Minutes 1954/03/15 1490 Gilroy, California March 15,1954 , This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Mi1ias. Present: Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.RuSh,Charles Gallo, George W.lfhite,Jack W.Ronald. Absent:Councilman J.Hughes Kennedy. The Mayor announces that this is the time specified in a legal notice published in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch to hear any pro- ~ests or objections to the rezoning of certain territory located 1491 on the south side of First Street between Rosanna and Hanna Streets; the elimination of the four foot set-back in "C-l" Zone and repeal- certain paragraphs in Ordinance No.4G8. The Mayor now asks if there is anyone present who desires to pro- test and/or object to the proposals as made in the legal advertise- ment calling the hearing. No person appears to protest and/or Object. .."".. ORDINANCE NO.5l7 is presented and read. 1 I 1_ Motion by Councilman Pate ,seconded by Councilman Rush the ORDINANCE NO.5l7 be adopted: ORDINANCE NO.51.7 ORDINANCE NO.517 AMENDTING ORDINANCE NO.422 AND ORDINANCE NO.468 OF THE CITY OF GILROY BE CHANGING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM ZONE -B" DISTRICT AND PLACING THE SAME IN ZONE .C_ltt DISTRICT ,AND REPEALING SUB-DIVISION fb) OF SECTION NO.7-1/2 OF ORDINANCE NO.422 RELATING TO SET-BACK LINES AND REPEALING PARAGRAPHS 2,3 AND 4 OF SUB-DIVISION (c) OF SAID SECTION NO. 7-1/2 OF ORDINANCE NO.422. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.517: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Pate,Rush,Gallo,White,Ronald Councilmen None Councilmen Kennedy. ",,"""<'II The City Attorney now presents and reads a letter from the Division of Water Resources stating that the city ts mare of the apportioned cost of the referees hearing in Armsby v. Lowe,et al, No.77558,Santa Clara County had been set at $284.42 and immediate payment of the i i W amount is requested. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the sum of $284.42 be paid to the Division of Water Resources as the city's apportionment of expense in the case of Armsby v.Lowe, et al,NO.77558,santa Clara County. The Mayor now states that during the past three weeks Gilroy has lost two of its distinguished citizens-Josiah E.Apyer and Hugh S. Hersman-and calls upon the City Attorney to read the resolutions prepared at the request of the Mayor. RESOLUTION NO.317 is presented and read. "'""""' Motion by Councilman Rush, seconded by Councilman Pate that RESOLUTION U NO.317 be adopted. ~SOLUTION NO.11Z RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY RELATING TO THE DEATH OF JOSIAH E.AYER. WHEREAS,JOSIAH E.AYER, better known as JOE E.AYER, died on the 25th day of February,Nineteen Hundred Fifty.four,at the age of 70 years;a.nd WHEREAS, said JOSIAH E.AYER was a long time resident of the City of Gilroy in t he vicinity of which and elsewhere he,for many years,carried on extensive farming and cattle enterprises;and WHEREAS, said JOSIAH E.AYER was a man of great integrity and honesty and of the highest character who took an unselfish interest in the wel- fare of the City and was a dependable and wise advisor in the lfrinancial 1492 and other affairs of the community.and WHEREAS, said JOSIAH E.A.YER, notwithstanding he acquired a considerable fortune by hard and diligent work and industry and numbered among his acquaintances,persons of high rank and importance,neverthe1ess he was always solicitous of the welfare of the averahe person,and in numerous instances in a quiet and unaustentacious manner aided individuals by generously contributing to them or their families money or food,or both,with request and without any thought of public or other recognition of his charitable acts;and WHEREAS, the said JOSIAH E.AYER, throughout his career, evidenced moderation in his habits andwas always tolerant of the defects of in others and in their differences of opinion;and WHEREAS, the said JOSIAH E.AYER was withal1 one of Gilroy's most distinguished and beloved citizens and hispassinf should be memor- -',. ...... ia1ized and a record thereof permanently made in the annals of the .J City. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY: That in the death of said JOSIAH E.~R, the City~ Gilroy has lost a man 'O:t'-)the highest character,a most valuable advison,and a person whose generous deeds and kindly acts will long be remembered by the people of this community,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Resolution be inscribed in the minutes of this Council and that a copy thereof,duly certified by the Clerk,be given to the members of his family. ' PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of March,~954 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Pate,Rush,Gal~o,Vlhite,Ronald Councilmen None Councilmen Kenneqy. ~@ ~ MAYOR Attest: (1.G.&r City Clerk The City Attorney now presents and reads RESOLUTION NO.318. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Rush that RESOLUTION NO.318 be adopted: ;,. ....... ~ RESOLUTION NO.3la RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF T'"dE CITY OF GILROY RELATING TO THE DEATH OF HIGH S.HERSMAN. WHEREAS, HUGH S.HERSMAN died on the seventh day of March ,Nineteen Hundred Fifty-four,at the ~e of 82 years;and WIlEREAS" said IWGH S.HERSMAN was,at the time of his death and had been for nearly all of his life a resident of the City of Gilroy; and WHEREAS, said HUGH S.HERSMAN had a notable career,having served as a member of Congress and as a Supervisor of Santa Clara County, besides taking a leading part in many important activities centered in the Gilroy area,having as their Object the advancement and impoovement of the District and maintained his interest therein up to the time of his passing;and WHEREAS, said HUGH S.HERSMAN was a man of sound business judgment, even temperament,kind disposition,and great integrity andwas a stabilizing influence in the dross currents of opinion and conflicts to which the Gilroy area has been subjected from time to time,and he was always a tower of strength in any crisis in the cornmunity;and WHEREAS, said HUGH S.HERSMAN was a statesman,a builder,and trusted advisoD,and the achievements of such a man should be memorialized and perpetuated in the records o~ this City. NOW,THBBEFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: That in the death of said HUGH S.HERSMAN,. the City of Gilroy has lost on of its most distinguished and public spitited citizens, a most va":'ued advisor,. and a man whose absence will long be felt in the affairs of Gi1roy,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; JIIIIl!\ J 1493 That this Resolution be made a part o~ the permanent records of the City o~ Gilroy and that a copy thereof be delivered to the immediate members of his family. PASSED and ADOPTED on the 15th day o~ March,1954, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: llESENT: Councilmen Pate,Rush ,Gallo, \'tbi te,Ronald llounci1men None Councilmen Kennedy. ~Y~R ~;~-' ..,--., I....... Attest: (?,~\~ City Clerk Councilman Gallo now presents a map andhis report of the Lighting Committees investigation of street lighting throughout the city. The chairman states that representatives of the Coast Counties Gas & Electric Company and Councilman Kennedy along with himself spent one evening travelling throughout the city viewing street lights, and' their locations and:. notes were made on the map where additional lighting would aid and better visibility and an increase in the present candle- power of the lamps now in place would benefit the area. It was unan- imously agreed that the Lighting Committee should study fUrther the suggested changes and report to the Council theirrecommendations. Councilman White discusses the matter of an inaustrial sewer for r~ L Filice and Perrelli Cannery and suggests another meeting with the cannery officials to discuss the matter of financing the proposed sewer. It is unanimously agreed that the Counc'il meet on Thursday,March 25, 1954 atl o'clock P.M. to discuss the matter of financing the propposed industrial sewer further. Councilman Pate discusses the matter of erecting a bridge across Miller Slough at the north end a~ Chestnut Street to join Lewis Street. This matter is referred to the street Cmmmittee for study. A communication is read from the Gilroy City Planning Commission with reference to Howson Brothers offer to give the necessary foot- ~"'''''' age o~ their property on North Monterey Street to extend Church Street from its present terminus on the south bank of Miller Slough in an easterly direction to Monterey Street; the commission recommending w that the acceptance af this proposal be contingent upon the securing of the necessary rights-of-way to extend Church Street from its present terminus on the South bank of Miller Slough in a northerly direction to join Welburn Avenue. Mr.Jack Howson,representing Howson Brothers, is present and states that they will dedicate the necessary land for the street to extend 1494 from. the present north terminus of Church Street in an easterly direction to ~onnect with Monterey Street and will provide a bond for paving the same. It is unanimously agreed that final decision be postponed on this matter until after a scheduled meeting with a Division of Highways official at which meeting tbe provision for an opening in the median strip at the Dunp~ion of the easterly extension of ChurCh Street to Monterey St~eet will be proposed and a decision made;all Council members will be advised of the decision prior to the regular month- ly meeting April 5th,1954. The matter of a Poundmaster for the- City is discussed and a a letter from Dr.Elwyn Turner,Director of Public Health for Santa Clara County and an Agreement For Impounding Service by the county are presented and read. It is unanimously agreed to have the City Attorney draw up the necessary resolution as required in the agree- ment and to present the city dog ordinances to the Director of Public Health of Santa Clara County for approval or suggestions, and that the proposition offered by the County as embodied in the agreement for impounding service be tried for a period of at least two months. The Mayor now declares this meeting adjourned to Thursday,March 25,1954 at 1 0 'clock P.M. ,Council chamber" City Hal1,Gilroy,Calif- omia. (?~~ City Clerk