Minutes 1953/03/09 1- I I ' 1393 Gilroy,California Marcb 9,1953. Thms regular adjourned meeting of the' Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Pre sent: Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtl-andM.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gal~o,George W.White,Jack W.Ronald. The matt.er ot fencing off a portion of' the Wheeler Auditorium prop- erty by the National Guard 1s discussed and it is suggested that ~ the Ie ase pnllide fo~.'a.. 90' dayt.bancellat.1on'notice' on l;. hat:'portion tb'~be]fenced'.' i T~ , ."" - 1-~. '.~.,.l~v:i~~" t."_.; \v,"'J;:i,t,~2,S:; t,: " !...., .. ~ .... Motion by Councilman hnne4y ,seeonde4" by Councilman Rush and carried t.hat. the city enter into a lease with the State of California for that portion of the Whettier Auditorium property lying south of the building to the jo,t.n1wopert.y line on the Churllh Street. side, t.o erect a six foot cyclone fence; that a 90 day cancel~ation clause be inserted in the lease and that th& lease run concurrently with the present lease on the auditorium building. The Mayor discusses the matter of repairs and. painting in the auditorium building. This matt,er is referred to the Building an~ / Grounds Committee for investigation and action. The matter of a new motorcycle for use of the Police Department is discussed and figures on cost of a new motorcycle and the trade-in value of the present vehicle are presented and discussed. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman White and carried that a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle be purchsed for the Police Dep- artment fJ'OBLTom S1fton,San Jose,agent,for the sum o~ $1197.35 less $450.00 trade-in allow ancefor the city' s machine. The chairman of the Ordinance- Committ.e",Councilman RUSh, presents an ordinance governing ttle inspeetion,issuing of permits,etc for establishments servRmg food to the public. ORDINANCE .0.506 is presented and read. Ilotion by Councilman Pate,seeonded by Councilman Gallo that ORDINANCE NO.506 be a.dopted. ORDINANCE NO. ,06 R!f ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE OPERATION OF RESTAURANTS AND FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS IN T1iE CITY OF GILROY. .__........l...... 1394 Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.506: AYES: et>trnCILMEN Pate ,Rush, Kennedy ,Gal~o,Whit.e ,Rush NOES: COUNCILMEN None ABSENT: COUNCIUIIEN .one. Councilman Kennedy discusses a request. from the Gilroy Golf Club t.o construct. a swimming poola:ta the go~:t club whichi-s c.ity owned property. This matter 1s discussed at. length and it. unanimously agreed that. plans should be submitted along with an estimate of the amount of water which would be- nece.ssary to operate the pool and the plana of operat.ion. Councilman Pate discusses the matter of job classification and Birr.Robert Montil~a of the State Personnel Board is ca~led upon the give an outline. of a jClb c~assification survey and to answer quest- ions. A communication from the State Personnel Board with reference to a job classification is presented and read. Mr.Montilla agrees to send a copy of the survey recently completed for t he City of Belmont and one from the City of Brea. Adjourned SUbject. t.o the call of the chair. ~ ;G.JD_~ City Clerk Gil~n~ ~a'~~---~- i