Minutes 1953/07/07 1419 Gilroy, California J"uly 7,1953 In the absence of the Mayor this adjgurned meeting of' the Common Council is called to order by the City Clerk. Present..:Councilmen earl W.Pat..e,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gallo,George W.White,Jack W.Ronald. The Clerk now asks for a motion to appoint a Mayor Pro-ten. Motion by Councilman R~sh, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that Councilman Pate be Mayor Pro-tern. A co.rnmunication is read from the City Engineer with reference to chaging certain street to Streets of Major Importance and deleting streets of Ivlaj or Importance that have been improved. Vi.J .Hanna,Jr. of the City Engineer I s office, is c aIled upon by the Mayor Pro-tern to explain his proposal. A communication signed by Robert K.Byers and Dr.Warren Byers req- uesting a Use Permit to construct a building a the southeast corner of First Street and killer Avenue is refer~'ed to the Gilroy City Planning Commission. 1 :1,.:) 0 -1-,. ..J A communication is read from Own Van Buskirk,member of the Gilroy Recreation Commission, submitting his regignation from the Cmmmission due to the fact that he is moving away from Gilroy. Motion by Councilmfu~ Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Vfuite and carried that the resignation of Mr. Owen Van Buskirk from the Gilroy Recreation Commission be accepted and a letter sent to Mr.Van Buskirk thanking him for his services. A commuhication is read from COWlty Tax Collector Roy 'P.Emerson relative to certain properties beinc used by the city for alleys or rights of way which have not been. cancelled from the tax rolls and offering to make the necessary ?ublication of notices,etc. Motion by Councilman Vfuite,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that County Tax Collector Roy P.Emerson proceed to take the necessary action and make the necessary publications as en- lliTIerated in his letter of June 4th,1953,to clear the delinquent property fro the tax rolls. A communication is read from the Gilroy Elementary Schools rel- ative to the closing of Maple Street between Old Gilroy and Seventh Streets. The Clerk is instructed to advise the school district that the Council will take the necessary action to close Maple street between Old Gilroy and Seventh streets when the district has com- pleted the purchase of the property on the east side of kaple Street between Old Gilroy and Seventh streets. RESOLUTION NO.293 is presented and read. Llotion by Councilman Rush,secon(Jed by Councilman Kennedy that RE~)OLUTIOl~ no. 293 be adopted: RE;2QL1IT.1QE.~.NO.!g91 \'lliEREAS, th e State of California, through its Department of Public Works ,Division of High\v'ays ,has required and still requires that certain streets within the corporate limits of the City of Gilroy be designated as streets of Major Importance for expendit- ure of the one-fourth cent (-art) gas tax fund allocated to said City; and ~~EREAS,the Common Council of the City of Gilroy has heretofoee desi~nated H~1na Street from 6th Street to 9th Street,and Ninth Street from Hanna Str2et to Ei~elberry Street,as streets of major importance in the City of Gilroy,and it is no longer necessary that said streets be streets of maj or i mpor"tance ane] should be removed from the major street sysjem;and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Gilroy desires that the following streets be now designated and approved by the State. of California through the Department of Public Vlorks,Div- ision of Highwa,ys,as streets of major irnportancemto-wit: Rosanna Stree.t,from 6th to 10th streets Tenth Street from R sa~na to Eigelberry St ree t N'OW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy that the following streets vdthin the corporate limi ts of the City of Gilroy be removed from the maj or street system and no longer be deemed to be streets of major importance, to -wi t: 1421 Hanna Street,from 6th to 9th streets l\1nth Street from Hanna to Eigelberry streets MID BE FURTHER HESCl..:VED that the follovdng streets within the coeporate limits of tne said City of Gilroy be, and the same are hereby,designated as streets of maj or importance other than State Highway>s: Rosanna Street from 6th Street to 10th Street Tenth Street,from Eigelberry Street to RosffiUla Street AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said additions to the major street system of the City of Gilroy and deletions therefrom be submitted to the State 0 f California for approval and d esi[,nation as additional major streets in the said City of Gilroy. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 7th day of JUly,1953, by the foll~wing votes: AYES: I-TOES: Absent: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gallo,White,Ronald Councilmen None Councilmen None &w.R~ Mayor Pro-tem Attest: (2-~"~ City Clerk Councilman Pate reports on the meeeting of the Finance Corrmittee to study increase in salaries for city employees and that the committee reconmends a 5% increase for all salaried city employees. and that day laborers wages be increased from $1.25 per hour to $1.35 per hour. Councilman Rush discusses tI-Je fairness of a straig"ht percentage increas for all employees. Motion by Councilman White, spconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that salaries of all city employees be increased 5% effective July 1, 1953 and that day laborers wages be increased to $1.35 per hour effect- ive July 1,1953. Motion by Councilmffi1 Rush,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that Tom Sanchez be hired to work in the street and sewer departments at a salary of $270.00 per month,effective