Minutes 1954/06/07 , 1512 Gilroy, California June 7,1954 This regular menth1y meeting 'Of the Cefim'On Council is called te 'Order by His Hener Mayer George C.Milias. Present Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Courtland M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy, Charles Gal1'O,Geerge W.White. Absent:Counci1man Jack W.R'Ona1d. The Mayor n'Ow asks the C'Ouncilmen have received c'Opies 'Of the minutes 'Of the !1egular m'Onthly meeting of May 4th, the regular adjourned meeting of May 10th and the meeting called by publicati'On of a notice in the Gilr'Oy Evening Dispatch fer May 19,1954. All Councilmen present answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now asks if there are any errors 'Or correctians t'O be nated in the capies 'Of the minutes 'Of the regular monthly meeting of May 4th,the regular adjeurned meeting 'Of May 10th and the meeting , called by publicatian 'Of a natice in the Gilr'Oy Evening Dispatch for May 19,1954. Mation by C'Ouhcilman Gal1'O,seconded by Cauncilman Pate and carried that the minutes 'Of the regular monthly meeting 'Of May 4th, the re- gular adj'Ourned meeting 'Of M ay 10th and the special meeting called by publication 'Of a notice in the Gi1reyEvening Dispatch fer May 19,1954.,be appraved. '""-"'\ -... '-J .,. '.. I-... 1513 Reports o~ the city of~icers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the reports o~ city o~ficers be accepted as read and placed on ~i~. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The Mayor now presents a gi~t ~rom the city to retiring Councilman George W.White and in the absence o~ Councilman Jack W.Ronald the Mayor instructs the City Clerk to present the city~s gi~t to him when he returns home. The Mayor now thanks the Council ~or their cooperation during the past years;thanks all the employees o~ the city ~or iheir loyalty and extends his congratulations to the new Mayor and Councilmen. Councilman Pate now presents a gi~t ~rom the Councilmen and elected city o~~icials to the Mayor. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that this meeting adjourn sine die. The City Clerk now proceeds to swear in the newly elected Mayor and Councilmen. The meeting o~ the new Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George M.Mason. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles Ga11o,J.Hughes Kennedy,Courtland M.Rush,Kenneth L.petersen,Segundo Sanchez. The Mayor now calls ~or presentation and reading o~ RESOLUTION NO.325. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Rush that RESOLUTION NO.325 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.i25 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY COMMEND-- ING THE RECORD OF RETIRING MAYOR,GEORGE C.MILIAS,ADOPTED AT THE TIME OF HIS RETIREMENT. WHEREAS, GEORGE C.MILIAS has this day retired as Mayor o~ the City o~ Gilroy after having served as the highest official o~ the City ~or seven (7) consecutive terms,commencing in the month o~ June,1940,and ending June,1954;and 0 WHEREAS, the said GEORGE C.MILIAS immediately prior to his election as Mayor in the year 1940 served as a member of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy continuously for a period of 8 years,during which time he proved himself a most capab1e,~air and energetic city legislator;and mfEREAS, the said GEORGE C.MILIAS has thus acted in the cppacity of Mayor and Councilman continuously for 22 years,one of the lomgest succ- essive periods of public service rendered in the history of the city;and WHEREAS, the long term o~ office o~ the said GEORGE C .MIDIAS as Mayor encompassed one o~ the most critical periods in the history of the country and of the City of Gilroy including as it did the Second World War with its severe restructions and demands upon the civilian population, the accompanying the succeeding inflation and attendant confusion, the rapid growth as well as the distortion of va1ues,financial and moral, creating many unusual and difficul~ financial and law enforcement problems for all municipalities;and 15'14 WHEREAS, the said GEORGE C.MILIAS, during all of his extended term as Mayor of the City of Gi1roy,disp1~ed a most intelligent understanding of the requirements of the unsettled and uncertain times, and with a fine and practical judgment successfulI.y led the administration of the city's government through this trying period, he being most instrumental in maintaining its sound, financial stab- ility at all times without the excessive taxation found in many sim- ilar municipalitiess,and yet providijg its citizens with the needs of an expanding and growing community,all of which is a most notable achievement; and WHEREAS, said GEORGE C.MILIAS, as the presiding officer of the Common Council,displayed a tact, temperament, and leadership which promoted the settlement and determination of cont:roversial questions with the minimum of