Minutes 1953/11/02
November 2,1953
This regular In ontbly meeting o~ the Common Council is mlled to
oroer by H's Honor ~ayor George C.Milias.
Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy,
George ~.White,Jack W.Ronald. Absent:Councilman Charles Gallo.
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of October 5th and the
meeting of October 26,1953,cal1ed by legal pUblication,are read
, -.
and approv-etd.
This being the time speci~ied at the adjournment o~ the meeting
of October 26,1953,~or the continuation of the matter o~ annex-
ation of the Third Western Addition, the Mayor armounces that this
matter viill be the ~irst order of business.
The City Attorney presents a report from the San Jose Abstract
arid Title Insurance Company wi tll a sketch shovvlng the names of
property owners in the. proposed Third Western Addition-the report
showing 11 parcels of land.
The CIerkx now reads the protests against annexation which shows
eight protestants ou-t o.f the totaJ.._of 11 parcels.
The City Attorney nOt) presents and read RESOLUTIC!; NO.303.
NIotion by Cow1cilman Pate ,seconded by Councilman i;Vhite that
~pq~_J:OR}TCb-~F3.:,}J~ r adopted:
WHEREAS,. a petition has heretofore been filed in. the office of the
City Clerk of the City of Gilroy for the annexation of the following
described property, situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of
California,to the City of Gilroy:
Being a portion of Ranch Lot 16 as shown on
""""" Map No.7 accompanying the report of t11e Referees
in the Las Animas Rancho Partition Suit,Action
No.5536 had in the Superior Court of the State
of California, in and for the Oounty of Santa Cla.ra,
and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the :KEK
southerly line of the Bodfi sh Mill Road ~Hecker
Pass HighwayD as shown on said Map with the
easterly line of Miller Avenue and rlu1ning thence
along the southerly line of the Bodfish l\~ill Road
westerly 410.00 feet;thenee <:"',outherly and parallel
to Miller. Avenue 773.03 feet to the northerly line
of tl1 e lanns of the San l"~artin Vineyards Company;
thence parallel to the southerly line of the Bodfish
Mill Road easterly along the northerly 1- ine of the
lands of the San Hartin Vineyards Company and the
northerly line of the ItCastlewood Park, Unit lTo.llt
subdivision to the easterly line of 1;~iJ,ler Avenue
thence northerl,y along the easterly line of Miller
Avenue 773.03 feet to the point of beginning,and
COIITAINING TEEREIN 7.276 acres of said Ranch lot 16,
W'HEREAS, the Common Council of the City ~f Gilroy has hereto-
fore on the 5th day of 0 ctober,1953,duly ad opted Resolution
No.302 which,among other things,provided that Uonday,the 26th
day of Octoter,1953,at the hour of 8:00 otclock P.M.,in the
Con~on Council room in the City Hall,Gilroy,Santa Clara County,
state of California, shall be the time for t he hearing of said
pe,tition and of protests against armexation of said propert:n
\.'THEREAS, notice of the said hearing has been given in the
manner and for t he period required by law;and
~~IEREAS, the said Common Council of the City of Gilroy has
now met at the time and place fixed in the said notice for the
hearing of the said petition and for therurpose ofrearir~ the
s~ne and written protests have been filed in the office of the
City Clerk of the City of Gilroy by the owners of separate parcels
of land located in tile area sought to be annexed;and
\~1fEREAS,the said treeitory de.scribed in the said petition
and sought to be annexed is comprised of 11 separate parcels of
land and protests have been made by the owners of the majority
of the separate parcels of property within the taiditerJ"ltony,
and under the law no further proceedings shall be taken in
connection with the said proceeding.
That written protests have been made in accordance with
the law by the owners of the maj ority of the separate parcels
of propert~r within the territory proposed to be annexed,and
that no furtLer proceedings shall be taken by the Council in
connection with the said petition or annexation.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of Noveillber~1953 by the
following votes:
AYES: Councilmen Pate,Rush,K ennedy,~fuite,Ronald.
NOES: Councilmen None
ABSENT: Councilman Gallo.
Attev,CA,~ .
