Minutes 1954/12/06
Gilroy, California
December 6,1954
This re~~lar monthly meeting of the Common Council is called
to order by His Honor Mayor George M..Mason.
Present:Councilmen Carl iV.Pate,Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kennedy,
Courtland M.Rush, Kenneth L. Petersen, SegundoSanchez._
The Mayor now calls upon Rev.Theodore Alam to give the in-
The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of
the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of ~ovember 1,1954.
JUl Councilmen answer infue affirmative.
The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or corrections to
be made.
No errors being noted and no corrections to be made they Mayor
now declares the mmnutes of the regular monthly meetir~ of Nov-
ember 1,1954 approved.
Councilman Pate reports that additional bids will be asked for
for cutting the curb at the park on I.O.O.F.Avenue.
Councilman Pate reports that he is waiting for word from the
Southern Pacific Company engineer with reference to discussing the
matter of an alley in the rear of the property of Carl Blofing and the
property occupied by Bob Hollar.
Councilman Pate reports that the work by the Granite Construction
Company resurfacing Hanna and Rosanna streets is complete.
Motion by Councilman Pate,sedonded by Councilman Sanchez and carried
that the 10% withheld from the Granite Construction Company's payment
for resurfacing Rosanna and Hanna streets,now be allowed~
The City Attorney reports that no progress has been made in the con-
struction of the alley in Walnut Orchard Park Subdivision;that Mr.
Crump,developer of the subdivision, and the attorney for his bonding
company had agreed to do the work and the specifications for t he alley
had been forwarded to Mr.Crump,as he requested.
The City Attorney now presents and reads OHDINANCE NO.524.
The Mayor reports that the traffic count on primary and secondary
streets,as requested by the Senate Interim Committee on stTeets,High-
ways and Bridges has been completed and the information forwarded to
t~e cOr.1mittee.
The ~layor reports that Marshall and Stevens had completed their
fIi"" ......
survey of city owned buildings for the purpose of establishing insurance
The chairman of the Finance Committee reports that the committee,along
with the ,mayor, had met with the city's Broker of Record and reviewed
the valuations on city buildings.
The Mayor instructs the Clerk to request the city's Broker of rtecord
to furnish tbe Clerk's office with a valuation report. '
The Mayor now discusses the matter of requiring four police officers
to be on duty at dances.
The City Marshal states that it is not necessary to have four officers
on duty at dances during the wivter months.
Motion by Co~cilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried
that the matter of police officers to be on dut~r at dances be left to
the discretion of the City Marshal.
A cOfi~unication os read from the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau ack-
nowledging the appointment of E.E.Bustice as the city's Bro~er of Record.
A communication is read from the Superintendent of Schools thanking
the Council for ibheir action Lordering "No Parking" sir~~s installed
on Forest Street between I.U.O.F.Avenue 'and Swanston Lane and on
I.O.O.F.Avenue limiting the parking time.
A communication is read from the Gilroy Garbage Disposal Co. and
accompanying the letter .~ is a proposed new schedule of fees.for
collecting garbage.
The schedule submitted by the Gilroy Garbage Disposal Company is
hiotion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman" ;a~e that
the schedule for garbage collection submitted by the Gilroy Garbage
Disposal Company be accepted and the Ordinance Committee ~nstructed
to have an ordinance covering the new schedule submitted to the
A cOIl1ffiunication tis read from the Division of Highways ~ith
reference to the outlet end of the 8th Street Outfall Storm
Sewer. This letter is ordered filed.
A communication is read from Mr.O.C.Hadley,principal of the
Gilroy Evening High SChool,with reference to using Room 7,Wheeler
AUditorium, for leathercraft classes.
Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman,Petersen and
carried that the leathercraft classes of the Gilroy Evening High
lease from October,1955.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Kennedy
and carried that the lease of Henry Allemand on the city's sewer
farm property be extended for five years beyond the expiration
date of the present lease.
A communication is read from the Gilroy Telephone Company with
reference to poles that have been abandoned by the company but
still have the city's fire alarm system wires attached.
The Mayor calls upon Donald Strahl,manager of the telephone
company,to discuss the communication.
lilr.Strahl also discusses the l'emergency telephone rirlf alarm
systemu. This matter is referred to the Fire Committee to secure
all information on the sU9ject. am to meet. in two weeks;each
Councilman to be furnished with copies of all information avail-
able, for study.
Councilman Kennedy discusses the matter of installing a public
telephone in Wheeler Auditorium.
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Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman .?~tersen and
carried that a public telephone be installed at Vlpeeler Au~itorium.
A comn~nication is read from the Secretary of the Santa Clara County
Inter-City Council urging the Council to pass a resolution framed by
the Inter-City Council calling upon the Board of Supervisors and in-
struct the County }'lood Control Board to proceed at onc,e to secure
plans and estimates for overall drainage and flood control for the
entire county.
The I\iayor now calls upon Dr.E.J .Chesbro ,member of the Flood Control
Committe~,Zone 4, to discuss the Inter-City Council corr~unication and
resolution. Dr.Chesbro outlines the work done to date by the Committee
and urges the Council to advise the Board of Superiiso'ns that the
Council feels that each zone should 't stand on its own feetn and that
the money raised by taxation within the zone be spent in tpe zone for
flood control and drainage work rather than piiacing),th,e,entire county
in a dfainage and flood control zone and assessing the ~ntire county
for control work over the entire county.
