Minutes 1955/02/07
February 7,1955
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order
by His Honor Mayor George M.Mason.
present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kennedy,Courtland
M.Rush,Kenneth L.Betersen,S egundo Sanchez.
The Mayor now calls upo~ Rev.Fredrick Daglisg of St. Stephens Episcopal
Church to give the invocation.
The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of the
minutes of the regular monthly meeting of January 3,1955 and the regular
adjourned meeting of January 17,1955.
All Councilmen answer in the affirmative.
The Mayor now aks if there are any errors or corrections to be made
in the minutes.
No errors being noted and no corrections to be made the Mayor now
declares the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of January 3,1955
and the regular adjourned meeting of January 17,1955, approved.
Councilman Pate reports that the work of removing the curb and
street light in the park on I.O.O.F.Avenue has been practically comp-
leted;that the placing of new curb and resurfacing will be completed
- I
within a short period of time.
Councilman Imsh states that he has no further report to make on the
fire alarm system.
Councilman Kennedy states that he has no report on the proposal of
G.N.Brodersen to purchase the corporation yard property on East 6th
Councilman Kennedy reports that he has a tentative figure on cost of
repairs to the City Hall building to take care of damage done by the
recent earthquake; that the estimate is $1,000.00.
Motion by Councilman K~nnedy,seconded by Councilman ?etersen and
carried that the repairs to the interior of the City Hall building be
done under the supervision of the Buildings and Grounds Committee and
the Building Inspector.
Councilman Kennedy reports on a recent meeting with the Park and
Recreation Commission and states that the COil1TIission was advised to
ktep tn&i:Lrr:expeilditurgl!r~within the budget allowed by the Council ;that
the Commission is :atisfied that they are doing the bSQtthey can under
with the allocation of fUnds for this activity.
Councilman Kennedy presents and reviews the program of the Parks
and Recreation Commission during the past summer.
Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that the sum of $800.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the
Parks and Recreation Commission fund.
Councilman Rush reports that his committee has accepted the appraisal
of Marshall and Stevens and they are satisfied that the insurance :J
companies carrying city piblicies will pay on losses based on the
Marshall and stevens appraisal.
Motion by Cou~cilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried
that the city's broker of record,E.B.Eustice, proceed with the
insurance program as presented in the !larshall and Stevens appraisal,
excluding the Gymkhana grounds, and that the City Clerk be author-
mzed to sign the authorization for the broker of record.
The Mayor now calls upon Mr.Roy Mead,manager of the local office
of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, for a report on the matter
of type and kind of electroliers to be installed in Park Ivleadows
Subdivision. Mr.Mead suggests a meeting with the Lighti~g Committee
of the Council and company officials to work out a program. It is
unanimously agreed that such a meeting be held and the Lighting
Committee and Mr.Mead are to set the date.
The matter of lighting on Monterey Street is now discussed by
the Mayor and the fi6~res presented by the Pacific Gas and Electric
Company are submitted for discussion.
After considerable discussion on the Uonterey Street lighting
subject it is unanimously agreed that a meeting vdth the Council
and officials of the Pafific Gas and Electric Company be held on
Tuesday,February 6,1955 at 2:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers.
A co@nunication is read from the Library Board of Trustees
relative to plans to raise some money for the improvement of the
Library Building. I t is unanimously agreed that any money raised
by lectures or other activites of any group should be turned in
to the city treasury and then the Council will take necessary
action to earmark these funds for improvement of the library
Mr.Vernon Gwinn,presidnet of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce,is
now called upon by the Mayor to discuss the proposed program for
the evening the new street lights on Monterey Street are turned
I,lotion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carr~ed
that the program for the opening of Monterey Street lighting be given
to the Chamber of Commerce to make the necessary program arrangements.
A communication is read from the Gilroy Rural Fire Department thffiking
the city for its cooperation in the past and inviting the Mayor and
Councilmen to visit their new quarters on South Church Street.