City ClerV
A communication is read from the Pacific Coast Building Offic-
ials ConferE~nce 2..sking Ute Council to vote on a ballot form en-
Uotion by Councilman Kennecly,seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried that the Cow1cil favors an increase in annual dues to the
Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference from $40.00 to $50.00
per year and t.hat no director shall serve more than two consecut-
ive terms.
A corr~unication irom the Public Utilities Conmission is read
advising the Mayor and Council that a hearing on an increase in
electric rates requested by the Coast Counties Gas and Electric
Company will be held in San Frill1cisco,November 2,1953.
Motion by Councilman. Pate, seconded by Councilman White and carried
that_ the ccmmuhication from the Public Utilities Conurlission with
reference to a request for an increase in rates by the Coast
Counties Gas and Electric Company be filed.
A. petition signed by five property owners residing on the west
side of Alexander Street between Old Gilroy and Sixth st.reets
requestin~g that t heirllproperties remain zoned as is", is pre-
sented and read. This matter is held over to the public hearing
on rezoning to be held Monday,November 23,1953.
A petition signed by 10 property owners residing on the north
side of First Street between Sargent and Ca~nel streets and on
the south side of Broad',~ay bet.vJeen Sargent and Carmel streets
reque sting that s staLdard alley, twenty feet in vlidth, be opened
from Sargent Street to Ear[;~l street is presented and read.
This matter is referred to the Street C~mmittee for investig-
A corrmunication is read from City Engineer W.J.Hanna recommend-
ing that Geo. C.Renz Constrtlction Company be paid the sum of
$5445.45 for for completed on Project No.23-for improvement of
Rosanna and Tenth streets.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Vmite and
c&rried t.hat the recommendation of the City Engineer be accepted
and that Geo.C.Renz Construction Company be paid the sum of
$5,445.45 for work completed on Project No.23-the improvement of
Rosanna and Tenth Streets.
A communication is read from the Navy Club of the United States of
America stating that the.:l plan to have a touring exhibit in this city
within the next 60 days and requesting permission to park the exhibit
on ~/:onterey Street. This matter is referred to the City Marshal to
make arrangement for the necessary space for the exhibit.
A communication is rc;ad from the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara
County calling attention to an enclosed agreement between the City of
Gilroy and the County of Santa Clara for the county to assess property
and collect taxes for the City of Gilroy, compensation for these services
to be ~ of 1% of all money collected by the County.
Motion by Councilman K ennedy,seconded by Councilman White and carried
that the agreement for the assessing of property and C'ollectingof taxes
for the City of Gilroy by the County of Santa Clara be accepted and the
Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign same.
A cOillnmnication is read from a resident of Mill Valley,California,
(name not distinguishable) deploring treatment of an accident case
at \Vheeler Hospital. The Clerk is instructed to write a letter to the
party signing the card stating that tile city has nothing to do with
the operation of the hospital.
An invitation to attend the annual banquet of the Santa Clara I<~arm
Bureau on November 11,1953 is presented and read and ordered filed.
A cornmunication is read from Dr.J.R.Ebaugh,Veterinarian,requesting
anE. agreement and a fee for carine for injured dogs brought to him by
city police officers. The City Attorney is instructed to draw up an
agreement betv~en the city and Dr. Ebaugh.
A communication is read from the Auxiliary Police Department re-
questing that identification cards be prepared and issued to members.
This ~atter is referred to the City Clerk for action.
A communication is read from Logan and Frazer,certified public
accountants, city auditors, stating that they have completed to audit
for the quarter ended September 30,1953 and books of account and
record are in good order. 'rhis cOIllIilunication is ordered filed.
A corrmunication is read from the Division of Highways enclastngthe
fourth copy of an agreement between the Division og Highways and the
City with reference to the widening of Monterey Street,executed by the
proper ,state officials ,the enclosed copy for the city files.
A communication's read from Gilroy Garbage Disposal Service present-
a proposition for the collection of combustible rubbish from yards with-
in the residence area of the city and another communication request-
the extension of the present garbage franchise for five years, with an
-1 !II!- '.~.