friction and without disorganization of the group fe rmitting the city's business to be carried on under all circumstances without interruption,and was always courteous and fair and willing to listen to those who appeared before the Council at the numerous public hearings held before that bOdy,and he at all times maintained the honor and dignity of the Counci1;and WHEREAS, the outstanding record or one who has devoted such long period of his I ife in the public interests should not go un- noticed and there should be some evidence of appreciation of such service,and it is eminently fitting that the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gi1roy,in which the said GEORGE C.MILIAS served so long,provide such a record and express the gratitude of the people for such unselfish service. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: That this newly elected M~or and Common Council of the City of Gi1roy,as its first official act,does hereby find the foregoing as facts and does hereby for itself and on behalf of the people of the City of Gilroy commend and praise the-record of said GEORGE C.MILIAS as Mayor and Councilman of the City of Gilroy,and extend to him the sincere thanks and gratitude of a grateful community;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this Resolution,duly certified,be presented to the said GEORGE C.MILIAS. PASSED and ADOPI'ED the 7th day of June,1954,by the following vote: ~ I J AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Pate,G al1o,Kennedy,Rush,Petersen,Sanchez Councilmen None Councilmen None ~ .J J\~t({.:Cl.~ City C1er Councilman Pate now presents retiring M~or George C.Mi1ias ~ ~ - . - -- - - MAYOR ~ with a 8ertificate of Public Service. Mayor Mason now addresses himself to the Council and those present stating that he accepts the office and the responsibility attend- ant upon the office and expresses complete confidence in the members at: the Council. The Mayor now calls for discussion on the appointment of a City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that Sydney S.Johnson be hired as City Attorney for the ensuing two years at a salary of $170.10 per month. The Mayor now instructs the City Clerk to read Council committee appointments made. for the' ep.suinK two .years. ~ ! I .... FINANCE rlush Petersen Sanchez WAYS & MEANS Petersen Gallo Sanchez "".."",", ~ fItl"-"'.'4Ii ""'"....J """"'''''<ll, ~ 1515 ORDINANCE Pate Rush Sanchez WATER FIRE Sanchez Pate Kennedy Gallo Pate Rush SEWER Sanchez Gallo Rush STREET Pate Sanchez Rush POLICE LIGHTING BUILDINGS & GROUNDS PUBLI C HEALTH & SAFETY RECREATION Entire Council Petersen Gallo Kennedy Petersen Rush Kennedy Sanchez Gallo Kennedy Pate Petersen Kennedy A communication is read from the Gilroy Public Schools requesting use of ~~eeler Auditorium for graduation exercises for the elementary schools-June 16th and the High school-June 17th. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the Gilroy Public Schools be granted free use of 1rtheeler Auditorium for graduation exercises for the elementary schools on June 16th and the high school on June 17th. A communication is read from Poundmaster Be.tweiss thanking the old Council for for their cooperation. A communication is read from the City Marshal recommending the appoint~ ment of George D.Comin,Peter Mazzuca and Alex Navaroli as Speeial Police to work at the Filice & Perrelli Canning Company, for a period of two years. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that the recommendation of the City Marshal that George D.Comin,Peter Mazzuca and Alex Navaro1i be appointed Special Police ~o work for Filice & I?~reelli Canning Company, for a IE riod of two years, be accepted. A communication is read from the Cal Coast Distributirs complaining about the fee charged by the city for a Mo.or Transportation of Mer- chandise. This matter is referred to the Ordinance Committee. A communication is read from the local association of insurance agents requesting permission to park a wrecked car in front of the Chamber of Commerce office for the period of one week as a part of their campaign of education on safe driving. Motion by Councilman Kennedy, seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the request of the insurance adjusters association to park a wrecked car in front of the Chamber of Commerce office for a ~riod of one week commencing Monday,~une 7,1954, be granted. lr-1':'~ 0.0 A communication is read from the City Engineer recommending the payment of the sum of $32,972.24 to P. & E. , Incoroprated, for work completed on the Eighth street Storm Sewer up to May 29,1954. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the recommendation of the City Engineer be accepted and that P. & E.,Incorporated be paid the sum of $32,972.24 for work comp- leted on the Eighth street storm Sewer up to May 29,1954. A communication is read from Robert K.Byers requesting a meeting with the new Mayor and Council discuss the drainage problem which wi11Jbe created by the installation of the new Eight street Storm Sewer on his and property of Serafin, Gentry ,Inc. and Hirasaki Farms, Inc. This matter is referred to the Sewer Committee for preliminary investigation. A communication addressed to the City Marshal and signed by members of the Gilroy Police Department is presented and read. This matter is referred to the Finance Committee to investigate and report as ~ ..... soon as possible. A petition of Remonstrance,which purports to contain 187 names of property owners and occupants on property on Monterey Street is now presented and read. At the conclusion of the reading of the Remonstrance the Mayor asks if there is any person present who desires to speak on the petition. No person appears to speak on the petition. It is unan- IIIIl\ .... imously agreed to refer the Remosntrance ~tition to the City Attorney. A communication is read from the Board of Trustees of the Gilroy Public Library requesting that the communication and the sketches accompanying the letter be turned over to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for their recommendations. Councilman Kennedy,chairman of the BUildings and Grounds Committee8reports that his committee has met with the two of the Library Board and discussed the improvements requested in t he Library building and suggests that costs be obtain- ., ed from the sketches presented. ~ The Mayor reports that the acting Poundmaster Bert Weiss has dis- CUlled the matter of a monthly salary rather than a fee based on piece work. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried .. that Bert Weiss be appointed Poundmaster at a salar7 of $150.00 per month,eftective June 1,1954,to serve at the will and pleasure of the Council. ~ 4,. .,.",... ~ ~ 1517 A communication from the Gilroy City Planning Commission recommending that the tentative subdivision map of' t1Fairview Subdivisiontt be acc epted, with certain recommendations as to street lights,etc. A communication is read from the City Engineer recommending a bond in the amount of $15,000.00 for improvements in"Fairview Subdivision",said bond to run~ to the City of Gi;J.roy. M r.~.J . Savio representing Earl Smith Organization,deve1opers of ItFairview Subdivision", ap~ ars before the €ottncil at the invitation of the Mayor, to discuss the matter of lighting in the subdivision. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that the map o~IFairview SUbdivisionlt,Unit No.1,be accepted as presented and that lighting as recommended by the Gilroy City Planning Commission be followed and that a bond in the amount of' $15,000.00 be posted by the developers to cover all improvements-sewer,water,streets-graded,gravel1ed, ailed: and) armor~cp'ated; ~1.eys-8Jl.....,~ed,gravelled and oiled;f'ire hyd- drants and fire alarm boxes purchased and instal1ed;curbs,gutters and sidewalks constructed along with appurtenant works. A titilieies Agreement from the Division of Highw~s is presented and the Mayor ca1~s upon W.J.Hanna,Jr. of the City Engineers office to discuss the agreement. It is unanimously agreed to meet on June 21,1954 to discuss the Utilities Agreement. The proposed new Constitution and By-laws of' the Auxilliary Police is presented. The Mayor requests the City Marshal to f'urnish copies of' the proposed Constitution and By-laws to all Councilmen. The City Attorney now explains the legal aspects of' an ORDER TO SHay CAUSE filed in the Superior Court-Case 90965-Irvin Hollister vs.City of Gilroy,a Municipal Corporation,et al and the COMPLAINT attached thereto which were served on M~or George C.Milias,CounciLmen Pate,Rush,Gallo, White and Kei1nedy (Ronald-absent), prior to the final meeting of the old Council on this date.(The above ORDER and COMPLAINT were also served on the City Clerk and the City Treasurer earlier in the day.) Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the City Attorney be instructed to appear and to defend the action against the City and do all thipgs that are necessary and proper in Case NO.90965,in the Superior Court of the state of California in and for the County of Santa Clara-Irvin HOllister,Plaintiff,vs.City of Gilroy, a Municipal Corporation;the Common Council of the City of Gi1roy;George C. Milias,Mayor of the City of Gilroy;Councilmen of the City of Gilroy: 1518 George W.White,Carl W.Pate,Court1and M.Rush,J.Hughes Kennedy,Jack W. Rona1d,Char1es.Gal~o;Rodn€y EsChenburg,Treasurer of the City of Gi1roy;and Philip A.Cox,Clerk of the City of Gilroy; Defendants. Reports of the Buildings Inspector and the Gilroy Police Depart- ment are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that this meeting be adjourned to Monday,June 21,1954 at 8 o'clock P.M. in the City Clerk's office,City Hall.,Gilroy,California. G~.~ City C1e;rk