Minutes 1954/08/02 l I I I I 1529 Gilroy,California August 2,1954 This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George M.Mason. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kennedy,Courtland M.Rush,Kenneth L.Petersen,Segundo Sanchez. The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of the min- utes of the regular monthly meeting of July 6th,the regular adjourned meeting of July 8th. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. .AI """0") 1 tJ tj t The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or corrections to be made.No errors or corrections being noted the minutes of the reg- ular monthly meeting of July 6th and the regular adj ourned meeting of July 8,1954 are declared approved. The Mayor now calls on Councilman Sanchez to report on the matter of drainage southeast of the outlet of the Eighth Street Storm Sewer. Councilman Sanchez reports that the Soil Conservation District is completing the survey and will make estimates of costs,etc. The City Attorney reports that he has the agreement between the Southern Pacific Company and the City of Gilroy with reference to the Eighth Street Outfall Storm Sewer. The matter of signing this ~ I I ...., agreement is continued to a later date. Councilman Pate,chairman of the Street Comnittee, reports that information is being gathered to formulate an ordinance on the backfilling of excavations in city streets and alleys. Councilman Ga110,chairman of the Lighting Committee,reports that progress is being made to provide temporary lighting for Monterey Street during the construction of the Monterey Street widening. A communication is read from the Gilroy Public Schools requesting that the city discontinue the use of property in the rear of the high school bus garages for dumping of street refuse. The matter of changing of the location of the dump is referred to the Street ~ J I ..... Committee. A communication is read from the Division of Highways with re- ference to the location of an opening in the median strip for a new street north of the bridge on North Monterey Street and re- questing that an Encroachment Permit filed with the Division of ~ Highways to indicate the exact location of the opening. Motion by Councilman Rush~seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the Encroacrunent Permit for a street opening on North Monterey Street,north of the bridge,be executed by the City r"" Clerk. .,--' J An agreement from the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company with reference to replacing of the 56 electrolier.s standards on Monterey Street with 36 modern standards supporting 72-10,000 lumen lamps to be installed in the center of the dividing strip provided by the new street construction,is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the agreement on the placing of 36 modern e1ectroliers and 72-10,000 lumen lamps, in% the center of the dividing strip on r- L Ifiii'.'-m"'ll , , ~ ~,~ i L :15.31 Monterey street ,presented by the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company, between the Coast eounties Gas and Electric Company and the City of Gilroy, be accepted and the City Clerk authorized the sign the agreement. A communication is read from G.E.McCoy,State Highway Engineer,in answer to Resolution No.327 with reference to the widening of Monterey of Monterey Street., A communication is read from Lillian A.Radin and Virginia Rea Cox requesting a reduction fn.,the_ 99Ild. filed with the city for the con- struction of curbs,gutters and sidewalks in Rea Subdivision No.3,Tract No.725 in the amount of $3,300.00 to $1,000.00 the request being support- ed by a report from the City Engineer that 75% of the work is completed. :Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that the bond of Lillian A.Radin amd Virginia Rea Cox for the construct- ion of curbs,gutters and sidewalks in Rea Subdivision No.3,Tract No.725 be reduced from $3,300.00 to the sum of $l,OOO.OO,as requested. 'A communication from the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce for a donation of $3,250.00 to carry out an advertising cwnpaign with $500.00 of this amount to be used for Christmas decorations,is presented and read. Mr.Philip Wise, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce,now appears before the Council to discuss the request. It is ordered that this request be laid over for discussion at the time of discussion on the 1954-55 budget. Two ~ffers for taking down the old e1ectroliers on Monterey Street are now presented and read. Mr.Joe Perucca offers to take down the 56 old electroliers for one- half of the old electroliers which are to be used by him;the balance to' be stored at a place within the city designated by the city. Cullen Electric Service presents a bid of $249.00 for the removal of the old e1ectro1iers from Monterey Street. Motion by Councilman K ennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried 56 that the proposition of Joe Perucca to remove the/Old electro1iers from Monterey Street for one-ha1f,or 28,of the electro1iers and to store the Cityts 28 electroliers in a place designated by the city within the city limits be accepted with the proviso that he furnish the city with cer- tificates of workments compensation insurance and liability insurance and place