July 1,1953. Two bids are now presented for painting the caretakers house at Qvsley Park.: Henry Weymouth-$437.60; Joseph M.Bettencourt-$427.00. ~otion by Councilman KennedY1se~onded by Councilman ~bite and carried that the bid of Joseph Iff.Bettencourt of $427.00 for painting the caretakers house at Owsley Park be accepted as the lowest and best bid. Applications for Liquor Licenses from Don R.Gomes,d.b.a. The Willows Auto Court, 757 N .I,:onterey Street and ffil On Sale Beer License from Frank Alessio,d.b.a.Pals Club,36 S.Monterey Street,are presented .No objection is made. 1122 Motion by Councilman Ronald,seconded by Counciillan White and carried. that the sum of $32.60 be transferred from the General Fund to the Special Gas Tax Fund. Councilman Pate discusses the necessity of rebuilding or rehabil- itating the pipe line from the city dam on the Uvas Creek to the reservoir in view of the construction of a dam on the Uvas Creek by the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation DiGtrict in conjunction with the Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Dist- rict which is expected to be accomplished within the next two or three years, the City of Gilroy being offered 1000 acre feet of water from the new dam. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried t hat the City Attorney be instructed to draw upn a res- olution providir~ the setting aside of twenty per cent of the monthly water receipts lUlg'N msmrn. in a separate fund to be used for replacing,repair or rehabilitatir€ the pipe line from the Uvas Dam to the City Reservoir. Mr. Archer Ambler now appears before the Council to discuss an oil lease on Owsley Rark property for drilling for oil and gas. This matter is placed in the hands of the Buildings and Grounds COfilffiittee with the suggestion that Directors of the Gilroy Golf Club be consulted before the lease in finally signed. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carr'ied tbat the matter of the lease with Archer Ambler to drill for oil and gas in ONsley Park be turned over tb:e the Buildings and Grounds Committee for study,to meet with tile directors of the Gilroy Golf Cldb to discuss the ~ease and report back to the Council the results of their investigation. Councilman Pate states that no bids have been received for the proposal to lease automobiles from delaers and it unanimously agreed that the Finance Corrlffiittee arrange to call for bids for two automobiles for use of the Police Department. Motion by Councilman Gallo, seconded by Councilman I'ihite and carried that t he purchase of two new automobiles for use of the Police Department be turned over to the Finance Corrmittee to discuss and arrange for publication of the necessary notice calling for bids for the automobiles including a trade-in for the present automobiles used by the department. The City Attorney presents and reads a resolution authorizing execution of a lease with the State 0 f California. 1423 Motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Rush that RESOLUTION NO.294 be adopted: BESOL1JIIQN_NQ~9.1 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS,the State of California, acting through its Adl}utant General has offered to leclse the following described premises, situated in the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara, State of California,to-wit: Commencing at a point mn the westerly line of Churcb Street, distant thereon 320.00 feet from the intersection of the westerly line of Church Street with the southerly line of Sixth Street;and running thence in a southerly direction along the westerly line of Church Street 145.00 feet; thence at right angles in a southwesterly direction 160.00 feet;thence a~ right angles in a northwesterly diirection 135.00 feet to the southeasterly line or portion of that certain building belonging to the party of the first part,known and designated as Wheeler Auditorium or Armory;thence in a northeasterly direction along tbe southeasterly wall or portion of said building to the most easterly cor~er of said building;thence in a northeasterly direction 90.00 feet moreor- less to a point intersecting the westerly line of Church Street at right angles thereto, said point being 320.00 feet approximately from the intersection of the westerly line of Sixth Street vIi th the south line of Church Street; in connection with and to hold the same for National Guard purposes, for t he term commencing on the first day of June ,1953, and ending on the j~st day of July,1955, for the total rental of One ($1.00) Dollar; and WHEREASi there has been submitted to the City of Gilroy a lease covering said premises,which lease is dated June 1,1953, and is on the form generally used by the State of California;and WHEREAS, the eity of Gilroy has fully considred the matter of Ie asing the said premises to the State of California under the foregoing terms and is willing to do so and to execute the afore- said lease. NOW,TEEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Gilroy enter into the aforesaid lease with the State of California covering the afore- said premises,and that the Hayor and Cit../ Clerk of the City of Gilroy be, and they are hereby authorized to execute said lease on behalf of the said City of Gilroy and as many copies thereof as may be re- quired by the State of California. ADOPTED and PASSED this 7th day of July,1953 by the following votes: AYES: nOES: AB SENT}, Councilmen Pate ,Rush ,Kennedy,Gallo, iifuite ,Ronald Councilmen None Councilmen None ~ hi. ~ Mayor Pro-tern Attest: G,(, ~~ Ci ty ~le The City Attorney now presents and reads a resolution pertaining to the application of this city for the remaining portion of its Chapter 20 Funds. