2 Mrs.Dona1d Strahl 1 1 Carl Pate 3 3 Sig Sanchez 35 58 93 Barney Brown 1 1 Baldo Barboa 1 1 John \':entworth 2 2 Jack Vi .Rona1d 1 1 Harry Truman 1 1 Roy Swarner 4 4 rake I'I1art in 1 1 J.Hughes Kennedy 1 1 iiil1iam F.O'Bayley 1 1 2 Dr.Elmer Chesbro 1 1 Laddy Gross 1 1 '" ,. Les Larsen 1 1 Floyd Emerson 1 1 Elmer Steinmetz 1 1 Ted Cha ve z 1 1 George Smith 3 3 ':.al ter Hupar 4 4 Elmer Young 1 1 FOR MEl.aEERS OF THE COMIION COUN- CIL George M.Mason 154 259 1 414 Carl ':V. Pat e 555 645 3 1203 James B.Thomas 391 554 4 949 Charles Ga 110 456 627 3 1086 ~ Stan Karp 386 477 4 867 J.Hughes Kennedy 523 578 2 1103 J a c l-c \7.Honald 421 576 2 999 'V Courtland M.Rush 534 653 1 l188 .' Geo rge w. rihi te 462 596 3 1061 "Write-ins" Elmer Steinmetz 1 1 1334 NUllBER OF VOTES ( cant rd. ) Prec- Prec- Absent Tota 1 inct inct Vlbters "A" "B" FO R l/IElEBERS OF THE COl/ITiION COUN- CIL (oonttd.) "Wri te-ins;tt (oontta.) George Doan 1 1 Laddy Gross 1 1 Theodore F10ros 2 2 ~ FOR CITY CLERK IIIIIIIII Philip A.Cox 668 832 5 1505 "Write-ins" Fred Simooe 1 1 Joe Martin 1 1 FOR C]TY TREASURER H.R.Esohenburg 662 839 3 1504 "Write-ins" Fred Simcoe 1 1 FOR CITY MARSF..AL Albert Guy Goodrich 220 Harold Sturla 538 412 564 3 2 635 "Write-ins" ll04 Dan Lemos 1 1 aND,WHEREAS, it appears from the said oanvas and the records of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy that all of the above named candidates were duly nominated for the respeotive office for which they were candidates,exoept those whose names were written in,and that the said George C.Milias reoe ived the majority of all votes cast for the office of Mayor of the City of Gilroy,that Philip A.Cox received the majority of all the votes oast for the office of City Clerk of the City of Gilroy,that H.R.Eschenburg received the majority of all the votes cast for the office of City Treasurer of the City or Gilroy,that Harold Sturla reoeived the majority of all the votes cast for the office of City Marshal of the City of Gilroy,and that Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy,Char1es Gal10,George W.;mite,and Jack W. Ronald were the six eandidates receiving the highest number of votes for the offioe of Counoilmen of the City of Gilroy; It is,therefore,ORDERED And DECU~RED that the said George C. Milias has been and: is~ duly elected to the ofrio!3~ of~Maybr Of :the ,City of Gi;1..:roy.; that. Pl'1ilip A. Cbx. has been and is duly elected to the 0 trice of City Clerk of the City of Gi1roy;that H.R.Eschenburg has been and is duly elected to the office of City Ttresurer of the City of Gilroy; that Harold Stur1a has been and is duly elected to the office of City Marshal of at he City of Gilroy, and that Carl W.Pate,Court1and M.Rush, J.Hughes Kennedy,Charles Gallo,George W.vmite and Jack W.Ronald have been and are duly eleoted to the office of Councilmen of the City of Gilroy; BE IT FURTHER ORDE&~D that the City Clerk of the City ot: Gilroy immediately sign and deliver to each person so elected a certificate of election. ADOPTED,PASSED and ORDERED this 8th day of May,1952, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ~ IIIIIIIIi ~ , ...,; Attnt: 11,~,~ Ci ty Clerk Councilmen Mason,Wentworth,Thomas,Pate. Councilmen None Councilmen Stout'~ i! . Mayor ~- 1335 The water collector presents a list of unc6l~ectible accounts covering the period June 30,1950 to June 30,1952,as follows: li&n&>and Address Amount Deposit ~p 3.00 Balanoe C.W.Smith,245 N.Eige1berry St. R.D.Sutherland,14l S.Hanna St. Louis R.Cotare10,126 N.Monterey St Mrs.R.C.Doan,27 S.Monterey St. Top Notch Ca~,285 S.Monterey St. A.L.Berryhi11,25 N.!.10nterey St. J.P.Boyd,77 N.Monterey St. Frank Sendijas,Old Gilroy St. $ 1. 25 l.25 1.25 1.25 1.50 4.90 3.75 2.50 $17.65 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 ~p22. 00 Motion by Counoi~n Mason,seoonded by Councilman Wentworth $ 4.35 Credit Bal. and oarrie d " that the sum of ~~17. 65 be written off the water reoo rds as: presented. by. (; the water collector as uncolleotib1e accounts. Adjourned subject to the oa11 of the ohair. e.~,~ City Clerk Gi1roy,California June 2,1952 This regular mont h1y meeting of the Coram.on Council is called to order by His honor Mayor George O.Milias. Present: Councilme n George IvI.l\~ason, J. ]~. \Ventvvorth, David V. Stout, Carl Vi. Pate. Absent:Councilro.en James B.rrhomas,Dale D.Danie1s. Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of May 6th and the regular ~ adjourned meeting of Iilay 8th, 195~~ are presented and read and approved. A cOIl1'mni cation wi tL a copy.cif a letter from'the"'Division at: Highways l froro.the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County relative to the resolution passed by the supervisors requesting the Division of Highways to place the proper signs at the north city limits and at the inter- section 0 f Ferguson and Leaves1ey "loads directing trucks to use the ]'erguson-Leaves1ey Hoad route is presented and read. The Oi ty )..ttorney is instructed to draw a similar resolution to be presented to the Division of Highways. A communication is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission stating that the Comraission had met and considered the request of the General Petroleum Corporation to establish a bulk distributing plant at 360 North Monterey Street.' The cornmission recommends that the request of the General Petroleum Corporation be denied. I,lotion by Councilman stout ,.seconded by Gouncilman Pate and carried that the recom.;endation of the Gilroy City Planning Commission against granting a permit to the General Petroleum Corporation to establish a bulk distributing plant at 360 North Monterey Street, be accepted and the company notified of the Council's decision. 1336 A com ,unication is read from the Gilroy Chanber of Cormaerce expressing appreciation for the Council's cooperation and extending congratulations to the new Council is presented and read and ordered placed on file. Reports of ':ater samples taken by the Santa Clara :jounty Health Dep- artment April 30th ,Many 7th ,LIay 14th and tiny 21st, 1952 are presented. All reports show sa~ples satisfactory and are ordered filed. The report of the BUildin,s Inspector for the month of La;y,m952 is presented and read and orderod placed on file. ~ The r~port of arrests and citations issued by the Gilroy Po1ioe I ... Department m'or the month 0 f May, 1952 is presented and read and order- ed placed on file. The report 0 f the l?oundmaster for the month of Ii[ay, 1952 is pre- sented and read and ordered placed on file. The Mayor now calls on Councilman Hasan for a reDort of the :Finance Committee on the sale of the corporation yardx located on East 6th street. Councilman states that one bid,presented at the meeting of the Council in May,1952 by G.N.Brodersen in the aroount of ~lO,220.00, was considered by his oorilillittee ,also that the cOlllmi ttee had investig- ated the cost of placing the proposed oorporation yard the the corner of East and Old Gilroy streets in proper condition to be used. Counci1- ., ~, Mason states that he and his cOTIllnittee believe that this matter mould .... be turned over to the new Council for action and he agrees to prepare a written report fa r t he new Counc i1 co:rnr.1i ttee. Councilman Stout now presents figures presented by Henry V/eymouth and Liichael ;2calmanini for painting the outside of the library building and a portion of the counter inside the buildil~;the court room and the entry hall and ,judges quarters in the 6i ty Hall bui1ding;We~nouth's bid totalled ~1,117.90 and the Scalmanini bid- $842.00. :;;'otion by Councilman Stout ,seconded by Councilman I,lason and oarried that the bid of Iiliohael Scalmanini in the amount of ~?842.00 for paintiilg the outside of the library building and a portion of the counter inside the building; the court room ani the entry hall and ~ .J judges chambers in the City Hall building, be accepted. Llotion by Councilman Stout, sec onded by Counc i1nan Pate and carried that bills as presented be a110Yled and warrants ordered drawn on the rrreasurer. Repo rts of the city officers are presented and read. Motion by Jouncilman Stout ,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and plaoed on file. :t337 The Mayor nO'vv thanks the outgoing members of the Council for their long and faithful service and presents each one of the outgoing Councilmen with an electric clock asi:a gift from the citizens of the Oi ty of Gilroy. Counci lmen l'lason, ~,7entworth and Stout res pond to the Mayors remarks and express their good 1;vishes to the incoming Gounci1men. The Mayor suggests a dinner to be attend by the old ,':;ounci1men and the new Councilmen and Friday,~une 13th at 6:30 P.M. in the date and time decided upon. Lotion by Councilman Stout,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that this meeting adjourn sine die. The meeting of the new ''::ouncil is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.I.1i1ias. Present: Councilmen Carl 1N.Pate,Cour't1and M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Ga110,George w.