-L Lf~n .
opt~on for an additional five years. It is unani@ously ~reed that
tb.e Ordinance Committee meet with Messers Acker and Sims,proprietors
of the Gilroy Garbage Disposal Service, and discuss the proposal they
have made for tbe collections and disposal of combustible rubbish
from inside yards in the residence areas.
The Mayor states that the the Gilroy Taxi Service had changed hands
and requests that the new ovmerx appear before the Council at the
next meeting to get the sanction of tile Council.
A cOIrJnunication is read from the Gilroy Motor Company enclosing
a check for Sales and Use Tax fro ill April 1,19'~ to June 1,~952 in
the amount of $305.83 and stating that there was a delinquent tax
accumulation of $416.84 on taxes from June 1,1952 and requesting
pe rmi ssion to payoff the latter amount at t he rate of $50.00 per
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and
carried that .the recommendation prevmously made that the books of
the Gilroy Motor Company be audited be rescinded and that Gilroy
Motor Company be IE rmi tted to payoff the balanc e of the delinquent
Sales and Use Tax amounting to $416.84 at tile rate of $50.00 per
The Mayor announces that the Fi..Lice and Perrelli Canning Company
off'ic ials are VI illing to di scu ss the constructi on of an industrial
sewer and they have I' equested up-to-date figures on the cost of
the installation. The City Engineer is instructed to prepare the
cost fi~~res for tte cannery officials.
Councilman Kennedy discusses the matter of the Auxiliary Police
officers using their private cars when called out by the City
1Tarshal-with reference to insurance (material damage) on their
cars in case of accident. This matter is referred to the Finance
Con~ittee for investigation and the City Mar~lal is asked not to
percdt the Auxiliary Police officers to use their private cars
until this matter of insurance is settled.
The report of the Gilroy City Planning Commission on rezoning
and recommendations for fire zones and adopti'on of the 1952 Uniform
Building Code is presented and read.
RESOLUTIon NO.304 is presented and read.
Mr.Robert Byers no\v appears before the Council to request that
the present matter of rezoning as presented in the Resolution be
proceeded with.
~",-- ,,"!
~otion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Rush that RESOLUTION
No.304 be adopted:
of the
of the
Ci ty of Gilroy
~1hereas,~e City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy has
reported,found and recommended that Ordinance No.422 of the City of
Gilroy,commonly known as tile Zoning 0 rdinance,be amended by changing
the boundaries of Zones ftA",'tBlt,"C", and ltD" by taking territory from
one or more of said Zones and adding the territory on to a differenu
zone,as follows:
That there be taken from the ItDu Zone as established by the said
Ordinance No.422 of the City of Gilroy and placed and included in
ftC_I" Zone as established in said Ordinance and amendments thereto,
the following described property:
Corrmencing at a point on Ule westerly line of
AleIiander Street distant thereon 149.50 feet
Northerly from the point of intersection of the
westerly line of Alexander Street with the north-
erly line of Old Gilroy Street ;runnir~ thence
at right angles to the southwesterly line of
Alexander Street to the northeasterlJ~ line of
Railroad Street and thence at right angles in a
southeasterly direction to the northerly line
of Old Gilroy Street,and thence in an easterly
direction along the norUlerly line of Old Gilroy
Street to its intersection with the westerly line
of Alexander Strt~et;thence northerly along the
westerly line of Alexllilder Street to the point of
ALSO,Lots 1,7,8,9 and 10 of Grant's Block in
the City of Gilroy.
That the following described property in the City of Gilroy
be taken from nCtS Zone and included in ltC_lit Zone, to-wit:
Commencing at the point of intersection of the
easterly city limits of the City of Gilroy
with the northerly line of Old Gilroy Street,
and running thence in a northwesterly direction
along the said easterly city limits to a point
that is 150.00 feet measured by the shortest
distance from the nortllerly line of Old Gilroy
Street ;thence running in a westerly direction
at a uniform distance of 150.00 feet from the
northerly line of Old Gilroy Street to the
northeasterly line of Lot 4 in Block 2 South of
Range 7 East of the City of Gilroy;thence in
a southwesterly direction parallel with the
southerly lineyf Sighth Street to the south-
westerly line of East Street; thence in a north-
westerly direction along the southwesterly line
of East Street to t:.h8 line dividing Lots land 2
in Block 2 South of Range 6 East of the City of
Gilroy,andz thence in a southwesterly direction
along the said dividing line to the center line
of the alley running through said block;thence along said line
in a southeasterly direction to the northerly line
of Old Gilroy Street;thence in an easterly
direction along the northerly line of Old Gilroy
Street to the point of beginning.
