Minutes 1952/07/07
July 7,1952
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Counoil is called to
order by His Honor Ma yor George C.l:1ilias.
Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy
Charles Gallo. Absent: Counci lmen George 'N. Ylhi te ,.Tack r/.Ronald.
ldinutes of the regular monthly meeting of June 2nd and the regular
adjourned meeting of Jutl~ l6th,1952 are read and approved.
A conrmni cat ion is read from the Division of Highways stat iug that
the Council's request to have fTSigna1 Aheadtf painted on the pavement
Monterey Street
on/North Q~:Fburth Street and South of Old Gilroy street will be CQffi-
plied with the next time the paint crew ia in the vicinity.
A communication is read from the Standard Stations,Inc.in answer to
a letter from the i.::;ity with reference to cars parking on .tthe..sid~walk
on; the Monterey Street side of their service station at Llonterey and
Old Gilroy streets, the letter stating t hat they had referred the city's
letter to the division mamger. The Clerk~;statesG"tihat a Mr.McQ.uigg and
a Mr. Pickett ,representing the-> Standard Stat ions, had called at his
office to disouss this matter. The Clerk is instructed to advise
Standard stations,Inc. that the city will bear with them for a while
in this matter but if no aotion is taken the Council will take the
necessary steps to stop the practice of station customers parking
their cars on the sidewalk.
A petition signed by nine property owners residing in the vicinity
of Ninth and Rosanna streets protesting against the property owner
located at the southwest corner of Ninth and l.losanna streets placing
some jlarge stumps of trees on his property along the north line 0 f
the property.
A cOl1L:mnicati on is read from Hr. Val Filice stating that the stumps
comp1ainea of by the property owners residing in the vicinity of
Ninth and Hosanna streets, belonged to him and that they would be
removed as soo~ as the bean and prune crops on the premises are
'l'he C1e1;;:r is instructed to advise Llr..T.E.Banet,27l S.ilosanna .:..:;treet,
on the the signers of the petition, that Lr.Filice has agreed to
remove the stumps as soon as the bean and prune crops on the prerlises
have been harvested.
A conrlUnicat ionis.read from the State of:C'ice of Civilian Defense
,requesting the.;ouncil to use their best efforts to build up the
Ground Obersvation Corps. This letter is referred to Byron Brown,
local Civilian Defense coordinator.
A conmunication is read from the Division of 'later Hesources stat-
that they had,under state of .T1J.ne 23,1952, issued to .Ta:le~'1 :towland
Lowe,Route 1, Box 274,l/Iorgan Hill,Calif.,a permit to appropriate
40 acres-feet per annum of the waters of Little Uvas Creek for use
for irriGation purposes from about February 1 to about June 1 of each
year. This cormlluni cation is ordered filed.
A cOEmlUnJ:cat ion is read fraIl 1;r.A1 Herner requesting perrlission
to contact householders in the city about painting their house
nml1bers on the ourb in front of their dwelling .It is unanimously
ae;reed to instc'ucted the c:aerk to advise lIr.Earner that the Council
is not interested in such a project.
A C omrilunica t ion os read froD ,John A. Berri Post #6309, Veterans
of :Foreign ",ars, inviting the IIayor and. Councilmen to pal~ticipate
in their parade on July 12th.
Ilotion by Councilman Kermedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried that the invitation of John A. Berri Post 116309, Veterans
of Foreign ',\ars to participate in their parade on ,July 12th,be
A cOrll'1unication is read from LIr.Dale D.Danie1s with reference
to the deve1ppment of his property at the southeast corner of
Forest Street and I.O.O.F.Avenue into Elsubdivision stating that
he had been informed that since the time he had ceased to be an
active member of the Council due to his moving fron the city the
Council had changed :t:ts policy with reference to requirements for
subdividers-that as a result of this change of policy subdividers
inside and outside the city are noVl re(~uired to furnish' and instal
sew~r Iuains and water mains on the subdivided property along with
curbs,gutters,sidewa1ks,streets and alleys. Hr.Daniels also submits
'with the communication thre maps of the proposed subdi vis ion.
The Llayor now requests that Resolution No.240 be read.
lIr.Daniels now appears before the Council to discuss the change
of policy by the Council wtth reference to requiring the subdivider
to furnish and install water mains and sewer mains along w~th curbs,
'gutters,sidewalks;streets and alleys graded,gravelled and oiled,
his contention that the prOl)erty in question has been
inside the city limits of the city since it was incorporated and
should not be required to furnish and install water and mains and
sewer mains on his property that he proposes to develop.
Llotion by Councilman Gallo, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and
oarrie d that the plat presented by Dale D.Daniels for a proposed
subdivision at the southeast corner of Forest Street and I.O.O.F.
Avenue be presented to the Gilroy City Plan .ing Coramission for
approval,reoommendation or rejection and that the Planning Commission
be requested to make a recoIllillendation to the Gounci1 with respect to
subdividers of land inside the city lind ts being required to furnish
and install sewer mains,water mains along with curbs,gutters,and side...:
wal~ and grade,gravel and oil streets and alleys.
It unanimously agreed to refer Hesolution No.240 to the Ordinance
Committee for study.