~~~te,Jack W.Ronald. The City. Clerk now admintsters the oath of office to the Mayor and Gounc ilmen. The Mayor now states that his first official act will be to appoint the Council committes to serve for the ensuing two years. Committee Chairman FINANCE Pate Ronald '\fui te (,~ ~';AYS &. MEANS Ronald Gallo White 1iL..-,,\II BRDlNANCE RllS h Wh i te Pate ViA TER Hona1d Pate Kennedy FIRE Rush Gallo Pate SE'i.CER ~.'ihi te Hush Gallo STPEET Pate White Rush POLICE Entire Council LIGHTING Gallo Kennedy Ronald BUILDINGS &. GROUNDS Kennedy Rl)nald Rush PUBLIC HEALTH &. SAFETY Gallo Kennedy Villi te RECREATION Kennedy Pate Ronald Applications for the position of City Attorney from Robert K.Byers ~ I ' and Sydney S.Johnson are presented and read. The li!ayor now asks if any of the (jouncilmen have any other suggestions for the position of City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Counoiilaan Gallo and carried that the vote for the position of City Attorney be done by secret ballot. The City Clerk now distributes ballots containing the nrones of Robert K.Byers and Sydney S.Johnson to the Councilmen. The voting completed the tally showed four votes for Sydney S.Johnson and two votes for Robert K.Byers. 1338 Motion by Councilman Rush,seoncded by Councilman Pate that Sydney S.Johnson be ap)ointed City Attorney for the ensuing two years. Councilman Kennedy asks consent of Councilman Rush and ~bunci1man Pate to amend the motion to make the appointment of Sydney S.Johnson as City Attormey for the ensuing two years unanimous. Both Councilmen agree to the amendment. Motion by Counoilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried unanimously that Sydney S.Johnson be appointed City Attorney for the ensuing two years. ~ J Sydney S~Jobii~on now.appearsbef6're.t he Counc:il '.and thanks. them:.for: appotnting 'him the the position of City Attorney. Robert K.Byers now appears before the Council and thanks them for their consideration. ~he matter of a hearing on an application for an increase in rates by the Gilroy Telephone Company before the Public Utilities Cormnission, Monday,June 9,1952 at 11:00 A.M. in the Court Room of the City Hall building is discussed. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the City Attorney represent the city at the PUb1io Utilities Commission hearing on the Gilroy Telephone Companys' app1ioation for an increase in rates , IiIonday , June ll, 1952 at. 11: 00 A.M. , in the Court ~ Room,Ci ty Hall build ing. ..... An application for the position of Police Officer from Hichard Goodrioh is presented and read and ordered placed on file. I The LIayor now calls upon Ci ty I.':arshal Harold Sturla .The LIarshal responds by stat ing that he 'will do his best at all times. The I:layor now calls upon members of the new Council and eaoh responds and offering thllHir full cooperation. A cO~lunication is read from the I.F.D.E.S. requesting permission to hold a parade on Sunday,June 22nd. As this is the last day of the Salinas Rodeo it was suggested that this matter be investigated due to the traffic hazard involved. The Oi ty l.larshal was instructed to discuss the matter of handling the traffic vlith D.R.Lemos,president of the LF.D.E.S. and it was further sug,;ested that the possibility ~ ...J of using 3ige1berry Street for the parade be investigated. Councilman Honald requested permission to leave tbe state from June 28th to July 20th,1952. Hotion by Counc ilman Pate, seconded by Counci lman Kennedy and oarried that Councilman Honald be given permission to absent ltfimse1f from the state from June 28th to July 20th,1952. I 1339 The City Attorney nO\'J presents a resolution covering the annexation of 3'1 acres of property lying Vlest of LIonterey ~~oad and adjoininG the south limits of the city. This matter is referred to the Ordinance COElmittee for further information and study. City LIarshal Sturla recommends the appointment of Hex Owens as Police Officer. Motion by Councilman Kennedy, seconded by,)ounc ilman Pate and carried that Hex Owens be appointed Po1ice_fficer of the City of Gilroy as of June 1,1952 ,as recommended by the City Llarshal, and to serve in suC'h office at the will and pleasure of the Council. The matter of the annexation-lfllJinth Street Ex1:ension"- is, by unanimous oonsent ,postponed until Monday,Ju1y ?, 1952 at 8 0 t clock P.I"l. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. (R C\.,(D~ City Cler Ie