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Gallo that RESOLUTION NO.295 be adopted. -1 <) 1 _L -/, '-1 RESO!"1[TIOK NO.222 1. WHEREAS,the State of California,under Chapter 20,Statutes of 1946 (First Extra Session), as amended,has appropriated funds for allotment to provide for financial assistance to Local Agencies, defined therein as countiES, cities and counties,or cities,so that they may engage in a large public works construction program in order to prevent and alleviate unemployment?and 2. WHEREAS, the CITY OF GILROY, ln said state,hereinafter desig- nated "Local Agencytt desires to apply for an allotment of State aid for the construction of a public works project under said Act;and 3. WHEREAS,. an application to the State Director of Finance for such an allotment has been prepared and presented to this Legislative Body for consideration;and 4. WHEREAS,Local Agency has made provisions for paying that portion of the cost of tile project not requested as an allotment from the State; 5. NON THEREF'ORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Local Agency submit the aforesaid application for State aid for construction of a public works project to the Director of Finance,requesting an allotment of Five Thous~1d Four Hundred Twenty-six and 63/100 ($5,426.63) DOllars, or an allotment of such amount as may be alloted by the State Allocat:Lon Board; 6. BE IT FUI~THER RESOLVED, that Local Agency hereby certifies that the total estimate of cost to be paid for the construction of Outfall Sewer Extension and/or replacement , Unit No.1 for which Local Agency is making application under said act is Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-six and 63/100 ~$18,426.63) Dollars; and 7. BE IT FVrlTHER RESOLVED, that Local Agency hereby requests the State to pay the State' s share of the total actual cost of construction of the project for which Local Agency is making application for aid; 8. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purpose of this re- quest W.J.HANNA,City Engineer,Gilroy,California,be and he hereby is,designated as the authDrized agent of Local Agency,and is here- by authorized and directed to sign tile herein mentioned application of Local Agency and to submit the saoe to the State Director of X Finance together with a certified statement of the total estimated coot to be paid for construction of the project herein mentioned and such other information as may be required; and saud authorized agent is further authorized and directed as representative of Local Agency to conduct all negotiations and conclude all arrangements, with either the State Allocation Board or the Director of l"inance, including requests for payment of the State's share of the cost of the construction of the aforamail:f.iuned pUblic works project. ADOPTED and PASSED this 7th day of Jul~,1953, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: AcSSErT : CounciLmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gallo,White,Ronald Councilmen None Councilmen None _Cfw p~ Mayor Pro-tem Attest- (y(~ City Clerk Councilman Pate discusses the matter of a barbecue for the Aux- illiary Poihice. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the Council entertain the matter of giving a barbecue for the AuxilJ.iary Police with a date to be set in future. A. cornmunication is read and a drawing presented from the Electri- cal Products Corporation with reference to changing the present "Gilroytl signs. It is unanimously agreed that the Electrical Products Corporation representative be invited to attend the next regular meeting of the li125 Coun~il to discuss this matter. Councilman Rush di scusses the matter of sewage overflow on Lewis Street caused by the cannery. This matter is referred to the Sewer Con~ittee for i~vestigation. A communication is read from Logan and Frazer,certified public accountants, with reference to an audit. of the books of the Gilroy Motor Co. for sales tax return. The Deputy Tax Collector reports that Williams Shoe Repairing has made their sales and use tax return and paid their license to date. The Finance COIT@ittee requests adGitional time to study the sales tax returns of the Gilroy Motor Company. The Building Inspecor reports that 114 new dwelling units have beeD added to the Forst Street sewsv.-' line since the close of caaning season in 1952. The matter of submitting plans and specifications for new subdisivions to the superintendents and water, street and sewer and Building Inspector before final approval is given is discussed. This matter is referred to the Ordinance Conwittee. Reportxx of the Building Inspector for the month of June is presented and read and ordered filed. Report of the County Controller on the amount of fines collected for the month of May,1953 is presented and read and ordered filed. The report of arrests and citations issued by the Police Department for t e month of June ,1953 is presented and read and ordered filed. The report of the Poundmaster for the month of June,1953 and a request for an increase in salary, is presented and read. Councilman Pate requests that he be designated to discuss the matter of salary increase requested by the Poundmaster. This request is granted. Motion by Councilman Ronald,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the reports of City Officers be accepted as read and ordeeed filed. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman White and carried that bills as presented be allowed' and warr-ants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. (5,~~~_ City Clerk