ALSO,all that part of Bloc~,- 2 South of Hange 6
East ,of the City of Gilroy that lies South of
Old Gilroy Street.
ALSO,all that part of Block 2 South of Range 7
East of the City of Gilroy that lies south of
Old Gilroy street.
ALSO,co~nencing at the point of intersection of
the northeasterly line of Carmel Street with the
southerly line of Hecker Pass Highwa.y and running
A AI '''''"'8'
l /1,' ;-.'\'
.i -'r u
thence in a southeasterly direction along the
northeasterly line of Carrrlel Street to a point
thereon t:lat is 140. OJ feet measured by the
nearest distance to the southerly line of Hecker
Pass High;,vay; t~ence in an easterly direction and
parallel with the southerly line of Hecker Pass
Highway to the souUwJesterly line of Hanna Streetl
thence in a northwesterly direction along the
southwesterly line of Hanna Street to its inter-
section wit'~ the southerly line of Hecker Pass
Highway;thence in a vlestcrly direction along the
southerly line of said Hecker Pass. Highvlay to the
point of beginning.
ALSO,Lot 6 in Block 5 of Range 4 :'lest of the City
of Gilroy.
ALSO,coffiffiencing at a point on the easterly line
of Carmel Street distant thereon 150.00 feet
northerly from the point of intersection of the
said ;.;asterly line of Carmel Street '.vi th the
nor~lerly line of Hecker Pass Highway;thence in
a southerly direction along the easterly line of
Carmel Street to tile northerly line of Hecker Pass
Highvvay;ranning thence in an easterly direction
along the northerly lDne of Hecker Pass Highway and
the northerly line of First Street to a point thereon
150 feet northeasterly of the most southerly f'orner of
Lot 46 of t'he Gurries Addition;rJlcnce in a morthwesterly
ciirection and parallel vii th the northeasterly line
of Hanns Street to the souUleasterly line of an alley;
thence in a southwesterly direction along the south-
easterly line of said alley w~d its southwesterly
prolongation ~o the w,sterly line of Hanna Street;
thence in a northwesterly direction along the westerly
line of Hanna Street to the line dividing Lots 8 and
9 in Block 6 North of Range 5 West,Loupe Northern
Addition to the City of Gilroy ;thence in a south-
westerly di:ection along the line dividing s::tidLots
8 and 9 of said subdivision to the most westerly
corner of Lot 9;thence in a southeasterly direction
along the southwesterly line of Lots 9,10 and 11 to
the northeasterly line of Lot 21;tilence along the
northeasterly line of Lots 21,22,23,24,25,26,
27,28 and 29 to the easterly line of Sargent Street;
thence in a westerly direction and parallel to the
northerly line of Hecker Pass Highway to the
point of beginning.
That the following described property in the City of Gilroy
be taken from IIBI' Zone and included in ltC_I" Zone, to-v.it:
Commencing at a point in t he westerly line
of Carmel Street at the northeasterly corner
of Lot 22 of Loupe Northern Addition to the
City of Gilroy and running thence in a
west<~rly direction along the nort~erly line
of Lots 22 to 25 inclusive to the easterly
line of Sublot 41 of the Las Anirilas Partition,
and thence in a nort~erly direction along the
said easterly line of Sublot 41 to the
northeasterly corner thereof;thence in a
westerly direction along t~e northerly line
of said Sublot 41 to the northwesterly corner ~
t:lereof;thence in a southerly direction along
the westerly line of said Sublot 41,45.00 ~
feet:;.thence in a westerly drirection parallel
with t he northerly line of Recker Pass HighvJay
to t:1e northeasterly line of ~:!ayland Lane;
thence in a southeasterly di:,ection along
the northeasterly line of Wayland Lane to the
northerly line of Hecker Pass Righway ;thence
in an easterly direction along the northerly
line of said Hecker Pass Highway to the westerly
line of Cannel Steet;thence along the westerly
line of Carmel Street in a northerly direction
to the point of beginning.
