Minutes 1952/10/13
October 13.1952
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Counoi1 is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Mil1a.s.
Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy,
Charles Gallo,George W.White,Jaok W.Ronald.
RESOLUTION NO.286 is presented and read.
Motion by Counoilman Pate,seoonded by Counoilman Ronald that RES-
OLUTION NO.286 be adopted:
WHEREAS, Proposition No.10 as it appears on the November 4,1952
general election ballot would prohibi t the proper and economioal use
01' public fllnds for obvious public purposes by the joint aotion ot all
of the oities and other public agenoies of California;and
WHEREAS, Proposition No.10 does not prohibit the separate
expenditure of publio funds to urge legislation ot interest to the
City 01' Gilroy but merely prevents the City of Gilroy from joining
with sister munioipalities in urging the adoption of state and
federal legislation of interest to all cities opposing the enactment
of measures which would be immediately harmfUl to city residents ; and
WHEREAS, Proposition No.10,which in no way relates to pensions,
is advanced by pension promoter George Mclain to punish those who
opposed and defeated a former MoLain pension program;and
WHEREAS, Proposition No.lO does not prohibit private interests
from influencing legislation on a colleotive basis but only prohibits
collective representation of publio interests and agenciesjand
WHEREAS, Proposition fio.10 permanently destroys or severe It
damages a countless number of qyasi-publio agencies whose only
purposes is the advancement of good government and the publio inter-
est,such as the League of California Cities,the Shoreline Planning,
District Attorneys,Irrigation Districts,Fire Chtets,Supervisors,
School Trustees and School Administrators Ass~c1ations,and the
California Conference of Social Workers;and
~HEREAS, Proposition No.lO would cause the wasteful and extrava-
gant expenditure of public funds to do indiviattal1y what now may be
economically aohieved jointly by cities and other public agencies
of California,inoluding the sttae and its departments and agencies;
now, therefore,
The City Counoil of the Cit,y of Gilroy does resolve as follows:
that it is opposed to the adoption of Proposition No.10 because it
would oause untold harm to the oities of California and their citizens
and urges the electors of the City of Gilroy to vote "No" on prop-
osition No.lO at the November 4,1952,election.
ADOPTED and PASSED the 6th daYi' of October,1952, by the following
Counoilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gal10,White,Ronald
Councilmen None
Counc ilmen None
Attest: '
City Cle ..
APPROVED: ~ a '7 '
c.;. ;J7/kl!~
l,..- ayor /
A conununic*tion isread from the Welfare Center advising that they
will have to move from their present looation and have ae1.M1redlJ5
North Monterey Street as a temporary location.
After some disoussion on this matter it is unanimously agreed to
refer the matter to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for invest-
igation and report.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seoonded by Councilman Rush and carried
that the matter ot the welfare oenter moving from its present 10c-
ation and the oity paying a portion of the rent be referred to the
Build1 ngs and Grounds Comm~**..ofor investigation and report.
The City Engineer now presents his proposed Master Drainage Plan
for the city and reads same.
The various parts of the plan are discussed and it is unanimously
agreed that each Councilman should be given a copy of the plan for
study and a further discussion will be had at a later date;that the
County Engineer be furnished a copy of the report as a tentative
drainage plan.
Dr.Elwin Turner,director of public health for Santa Clara County,
now appears before the Counoil to discus~ the matter of forming a
MosqUito Abatement Distriot out of the entire county. Dr. Turner
discusses two plans t:or mosquito abatement-one by making the entire
county a district to be administered by trustees and the other by
the county health department taking over the work.
The city attorney,who will attend the meeting in San Jose,Ootober
20th, is instruoted to drawn a resolution favoring the handling of
misquito abatement by the County Health Department and it is unan-
imously agreed to meet Friday,Ootober 17th at 1 o'olook P.M.~o
pass the resolution.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the ohair.
CE. ~,~
City Cler