Minutes 1952/12/01 1378 Gilroy,Californ1a December 1,1952. This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. 4.- Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Ccurtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gallo,George W.White. Absent:Councilmen Jack W.Ronald. Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of November 3rd and reg- ular adjourned meetings of November 17th and November 18th,1952 are read and approved. The Mayor now welcomes three Boy Scouts-Gerry Wemmer,James Sacco and Wayne Hill to the meeting. I I I 1379 A communicatcn is read fr('m the Cjlrey public schcols requesting the use of Wheeler auditorium for t he afternoon and evening of January 23rd,1953,for a program the "House of Magic". Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the Gilroy Public Schools be granted free use of Wheeler Auditorium forfue afternoon and evening of January 23,19~3 for the program the "House of Magic". A communication is read from the Santa Clara County Committee For RR Grade Crossing Safety requesting represantation from the city at a meeting to be held in San Jose,December 11th. Councilman Pate sig- nifies his intention of attending this meeting. A communication is read from Police Officer Ercole Silacci request- a three months le~ve of absence due to a back injury which is aggravated by cold weather. This communication is accompanied by a letter from Officer Silacci's doctor stating that his injury is aggravated by cold, damp weather. ng Councilman Pate suggests that the Council meeti/with the City Marshal to discuss the re~uest of Officer Silacci.The Council agrees ananimously on this suggestion. A communication is read from Pitcsweet Foods,Inc. requesting a re- newal of their lease on three acres of the city sewer farm property to be used as a vining station. This matter is referred to Councilman White who suggests that the terms of the present lease should be com- plied with before a new lease is drawn;that any new lease should be fer one year only and that certain repiar work should be done on the road prior to,during and at the end of the season. An application for an Off Sale Beer and Wine License from Frances and Frank D.Bozzo,l44 Lewis Street is presented. No objection is made. A report of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department is presented and read and ordere filed. A report from the County Controller on the amount of fines collected during the month of October,1952 is presented and read and ordered filed. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of November,1952 is presented and read and ordered filed. The report of arrests and citations issued by the Police Department for the month of November,1952 is presented and read and ordered filed. Councilman Pate reports that he has discussed the '35.00 per month increase in salary granted to the poundmaster with Poundmaster Jack Melody. The Poundmaster advised Councilman Pate that if his plans did not work out he would give the Council 30 days notice of his intention -1 PRrJ. -~....; '_. l to resign. A communication is read from the City Engineer rec~mmending that the Granite Construction Company be paid the sum of $3,726.02,the balance due under their contract for Project No.22. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the Granite Construction be paid the sum of '3,726.02,the balance due under Project No.22. A billx in the amount of $1,367.30 from the Granite Construction Company for resurfacing Church street between 7th and 8th Streets O.K'd. by the City Engineer is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the Granite Construction Company be paid the sum of $1,367.30 as the balance due on the resurfacing of Church street between 7th and 8th streets. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman White and carried that the sum of $15,000.00 be transferred from the Water to the General Fund. Fund to Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman White and carried that the city make the annual Christmas gift of $10.00 to each city employee. The matter of providing quarters for the Community Welfare Center in the city Hall building is discussed;also ,rovision for an interr- ogation room for the City Marshal. Two bids for the contemplated work are presented-Gordon Farotte- $397.00 for construction of a rocm for the Community Welfare Center on the second floor of the City Hall building and $248.00 for con- struction of an interrogation room fer the City Marshal; the George C.Renz Ccnstruction Company-$698.00 for the Community Welfare Center Room and $344.00 for the interrogation room. Hollenback Electric presents a bid of $40.00 for wiring and furnishing lighting for the Community Welfare Center room. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that Gordon Farotte be awarded to work of constructing a room fer the Community Welfare Center on his bid of $397.00 and constructing the interrogation room for the City Marshal on his bid of $248.00 and that Hollenback Electric be awarded the electrical work for the community center room on his bid of $40.00. The matter of heating and painting the jail is discussed andmfe- rred to to Buildings and Grounds Committee fer investigation and report. ~ .. ... ..... .... , .--' 1 I 1381 Councilman discusses the request of the Fire Chief fer an additional full time man at thr fire house stating that the Finance Committee and Fire Committee held a joint meeting to discuss this matter. The com- bined committees recommend that no additional man be hired until the budget for 19,3-~ is up for discussion. Reports of the city officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried tha t reports of the city officers be accepted as read and placed"on file. Motion by Ceuncilman Pate,seconded by Ceuncilman Whjte and carried that bills as presented be allowed and ,.arrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The Water Committee reports on the request of the Be Ge Manufacturing (j<<..~. Company's-;r- ,~'" to replace the present 4 inch water line on an un- dedicated right of way lying between the California Prune and Apricot Growers Warehouse and the Gilroy Cooperative Dryer wdth a6 inch line to be connected with a fire hydrant on the ccmpant's property. The recommends committee/and the Council concurs that the cost of the pipe and laying same over the undedicated right of way should be borne by Be-Ge Manufacturing Company and the the company be advised that the new 6 inch line from I,. 0 .'O.F.. 'Ave; to Leavesley Road will be extended east along Leavesley Road to a point opposite the end of Forest street but the extension of this line from the intersection of Swanston Lane and leavesley Road west on Leavesley Road to Monterey Street will not be done at the present time. The matter of a meeting with Mr.Mike Filice and Mr.Paul Gallagher to discuss further annexation of territory west of Miller Avenue is discussed and it agreed to meet with Messers.l1lice and Gallagher at ~ o'clock P.M. and with the City Marshal at 7:45 P.M. on Monday, December 7th. Adjcurned subject to the the call of the chair. a k.(o~ City Cl k