That the following de:3cribed property in the City
of Gilroy be ta.ken from II B- Zone and included in ItC-IZone, to-wit:
~,. .....,;
Commencing at the point of intersection of
the easterly line of Miller Avenue with the
southerly line of Hecker Pass Highway and
running thence in a southerly direction along
the easterly line of said Avenue 190.00 feet;
thence in a northe~sterly direction to a point
on the southwesterly line of Princevalle Street~
that is 150.00 feet southeast on said line from
t~e south line of Hecker Pass Highway;thence
in a northvJesterly direction along t:le south-
westerly line of said Princevalle Street to
the sout:lerly line of :Hecker f) ass Highway, and
thence in a westerly direction along the south-
erly 1 ine of said Hecker Pass Highway to the
point of beginning.
ALSO,all that part of Block 2 South of
Range 5 East of the City of Gilroy lying
north of Old Gilroy Street and also all
that part of Block 2 South of Range 6 East
nort1:. of Old Gilray Street and west of the
alley extending through said block from
Seventh Street to Old Gilroy Street.
That the follO\dng described property located in the Ci t,,' of
Gilroy be taken from IIB1~ Zone and included in "C-l" Zone, to-wit:
Lots I,ll and 12 of Block 5 North of Range 7
t'Jest of the City of Gilroy.
That the following descri bed property located in the City of
Gilroy be taken from IIDII Zone and included in It BIt Zone , to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the southwesterly
~ine of Alexander Street distant thereon
149..50 feet northwesterly of the point of
intersection of the said line of Alexander
Street with the northerly line of Old Gilroy
Street andrunning thence at right angles to
tne said southwesterly line of Alexander
Street to the northeasterly line of an alley;
thence in a northwesterly direction along the
said line of said alley to Sixth Street;thence
along the southeasterly line of Sixth Street
to the southwesterly line of Alexander :3treet
~d thence along the said southwesterly line
of Alex~lder Street to the point of beginning.
That the following described property located in the City of
Gilroy be taken from ItD" Zone and included in nett Zone,to-wit:
Commencing at the point of intersection of
the westerly line of Monterey Street with the
most southerly line of Lot 5 in Block 2
South of Range 1 West of the City of Gilroy
and running thence along the southwesterly
line of Monterey Street to the souther city
limi ts of the City of Gilroy 8...'1dx thence in
a southwesterly direction along the said
southerly city limits 150.00 feet to a
point equidistant from the westerly line of
Monterey Street and the easterly line of
Eigleberry Street and thence in a straight
line at a uniform distance of 150.00 feet
f.t'om the southwesterly line of Monterey
Street to the southerly line of said Lot 5
in Block 2 South of Range 1 West of the eity
of Gilroy,and thance in an easterly direction
along the southerly line of said Lot to the
point of beginning.
That the following described property located in the City of
Gilroy be taken from "D"I Zone and placed in and made a part of ltC"
Zone, t .J-wi t :
Commencing at a p.oint on the northe rl.w line
of First Street,distant thereon 150.00 feet
westerly from the point of intersection of the
westerly lipe of Monterey Street with the
northerly line of First Street,and running
1 4 r()~ l:O'
-L ~...._ ~
thence along the northerly line of First Street
to the easterly line of the alley which forms
the easterly boundary of Lot 1 of the Gurries
Addition to the City of Gilroy,and running
thence along the said easterly line of said
alley in a northerly direction to the most
northerly corner of Lot 2 of said Subdivision;
running thence in a westerly ~nection along the
northwesterly line of Lots 2,3,4 and 5 of said
Subdivision to the most easterly corner of Lot 8
in said Subdivision;t:1ence in a northerly direction
alihng the easterly line of Lots 8,9,10,11 and 12
of said Subdivision to the most northerly corner of
said Lot 12 and thance along the northwesterly
continuation of the said line 328.67 feet to the
northerly boundary line of the said Gurries
Addition to the eity of Gilroy;thence north
870 50' E. 45.0G feet;thence in a northwesterly
direction parallel with the westerly line of
Monterey Street to the. northerly city limits of
the City of Gilroy;thence along the northerly
city limits of the City of Gilroy in a northeasterly
direction to the we0terly line of Monterey Street;
thence in a southeasterly direction along the
westerly line of Monterey Street to its intersection
with the northerly line of First Street,and thence
along the bortherly line of First Street 150.00 feet
to the point of beginning.
