Minutes 1952/10/06
Gilroy, Califo mia
Ootober 6,l952
This regular monthly meeting or the Common Council is oal1ed to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy,
Charles Gallo,George W.White,Jack W.Ronald.
Minutes ot the September lst,2nd and 29th,1952 are read and approved.
A oommunioation is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission
reoommending the annexation of the First Northern Addition to the
City of Gilroy;recommending the granting ot a Use Permit to Stan Karp
to erect a lath house and a green house on property located at the
southwest'corner of Welburn Avenue and Monterey Street with cert'in
set- baoks; that a oharge ot $50.00 per 0 onnectia.n tie:cme.de[lfcir\~;all::A8wer
connections made in all new additions to the city and that 7000 square
teet be the minimum o~i.i,llJlgots in fUture subdivis ions.
The City Attprney advises that publioation has already been made
oalling a public hearing on the proposed annexation of the First
Northern Addition to the City of Gilroy for November 3,1952.
Chairman Elmer Chesbro of the Gilroy City Planning Commission now
appears before the Council to discuss the Use Permit recommended for
Stan Karp for a nursery and flower shop.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seoonded by Councilman Rush and oarried
that the recommendation of the Gilroy City Planning Commission be
accepted and that Stan Karp be granted a Use Permit to erect a lath
House and a green house at the southwest corneT of Walburn Avenue aad
Monterey Street to be used in conjunction with the conducting of a
nursery and flower shop and that the building or buildings be set-
baok from the south line of We1burn Avenue a distance of fifteen feet
and buildings along the south line of the property be set baok a dis-
tanoe of tive feet.
A communication is re.'~$rom the Santa Clara County Health Depart-
ment advising the Counoil that on October 20,1952 a meeting would be
held in the boad of supervisors chambers in San Jose relative to the
formation ot a county-wide Mosquito Abatement District.
Mr.Vinoent Cancilla,oounty sanitarian,now appears before the Council
to discuss the matter of the formation of a county-wide Mosquito Abate-
~-Je J.l t
ment Distriot.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Counoilman White and oarried
that final aotion on the matter of the City 0 f Gilroy joining a
County-wide Mosquito Abatement District be postpohed until tnaBmeet-
ing with the Board of Supervisors is held on Ootober 20th and that
the City Attorney be instructed to attend the October 20th meeting
to represent the City of Gilroy.
A communication is read from Cecilia S.Franco,41 North Dowdy Street,
requesting a Use permit to ereot a building on her property the
building to be used for the purpose of teaching piano and some piano
The Secretary 0 f the Planning Commission states that this comm-
unication came before the commission informally during their meet-
ing Friday,Ootober 3rd,and that the::oommission members stated that
they would not vote approval of a Use Permit when the matter was
formally presented to th~. The Chairman of the Commission is present
and verifies the statement made by the Seoretary.
Motion by Counoilman Pate,seconded by Counoilman Rush aDd carried
that the request of Cecilia Franeo,4l North Dowdy Street,for I Use
Permit to erect a building on her property to be used for teaching
piano and SQ;me piano repair work, be denied.
A supplemental petition from J.E.Banet,2?1 S.Rosanna Street,rel-
ative to tree stumps on property looated at the southwest corner of
8th and Rosanna streets,is presented and read.
It 1s una nimoasly agreed that a 1 etter be written to Mr. Val Filioe,
a partner in the land on which the tree stumps are looated,request-
ing that the stumps be removed within 30 days from Ootober 6,1952.
A Notice of Hear1ng;nt Application for Adjustment of Claim from
the State Industrial Aocident Commission ,applicant Barney Eredia,
is presented along with a letter from Attorney John M.Klarich ,stat-
that the hearing would be held Ootober 2?th,1952 in San Jose. The
City Attorney is instructed to represent the oity in any manner
required by the hearing.
Communications from the Tide Wat*r Associated Oil Company and
the Texas Company requesting tha.tslae" .ba;lp'erJI.'.it'ted. toc..ms:ke their
sales and use tax return on an annual basis,is presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Counoilman Gallo and carried
that the request of the Tide Water Assooiated Oil Company and the
Texas Company to make sales and use tax returns on an annual basis
be denied and that the oompanys pay the tax aocording to the ordinance.
The matter of furnishing water and sewer servioe the Chas.Buzzini
for a dwelling he is erecting on East 8th Street is discussed. Mr.
Buzzini is present. After short disoussion this matter is referred to
the water and sewer committeeS1for study and recommendation.
Mr.Don Renz appears before the Council to disouss the matter of
extending a trunk sewer line west on BroadlQlY from Carmel Street. Itl
is unanimously agreed that the extension should be paid for by Mr.
Mr.Emanuel Valentino and wife and Mr. Joe Fortado,resid1ng on Railroad
Street between Martin and Lewis streets ,now appear before the Counoil
to disouss the matter of cannery workers parking their oars in front
of their dwellings and throwing garbage and refuse from their cars
during the lunch hour.