Eayor Milias now presents the following names for appointment to
the~i1roy City Planning Corunission: Dr.E1mer J.Chesbro to serve
until August 3,1956;George A.Martin to serve until Jan.15,l956;
A.~.Brown to serve until Jan.15,1956 and E.H.Weyraouth to serve until
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried
that Dr.Elmer J.Chesbro be appointed a member of the Gilroy City
Planning Commission to serve until Aug.3,l956; George A.Martin to
serve until Jan.15,1956;A.W.Brown to serve until Jan.l5,l956 and
E.H.We~nouth to serve until Jan.l5,1956.
Mayor lili1ias now presents the names of Harold Crow and Jerome
Kueh1ing to serve as merooers of the Forestry Board.
Lotion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Gounc ilman Gallo and
carried that Harold Crow and Jreome Kuehling be appointed members
of the Forestry Board to serve for t he ensuing four years.
lvlayor Milias now presents the name of Dr.H. B.Long for reappojntment
to the Parks and Recreation Commission ;also the name of James Pray
to serve as a mEIll ber of the Parks and Hecreat ion COI1111ission.
r.:otion by Councilman Hush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that Dr.H.B.Long be appointed to the Parks and Hecreation Corrunission
to se~ve unt il Llarch 3,1956 and that James E. Pray be appoint ed to the
Parks and Recreation Commission to serve until March 3,l956.
A notice calling for bids to improve Hanna street between 7th and
9th streets and 9th street from Hanna street to Eige1berry street is
prese nted.
Motion by Counoilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and oarried
that puhlj;eat ioncbfl-..maae. calling for bids for the improvement of
Hanna Street between 7th and Ninth streets and Ninth Street from
Hanna St~ Eigelberry street;that bids be opened on August 4,l952 at
8 0 t c lock P.M. in the Council c bambers, Ci ty Hall ,Gilroy, California.
~eports of water samples taikan by the Santa Clara County Health
Department are presented and ordered placed on file.
The r~port of the Building Inspector for the month of June,1952 is
presented and read and ordered placed on fi Ie.
'The rpoert of the Gilroy Police Department for the month of June,
1952 is presented and r ad and ordered placed on file.
The r~port of the Poundmaster for the ilOnth of June,l952 is presented
and read and 0 rdered pl aced on file.
The~i ty l.larshal ~eool1lIJ.ends that the following be appointed Sp eo ia 1
Police for the period of one year:Barney Brown,Ra1ph Fi1adors,Pate
Mazzuca,Frank Lea1,D.E.Sti1tz,William Goold,Jaok Doherty,Jack Rogers,
Mike Greco,Car1 Pate,3iccardo ,uartiero and Lloyd Leimas.
Lotion by Gouncilrnan Kennedy,secorrled by Councilman Hush and
carried that the men recomm.ended for appointment as Speoial Police
for a period of one year by the City Larshal be appointed: Barney
Brown,Ha1ph Fi1adora,Pete Mazzucca,Franl Leal,D.I~.St i1tz, William
Goold ,Jack Doherty,Hike Greco, Carl Pate ,Hiccardo 'ciuartiero ,and
Lloyd Leimas.
Councilman Pate now repo~ts on his investigation of the proposed
sale of the city corporation yard located on the south side of
East 6th Street bet'llleen Llonterey street and Railroad alley; stating
that it would cost ;.~15,059.00 for new buildings etc.tp place the
property at the northeast corner of East and Old Gilroy streets in
proper condition to use as a corporation yard.
Motion by Counci lman Kennedy,seconded by Counc ilrnan Pate and
carried that the bid of G.N.Brodersen of ~lO,220.00 for city corp-
orat ion yard prolE rty located on the s out h s ide of East Sixth Street
between I.Ionterey Street ani Hailroad alley, be rejeoted and the Clerk
instructed to notify Llr.Brodersen of the Council's action.
Civilian Defense Coordinator Byron Brown nO'ilJ discusses the letter
from State ::':ivi1ian Defense headquarters and invi tes the Council to
viww the motion pictures to be sl10rm at the Veterans Lemorial Build-
ing on ~ednesday afternoon.
At the request of the Liayor Hesolution Lo.239 is presented and
The matter of an alley in Block 3 South Hange 4 .est is discussed.
It is unanimously agreed that if all. lJrOperty owners along the
alley will deed the necesary land for a twenty foot alley from 8th
to 9th street the city will accept.
The matter of the proposed annexation to the city of land lying
west of LIontere y Road 'imIilediate 1y south of the ci ty 1 imi ts is dis-
cuss ed.
Reports 0 f the ci ty officers are presented and read.
Hot ion by Counc i1man Pate, se conned by Counc ilrnan Kennedy and
1 ~4.7
carried that reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed
on file.
Motion by Councilman Pate,secorded by Councilman Rush and carried
that bills as presented be a110v~d and warrants ordered ~rawn on the
Councilman Pate requests permission to consult with the City
Engineer on his bill for a storm drain survey. It is unanimously
agreed to grant the permission requested.
Ad,iourned subject to the
call of the chair.
City Clerk