Minutes 1952/11/18 1375 Gilroy, California November l8,l952 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by the City Clerk,in the absence of His Honor Mayor George C. i :,.. Milias. i- Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gallo,George W.White,Jack W.Ronald. The Clerk now asks for nominationa for Mayor pro-twm. Motion by Coubcilman Rush,seoonded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that Counoilman Carl W.Pate be Mayor pro-tem. The Mayor pro-tem now calls upon Dr.S.D.Calabrese,representing the 1.376 -<"--" Board 01' Trustees 0 f the Gilroy Elementary School District, to dis- ouss the matter of closing maple Street between Seventh Street and Ol. Gilroy Street to provide additional ground for the Elliot school. Mr.Floyd Emerson,assistant superintendent of schools,now presents ground plans for the expansion of this sohool and states that the distriot is planning to use state money to purchase land and impro- vements on the east side of Maple Street between Seventh and Old Gilroy streets to enlarge school facilities for the Elliot school. Two property owners residing on Maple Street between Seventh and ~ I ~ Old Gilroy streets appear before the Council to discuss the ~tter the proposed street closing. Mayor Mili~s is now present and relieves Mayor pro-tem Counoilman Pate. Motion by Councilman White,seconded by Counoilman Gallo and carried that the Counoil go on reoord as deolaring that it will close Maple Street between Seventh Street and Old Gilroy Street in the City of Gilroy,and that it will take suoh proceedings as are necessary to affect such closing if and when the Gilroy Elementary SchcQl Dist- riot acquires the property along the easterly side of Maple Street between Seventh Street and Old Gilroy St~eet and extending half !~ way through to East Street,with the understanding that a ten foot .. easement be left for s six inoh water line now located approximate- ly 10 feet west of the center line of Maple Street or t he location of said water line be changed to the satisfaction of the City of Gilroy at the expense of said school district. Mr.Emerson asks that stakes be set for that portion of the alley to be deeded by the Gilroy Elementary School District to the City, between First Street and Second,;Street ,as t he district plans to erect a fence along the entire length of the alley. Trustee Calabrese now discusses the matter of closing Fmrest Street between I.O.O.F.Avenue and Swanston Lane stating that the present high school building has been condemned and it will J probably be neoessary to build a new building and the lay-out plans call for placing a portion of the buildings on what is now Fmrest Street. This matter is leftD over for further discussion. II U ORDINANCE NO.504~1s presented and read. 1.Iotion by Counoilman Hona.ld,seconded by Councilman White that i&o..tJ ORDINANCE NO. 5041\ be adopted. ORDINANCE NO.504l\e~ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND REQUIRING THE OBTAINING OF A PERMIT 137'7 TO COm~CT ~RID~ISES LOCATED IN AREAS HEREAFTER ANNEXED TO TIm CITY OF GILROY WITH THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF GILROY,AND FIXIID THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID '1W OBTAIN THE PERM:IT AUTHORIZING SUCH CONNECTION AND REPEALING ALL OODINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREi WITH . . .. ~~ Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.504~. AYES: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gallo,White,Ronald NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Counc iImen None. r ' I ~ .,!i1 This being the time specified in a legal notice calling for a hearing on the proposed annexat ion of the }l'irst Northern Addition to the City of Gilroy and said hearing having be.ell regularly continued until the 18th day of November,1952 the Mayor now asks if there is any person present who desires to protest and/or object to the proposed annex- ation. No person appears to protest and/or object to the proposed annexation. ORDINANCE NO.505 is now prese nted and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy that ORDINANCE NO.505 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO.505 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ALTERATION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY THERETO AND FOR THE INCORPORATION OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY IN AND AS A PART OF SUCH MUNICIPALITY ,AND FOR THE DISTRICTING,GOVERNMENT AND liIDNICIPAL CONTROL OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY TO :EE KNOWN AS THE "FIRST NORTHERN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GILROY". '1iII!:o~-"odI Vote en the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.505. AYES: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gallo,White,Ronald. NOES: Councilmen None lBSENr: Councilmen None. The Mayor now reads a communication from the Be Ge Manufacturing Company reques.ting that the six inch water main now being laid to Leavesley Road be extended westerly and northerly to their plant. This matter is referred to the Water Committee. The matter os establishing a two-hour parking limit on Railroad Street between Sixth Street and Lewis Street is held in abeyance until the Merchant t s COIruni ttee of the ChalJlber of Commerce sends I' its report. "',-,---'-':111 Councilman Pate states that the Finance Committee has discussed the matter of an increase in salary for the Poundmaster and rec- ommend that his salary be increased from ~lOO.OO per month to ~ $135.00 per month and that he be made an employee of the CIty of Gilroy instead of working under a 00 ntract. TilL islunancbmously agreed that the Clerk advise the Poundmaster of the inorease in salary and the Change from a contract to a city employee. 1 R7R. _ ...J ~, Councilman Gallo,chairman of the Lighting Committee,now discusses the matter or street lights on Fifth Street between Princevalle Street and I/Iiller Avenue. Mr.Roy Mead,local manager of the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company, now appears before the Council to discuss the matter or the height of poles to be installed along the south side of Fifth Street. It is unanimously agreed that the City Attor- ney secure definite information from the City Engineer whether or not the trees on the south side of Fifth Street between Princevalle Street and Miller Avenue are on city propert' or private property; that if the trees are on city property the City Attorney notify the Clerk the Clerk to notify the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Comp- any to proceed with the installation of the necessary poles.to pro- vide street lights and fire alarm bo:x:.'J..Qcations. Councilman Rush,chairman of the Fire Comuittee,now discusses the matter or hiring an additional man for duty at the fire house. Fire Chief M.J.Ramezane now appears before the Council and states that according to the Board of Fire Underwriters tl,ere should be one patd fireman for every 1000 population and at present the dep- partment is two men short of' this requirement. It is unanimously agreed that the Fire Committee and the Finance Committee meet and discuss the matter of an additional paid man for the fire department. A communication r:Fcm.,the.~Gi'lJ!oy Elementary School Distriot turning down the suggested use of the basement of the Severance School for Welfare Center purposes,is discussed. The matter of a new location for the Welfare Center is placed in the hands of the Buildings and Grounds Committee for further investigation. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. a.~c~ City Cler ~.