It is unanimously agreed that a resolution should be drawn estab-
lishing parking spaces in front of eaoh dwelling on Railroad Street
and the City Marshal is instruoted to request the oannery offioials
to instruct their employees not to throw garbage and refuse on the
Chairman Chesbro of the Planni" Commission now appears before the
Council to discuss the oommission's reoowuendation that land area
annexed to the city
in lots in future subdivisions/be inoreased from 5000 square feet to
7000 square feet; and that a charge of $50.00 be made for each sewer
oonneotion on land annexed to the oity and that II special fund be
created with the money so obtained to be used for repairs to en_fall
sewer or sewage disposal plant.
It is unanimously agreed to instruct the City Attorney to draw alld.
amendment to the Zoning Ordinance requring a minimum land area in all
future subdivisions be 7000 square feet and that an ordinance be
drawn up to require a $50.00 fee for domestic sewer oonnections in
subdivisions annexed to the city.
The City Clerk advises that the balance of the so-oa1led Christmas
Tree money held by the State should be applied for before December 31,
Motion by Counoilman Ronald,seconded by Councilman Vfuite and carried
that application be made at onoe for the balanoe of the so-oalled
Christmas Tree money al100ated to the City ot Gilroy.
A commu~1cation is read from W.J.Hanna,City Engineer recommending
a 75% payment to the Granite Construction Company for contraot work
done on Ninth Street and Hanna Street and 75% payment of the estimated
cost of work done on Church Street.
Motion by .Councilman Pate,seoonded by Counoilman Kennedy and oarried
that the reoommendations o~ the City Engineer be accepted and that
Granite Construotion Company be paid the sum if $8,809.00 which rep-
resents 75% of the contract amount for work on 9th Street and Hanna
Street,Project No.22.
Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seoonded by Counoilman Pate and carried
that the reoommendation of the City Engineer be accepted and that
Granite Construction Company be paid the sum of $750.00 which rep-
resents 75% of the estimated cost of work on Church Street.
A cormnunication is read from the City Engineer recommending that
final pa~8Bt be made to William Radtke & Son for work done on
Cooperative Project NO.2,1ewis Street Storm Sewer.
Motion by Counoilman Pate,seoonded by Counoilman Ronald and oarried
that the recommendation of the City Engineer be accepted and that
William. Radtke & Son be paid the sum ot $3,926.34 which represents
the balance due on eontract under Cooperative Project NO.2,Lewis
Street Storm Sewer.
An application for an Off Sale Beer and Vl1ne License from John J.
Franoo,757 North Monterey Street,is referred to the City Marshal.
An applioation for an On Sale Beer Lioense by Pa1ts Club,36 South
Monterey Street,is presented. No Objection is made.
The report of the Building Inspector for the month of September,
1952 is presented and read and ordered filed.
, I
The report of arrest and citations issued by the Gilroy Police
Department for the month of September,1952 is presented and read
and 0 rdered filed.
The repo rt of t he County Audllr'or on amounts due the oi ty from
fines collected in August,1952 is presented and read and ordered
The Master Drainage Plan for the oity prepared by the City Eng-
ineer is presented and it is unanimously agreed that a special
meeting should be called for Monday,October 13th to discuss this
_tter fUrther.
A communioation is read from St.l~ry's Church requesting a Use
Permit to erect a convent school on Lot 1,Gurries Addition.
Motion by Counc ilman Pate, seoonded by Couno llman Rush and oarried
that the request for a Use Permit by St.Mary's Church to erect a
eonvent sehool on Lot 1,Gurries Addition be referred to the Gilroy
City Planning Commission.
The matter of a report on an insuranoe survey of oity propert~es
be referred to the Finance Committee for study.
Reports of City offioers are presented and read.
Motion by Counoilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Ronald and oarried
that reports of city offioers be accepted as read and placed on file.
City Marshal Harold Sturla now appears before the Council to disouss
the matter of the handling of telePhone oa11s for local police after
1 o'clook A.M.,when the Sheriff's sub-station offioe oloses.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Ronald and oarried
that the Chief Administrative Officer write a letter to the County
Exeoutive requesting that telephone oalls for the local police after
1 o'clook A.M. be sent to the looal telephone offioe to be relayed
to the County Communications Center to broadoast to the local police
oar on duty.
City Marshal Sturla recommends that Police Officer Rex Owens be
made a Traffic Officer to receive traffio officer's salary.
Motion by Counoilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried
that the recommendation ot the City Marshal be acoepted and that Police
Offioer Rex Ow.as be made Traffoo Officer and that he receive. traffio
Offioers salary effeotive October 1,1952.
The matter of orossing proteotion for school children at First and
Hanne. streets is disoussed and the Clerk is instruoted to write to the
Division of Highways requesting their Traffic Safety Engineer to visit
Gilroy and discuss this matter with the City Marshal.
Motion by Councilman White,seoonded by Councilman Ronald and carried
that bills as presenteddbe allowed and warrants drawn on the Treasurer.
Councilman Rush announoes that the annual Firemens Banquet will be
held Friday,Ootober 10,1952 at the Hotel Milias.
Motion by Counoilmen Rush,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried
that the annual Firemens banquet be held Friday,Ootober lOth,1952 at
the Hotel Milias and that all city employees and eleoted offioials be
invited to attend.
The Mayor announces that A.E.Cruse,a veteran t:1reman,had passed
away and that he had ordered city flags flow at half staff until after
the funeral.
Adjourned subjeot to the
call of the cha ir.
City Clerk