Minutes 1952/08/20 1 1353 Gilroy, California August 20,1952. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order b,. :Ill. D:i'71~c:t.I''' . '~'i . Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,~.Hughes Kennedy,Charles Gallo,Geo~e W.White,Jaok W.Ronald. Absent:Counoilman Courtland M.Rush. In the absenoe ot Mayor George C.Milias the Olerkannounces that he will now entertain a motion to appoint a Mayor Pro-tam. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman White and carried 1354 that Gouncilman Carl W.Pate be Mayor Pro-tem. The map of Walnt Park,asubdivision loaated on the east side ot Forest Street betw.een I. O. O. F. Avenue and Lewis Streets: , is prese nted and discussed. The matter of the planning commissions recommendation that street lights be installed in all tuture subdivisions by the subdivider is discussed. Mr.Creadv,representing the developer, appears to disouss the subjeot of street lights and to answer questions of Counoilmen. RESOLUTION NO.281 is presented and read. Motion by Counoilman Ronald,seconded by Counoilman Kennedy that RESOLUTION NO.281 be adopted: .RESOI.llrUlN;'l\TO. 2S1.~ .'\., .: .. ... _.J. RESOLUTION OF 'lEE COMMON COUNCIL OF 'IRE CITY OF GILROY CONDITIONALLY APPROVING FILING OF MAP OR PLAT OF SUBDIVISION DESIGNATED .AJS "TRACT NO.1051 WALNUT PARK". ( WHEREAS, there has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, a tentative map ot * subdivision designated as "Tract No.l05l Walnut Park", and the Common Council of the City ot Gilroy has been requested to acoept and approve said map;and WHEREAS, the said Common Counoil of the City o~ Gilroy has heretofore adopted a resolution establishing the policy of requiring a subdivider of lands within the City of Gilroy to turnish and install sewer and water mains,establish,grade and oil streets and alleys therein, furnish and install fire hydrants and fire bo.es~nd oonstruct sidewalks,ourbs and gutters,all to the satisfaotion ot the Common Council of the City of Gilroy before and as a oondition precedent to the acceptance of any subdivision and the filing ot any map or plat thereof,or, in lieu thereof, to enter into a writt- en agreement with the City of Gilroy to construot,furnish and install all of the said 1mprovements and perform all of the other work here- inbefore, mentioned, and to secure the performance of suoh agreement by the furnishing 0' a good and sufficient surety bond in an amount to be determined by the said Common Council;and, WnREAS, the owners and subdivider of the said traot of land has requested the said Common Council of the City of Gilroy to approve said Map and order the same filed upon the signing of the aforementioned agreement andthe furnishing of the said bond;and, WHEREAS, the aaid Common Council in addition to all the foregOing imp>>ovements speCifically set forth requires in the case of the said subdivision that the subdivider furnish a street light and install same at the easterly end of the alley shown upon the map of said subdivision or its easterly projection on a utility pole;and WHEREAS, the said Common Counoil has reliable information that the oost of furnishing and installing said fire hydrants and fire boxes,turnishing and installing sewer and water mains,and construot- ing .he sai4 sidewalks,curbs and gutters,estab1ishing,grading and oiling streets and alleys therein, and furnishing an. installing said street light, is the sum of $20,000.OO,but the City Engineer ot the \ City of Gilroy has not furnished the said Common Counoil with any statement or estimate of the cost thereof but will do so;and WHEREAS, the said Common Counoil does require that allot the atorementioned improvements and work be compl~ted to the satisfaotiQn' of the said Council prior to the 20th day of August,1953. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the said map and plat of said subdivision be accepted and approved by the City of Gilroy and by the Common Council thereof,upon t~e oondition that the afore- mentioned agreement be executed by the subdivider to furnish, install, construct,and complete the said improvements as herein required prior to the 20th day ot August,1953,and thatx *he subdivider furnish therewith a good and sufricient bond running in favor of the City of Gilroy,to be executed by a responsible surety oompany in the penal sum of $20,000.00 the amount hereinbefore mentioned as the estimated oost of said improvements,or int the sum eqUal to the I I I' " r;"'..... " i APPROVED : (;" ff &- Mayor Pro-tem AtteSl-) \b~u.:&v Ci ty Clerk Mayor Milias is now present and presides over the meeting. The matter ot the request ot the BeGe Manufacturing Company to annex a portion ot their property lying north ot the north city limits ot Gilroy is discussed. It is unanimously agreed that the Counoil meettAg Friday,August 22. .~, "... ,~", ,. ;..."..;;---...~w 1952 at 1 o'clock P.M. to discuss this matter further and that David V.Stout,genera1 manager of the BeGe Manufacturing Company be invited to be present. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. G.G,~ Ci ty Clerk' it.