them on file in the City C1erk.s office. A communication is read from the City Engineer recommending that P. & B.,Inc.be paid the sum of $963.40 for extra work performed on t5~~2 the Eighth Street Outfall Storm Sewer and that all but $200.00 of the final payment or $7686.07 be paid 35 days from acceptance. Councilman Pate discusses damage done to Eighth Street during the construction of the Eighth street Outfall Storm Sewer and it i a unan- agreed to withhold payment to P. & E.,Inc. until the street damage is taken care of.and the complaint from Frank Serafin that large chunks of concrete were left on his property. This matter is referred t.o the street C~nmittee. J A communication is read from the City Engineer recommending that A.J.Peters & Son be paid the sum of $246.29 for ext~a work performed on the Canne~ Sewer and that final payment be made on this project in the amount of $1,261.11 on August 12,1954,if no liens have been filed. Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the work on the Cannery Sewer be accepted,as recommended by the City Engineer, and that A.J.Peters & Son be paid the sum of $1,261.l1 at the end of 10 days if no withholding notice is filed and that the sum of $246.29 be paid at the end of ten days. An advertisement for the improvement of Hanna Street,Rosanna St~eet and Second street is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried calling for bids that advertisement be made/for the improvement of Hanna,Rosanna and Second streets,bids to be opened at 8 o'clock P.M. on Monday,August 23t1954 in the Council chambers,City Ha11,Gilroy,California and the City Building Inspector be designated as inspector for this work. Councilman Pate discusses the drainage situation at the intersection ~ J of Hanna Street and La Sierra Way. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the City Adominstrator be authorized to write a letter to George C.Renz and request that he construct an invert across La Sierra Way , at Hanna Street to eliminate a faulty drainage condition. Councilman Pate discusses a street survey with particular ref- erence to Fifth Street between Princeval1e Street and Miller Avenue, J SWanston Lane and Forest Street north of the high school property. The matter of constructing a new water line on Forest Street north of the high school property is discussed and referred to the-Water Committee. Councilman Sanchez discusses the matter of purchase of equipment necessary to take proper care of the filter beds at the Sewer Farm and states that he is checking over vard6us types of tractors and ~---".. ""'.""" "'"-' ,... '. I..-..i 1533 other ~quipment and will have a report ready very soon. The Mayor announces that the Santa Clara County Cattlem.en!s- ;..Asso~ia.tion has requested use of Wheeler Filed for their annual bull and cal~ sale to be held in December. The Mayor now discusses the manner in which city purchases have been made by the Purchasing Agent and asks the Councilmen if they are sat- isfied with the manner in which this department is conducted. It is unanimously agreed that this department continue to operate as in the past. A map of Castlewood Park Unit No.2 along with a letter from W.J. Hanna,Jr.,Licensed Land Surveyor,requesting the Council's approval of the map. I t is unanimously agreed to postpone the matter of accept- ing the map until a bond in sufficient amount ~o cover all city require- ~ents and agreement acceptable to the Council, are presented and accepted. The annual report of the Gilroy Public Library is presented and read and ordered filed. The ~uly,1954 report of the Police Department is presented and read and ordered filed. An application for a transfer of an One Sale General liquor license From Lois Avila to Walter Rupar and Thomas P.VVhite,d.b.a.Sportsman's Club,31 S.Monterey street and a n On Sale Beer (seasonal)license by Forrest R.Duffy,d.b.a.Duffy's Cafe,140 Lewis street,are presented and read and application for an On Sale Beer license from James F. and Helen C.Baker, d.b.a.Pacheco Cafe,30 Old Gilroy Street is presented and read. No objection is made. A report of water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Depar~nent on July 12,1954 is presented and read and ordered filed. ~e June report of the County Controller on fines collected is pre- sented and read and ordered filed. The report of the Building Inspector for the month of JU1y,1954 is presented and read and ordered filed. _ Reports of the City officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the reports of the city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that bills as presented be allowed and wa~rants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The Mayor now declares this meeting ~6 be in executive session and and requests all but members of the press to retire. 1534 The Mayor discusses the matter of vice and gambling in the city ~d Councilmen. join in the discussio~. It is unanmmous1y agreed that the suppression of all types of vice and gambling in the city be left in the hands of the City Marshal with the complete backing of the Mayor and Council. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that this meeting adjourn to lVionday,August 9,1954 at 8 o'clock P.M.,Counci1 Chambers,City Hal1,Gi1roy,California. ; J (],~.~ City Clerk