Motion by Councilman 2ate,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried
that the Santa Clara County Inter-City Council and the Board of
Supervisors of ~ anta Clara County be notified by letter that the City
of Gilroy is not interested in the Inter-City Council resolution or
ar $20,000,000. bond issue which has been suggested for flood control
and drainage for the entire county and that this city is interested
in remaining in a zone by itself.
A communication is read from the Public Utilities Commission with
reference to money available for railroad crossing protec~ion. This
corr~unication is ordered filed.
A communication is read from W.J.Hanna,City Engineer,witb reference
to work done by Granite Construction Company on Hanna and Rosanna
streets and recommending a payment of $b26.60 for this ,work and
$1,669.59 for extra work performed-raising manholes,water valves,etc.
~otion by Councilman Kennedy,seconaed by Councilman ?ate amd carried
that the recommendation of the City Engineer be accepted with reference
to resurfacing of Hanna and Rosanna streets and that the Granite
Construction Company be paid the sum of $826. 6Q and that> the Granite
Construction Company be paid the sum of $1,669.59 for extra work
of raising manholes,water valves,catch basins and construction of
the drain at Hanna and Broadway.
City Marshal Harold Sturla now ~pears before the Council to rec&mmend
the appointment of Filbert Lujan as a Police Officer.
I\Iotion by Councilman Sanchez" seconded by Councilman Petersen and
carried that the recommendation of the City Marshal be accepted and
that Filbert Lujan be appointed Police Officer of the City of Gilroy
effective December 1,1954 at a salary of $323.19 per month.
Councilman Pate now discusses the Howson Bros.request ~or a street
~~y. .
6~ the~r property and reads a letter from the Division of Highways
with reference to providing an ci>pening in the median strip at the
intersection of the proposed street and North ,Monterey Street.
It is unanimously agreed that Mr.Warren Smith,Resident Engineer
for the Division of Highways,be notified that there will be no
deviation from the present plans of an opening half way between
Casey Street and First Street.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and
carried that each city employee be given the sum of $10.00 as
a Christmas gift from the city.
Councilman~chairman of the Public Health and Safety Committee,
reports progress an S-D Day and that Mr.Ami Lesso,appointed to take
charge of a proper observance of the day, is doing an excellent job.
Councilman Petersen reports on plans being made by the county
cOfi@ittee on S-D Day.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried
that the City Administrator be authorized to purchase 3000 stickers
to advertise 3-D Day and that the stickers be given to the merchants
and others to attach to packages.
Councilman Kennedy thanks Barney Brown,City Building Inspector and
Mike Martin,Superintendent of streets a~d Sewers, for their fine
cooperation and work at the Gymkhana grounds on behalf of the Santa
~ <: \a."Cl.
^County Ca~tlemen's Association Bull Sale. The Clerk is instructed
to write a letter to the association expressing the city's apprecia-
tion for t heir coming to Gilro~'" for their sale and inviting them to
hold their 1955 sale in this city.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and
carried t hat the Purchasing Agent be al thorized to advertise for
bids for a one-half tonc pick-up/for use in the street department.
Councilman Sanchez discusses the matter of salary increases for
city employees. It is unanimously agreed that the :Einance Committee
should present its recommendations for salary increases.
The City Attorney now presents and re-reads ORDIN~JCE NO. 524.
Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Sanchez that
ORDINANCE NO.524 be adopted.
Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE: NO.524:
Councilmen Pate,Gallo,Kennedy,Rush,Petersen,Sanchez
Councilmen None
Councilmen None.
The City Attorney presents a proposed agreement between the City of
Gilroy and the Gilroy Union High School with reference to using
:~beeler Field. This agreement is refereed to Board of Trustees of
Gilroy Union High School District for their comment and suggestions.
The report of the Poundmaster f or the month of November,1954 is
presented and read and ordered filed.
The report of the County Controller on fines colledted for the
month of October,1954 is presented and read and ordered filed.
The report of the Building Inspector for the month of November,1954
is presented and read and ordered filed.
The report of the Police Department of arrests and Traffic Citations
issued for the month of November,1954 is presented and read and ordered
Application for a transfer of and On Sale Beer and Wine license
for Andrew Ochoa,d.b.a.El Charo Cafe,165 South Monterey Street and
an application for an On Sale Beer and Wine license for Celestina
De Carli,d.b.a. Swiss Club,51 South Monterey Street, are presented
and read. No objection is made.
Reports of city officers are presented and read.
kotion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed on
Motion by COlmcilman Rush, seconded by Councilman Sanchez that bill s
,.. "
as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer.
It is unanimously agreed that a letter of appreciation be sent to
the Gilroy Junior Chamber of Commerce for the fine job they have done
in decorating the tree in I.O.O.F.Avenue park.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried
that this meeting adjourn to December 20,1954,at 7:30 P.M. ,Council
ehambers,City Hall,Gilroy,California.
G.~,(U~ r
City Clerk