A communication os read from the Southern Pacific Company relative
to a proposed alley on the rear of the Bolfing and McKendry propertjes
on North Monterey Street, the company stating that they were not interested
in allowing the use of any of their property for alley purposes.
A communication is read from the Gilroy Schools requesting use of
\lneeler Auditorium for graduation exercises in June.
The Clerk is instructed to advi se the Supe rintendent of Schools that
:Monday and Tuesday nights were not avaliable; that the latter night
could only be made available with the consent of the Armory Board;that
Wednesday,~une 22nd and Thursday June 23rd are available if other arrange-
ments cannot be made.
A communication is read from the Public Utilities Commission relative
to a letter from the city with reference to crossing signals at Ninth
A communication is read from the members of the Farm Bureau in the
South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Di strict thanking the Council
for the resolmtion in favor of the bonds for the Uvas dam.
A communication is read from the President of the Inter-City Council
requesting names of delegates. No action is taken.
A corrununication is read from the Division of Highways,District IV
requesting the balance of the pity's share of cost of Monterey Street
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried
that the final payment in the amount of $32,986.99,for the city's share
~ the cost of the widening of Monterey Street, be paid.
Councilman Rush reque sts that hi s "No" vote on this motion be recorded.
A comiTlunication is read from Logan and Frazer,certified public account-
m ts, stating that the books and records of the city had been audited to
December 31,1954 and have been found in good order.
Building Inspector Byron Brown now appe ars before the Council to
discuss a request by Fred Rea,owner of a building located on south
Monterey Street known as the llSwiss Hotel" ,to move a building located
on the rear of the property to Eighth Street, between Rosanna and Church
It is unanimously agreed that the moving and placing of the build-
ing and altering it into a dwelling be left to the approval of the
Building Inspector.
The matter of hours which public_dances held at Wheeler Auditorium
open and close is discussed. No action is taken.
Councilman Sanchez discusses the matter of the pipe line from the
dam on the Uvas Creek to the city reservoir and steps to be taken
~o get this project under way.
Councilman Sanchez discusses the report of R.C.Stocbnan on re-
placement of the outfall sewer line from Pacheco Pass Road to
the sewage disposal pJant. The Clerk now reads the StocYJIlan report
in full.
It is agreed that a survey of the route of the 1 ine would be the
first consideration and that the City Engineer be instructed to
proceed with the survey.
Councilman Rush reports on the 8th Street Outfall Storm Sewer
stating that during the recent heavy rain he visited the area in
the vicinity of the 0 utlet end of the pipe line and found no
currents being generated at t he outlet end of the pipe.
Councilman Pate discusses the matter of the II STOP II sigp.s,placed
on Eigelberry Street during the Monterey Street widening project
and the request of the Division of Highways Resudent Engineer to
have these signs removed. It is unanimously agreed that the signs
be left in their present Jocationsfor t he present.
Councilman Fetersen discusses the condition of the drinking
fountains in front of the City Hall building and I.O.O.F.Avenue.
The matter of pay for probationary police officers is discussed.
It is unanimously agreed to continue the present policy.
The following reports are presented and read and ordered filed:
County Controller,Building Inspector,police Department and Pound-
master; also, the report of water soolples tested by the Santa Clara
County Health Department.
Reports of the City officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried t hat the yo eports of the city officers be accepted as read
and placed on file.
Motion by Councilman Rush, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on
the Treasurer.
The matter of a swimming pool proposed to be constructed by a corp-
oration on property adj oinl;;., the city property known as '1o.vsley Park"
and the possibility of the "d:ity furnishing water for the pool is dis-
Motion by Councilman Kennedy, seconded by Councilman Peteesen and
carried that the ci ty f'urni sh vJater to the swimming pool proposed to be
constructed by a corporation on private property adjoining~ the city
property kno\vn as !to//sley Park", said pool to be constructed opposite
site of the
the present/first tee of the Gilroy Golf and Country Club.
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried
that this meeting adjourn to Tuesday,February 6,1955 at 2:30 P.M:.,
Council Chambers,City Hall,Gilroy,California.
_ C5,C\'~
City Clerk