ALSO, commencing at the point of intersection of
the easterly line of Monterey Street with the
southerly blbundary line of Sublot 5 as said Sublot
is designated upon Map No.4 accompanying the
report of the referees in the partition suit of
Henry Miller et al vs.Massey Thomas et al in the
Sup€rior Court of the State of California,in and
for the County of Santa Clara,~~d running thence
in a northeasterly direction alonE the southerly
line of said Sublet ~n the westerly line of the
Soutl1ern Pacific Rai;Lro.ad.Company I s right of waYf
thence in a northwesterly direction alone the
said line of said right of way to the southerly
line of Casey Street;thence in a southwesterly
di~ection along the said line of Casey Street to
its intersection with the easterly line of
Monterey Street, and thence in a southeasterly
direction along the easterly line of Monterey
Street to the point of beginning.
That the following described premises be taken from rtB"
Zone and placed in and included in IlC-l'I Zone,t')-wit:
COiIllnancing at a point on the northeasterly line
'::>f Chestmit Street 150.00 f,eet measured by the
nt~arest distance from the southerly line of Old
Gilroy street ,andruIl.."ling thence in an easterly
direction parallel with the southerly line of
Old Gilroy Street to the sout'lVlesterly line of
Maple Street; thence along the southwe sterl~'
line of Maple Street in a northwesterly direction
to the southerly line of Old Gilroy Street,and
thence in a westerly direction along the southerly
line of Old Gilroy Street ot its intersection with
t~e northeasterly line of Chestnut Street, and
thence along the said line of Che st:m t Street
to the point of beginning.
Reference is hereby had and made to the maps and general
Zoning Ordinance of the said City of Gilroy now on file i:l the
office of the City Clerk.
NOI',' ,THEREFOHE, BE IT RE~OLVED that a public hearing will be
had on Monday,the 23rd day of November,1953, at the hour of
8:00 o'clock P.M. of said day in the Council Chambers of the
Common Council of said City of Gilroy,inthe City :Hall of said
City of Gilro;i,when and INhere any person intere~1ted may protest
and/or object to such zoning and zoning changes.
ADOPTED and PASSSD this 2nd day of November, 1953, by the
following votes:
1 i161
Coubcilmen Pat e, Ru sh, Kennedy, 1"v'hi te ,Ronald
Councilmen None
Councilman Gallo
Dated this 2nd day of November,1953.
Tdotion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that
the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution to be fo~varded
to the Gilroy City Planning Commission requesting them to consider and
call the necessa.ry public hearing to rezone from "Ell Zone to "C-l" Zone
the property lying on the south side of First Street from a point
approximately 150.00 feet \NeGt of the west line of Eigelberry Street
to a point approximately 188.50 feet east of the east line of Hanna
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried
that the sum of $12,000.00 be transferred from the Reserve to the General
Reports of the city officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Ronald, secol1ded by Councilm.'l.'1 Pate and carried
that the reports of the city officers be accepted as read and placed on
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman 'i'hi te and carried that
bills as presented be allowed and warrants dravm on the Treasurer.
The matter os a new motor for the Studebaker pick-up tlsed bJr the Water
is discussed and it is unanimously agreed to install a new motor.
CitJ Marshal Sturla appears before the Council to request the appoint-
ment of Robert Baker as a regular police officer.
Motion by Councilman K ennedJ, s!C2conded lW Councilman Pate and carried
that the recommendation of Cit.>r ~.1arshal Sturla be accepted and that
Robert Baker be appointed a regular police patrolman at a salary of
$323..19 per month effective November 1,1953, to serve at the will and
pleasure of the Council.
There be::.ng no further business to come before this meeting the Mayor
now declares this meeting adjourned.
C~y ~~~