Minutes 1955/03/07 ,1 """ 0-) j ;- c'~, "'"", ;..... _L,)CJU Gilroy, California 1'larch 7,1955 This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor ~J:ayor George I\I.Mason. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kernedy, Courtland M.Rush,Kenneth L.petersen,Segundo Sanchez. The Mayor now calls upon Rev.Milford C.Brelje ,pastor of the Lutheran Church, to give the invocation. The lliayor now ask if all Councilmen have received copies of the minutes of the regularmonthly meeting of February 7th and the regular adjourned meeting of February 6,1955. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. The fuayor now ask if there are any errors or corrections to be made in the minutes. No errors being noted and no corrections to be made the Mayor now declares the mijutes of the regular monthly meeting of February 7th and the regular adjourned meeting of February 8, 1955, approved. The Mayor now calls, upon Councilman Rush to report on the telephone fire alarm system. Councilman Rush states that he has no further information but has asked the Clerk to ~rite to the International City Llanagers Association to secure informatiom on cities that have installed the telephone alarm system and other information pertinent to the subject. The Mayor calls upon Councilman Kennedy ~or a report on the investigation of the new corporation yard at Old Gilroy and East 1589 Streets. Councilman Kennedy presents figures on an estimated cost of a Butler type building,with concrete slab and black top for the yard at $18,495.00 The Eayor nowcall s upon the Purchasing Agent to discuss the matter of handling supplies for the several department s of the city. It is unanimously agreed that further investigation should be made with reference to the type of building to be located at the corporation - yard and to secure fi~~res from several local contractors for con- struction of a less expensive type of building. Councilman Kennedy reports that repairs to the City Hall building are progressing. The 1ilayor calls upon Councilman Pate for a report on a proposal to leave the temporary '.STOP" signs at their present locations. Council- man states that he will have a definite report at the next meeting. The Mayor now calls for a report from the City Engineer on the survey -6t5r the outfall sewer line. The City Engineer is not present. A co~~unication is read frofl Sam Gurgiolo,resident of Miller Avenue, with reference to drainage in the subdivision-Castlewood Park Unit Ho. 2. .n" Mr.Gurgiolo is present and the Mayor calls upon him to discuss the drainage problem discussed in his letter. :-\ 0 ~G-\. The Building Inspector is now called upon ~ discuss the grading work done to date in Castlewood Park Unit No.2. It is unanimously agreed that a meeting with the City Engineer, Ivlr.Gurgiolo and members of the Council and Planning Commission be held within the next two weeks to discuss the entire drainage matter in Castlewood Unit No.2. The Clerk presents a deed from George C.Renz to the City for ten feet of property along the north side of First Street from Carmel street to a point 116.70 feet west of Carmel Street to take care of ",,",. -"<\ the future width line on First Street. This matter is referred to ....... the City Attorney for presentation at the adjourned meeting. A cOfnmunication is read from the Division of Highways acknowledging the city's final payment on the Monterey street widening project. A communication is read from the State Compensation Insurance Fund commending the city on its record of safetyfor the past year and advising the Council that a dividend of $4% had been earned' a~ the result of the safety record. -1 !""" 9. .D J_ ~) l L;ot ion by Counc ilman Pate, s e c onded by Counc ilman Sanche z and carri ed that the Council go on record commending city employees on their safety record and the Clerk be instructed to write a letter to each employee advising him of the Council's action. A communication is read from the Division of Highways with reference to the cutting of some trees along the north side of First Street and requesting that ~emission be obtained to do any cutting of trees along state highways from the proper authority. A co~~unication is read from the local National Guard Company J requesting permission to use Wheeler Auditorium for a military ball on May 21,1955. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the local National Guard Company be granted free use of \Vheeler Auditorium for a military ball on M~ 21,1955. A comiIlunication is read from the :B'uture Farmers of Americ'a re- questing use of V;heeler Auditorium for an entertainment progrcm by the glee club of the California Polytehhnic School on March 23, 1955. Motion by Councilman K ennedy,seconded by Councilman Petersen of Wheeler Auditorium for the entertainment program by the glee club of the California polytechnic School on March 23,1955. ~ and carried that the Future Farmers of America be granted free use A communication is read from the Library Board requesting a meeting with the Council to view the library premises. The Buildings and Grounds Committee is appointed by the Uayor to arrange the d ate for the meeting. A corr~unication is read from the Pacific Gas and Electric Company with reference to intersection lighting in the Renz Addition the revised figures showing 2b lights-24 of which will be on steel poles at a cost of $4368.00. It is unaniously agreed that in all future subdivisions that there should be intersection lighting provided by the subdivider that in blocks over 600 feet in length an extra light should be provided;that all lights oe on steel poles with overhead wiring. ~ 20tion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the plat,as presented, for lighting in the Renz Addition be accepted;that steel poles and overhead wiring be allowed and that the City Attorney draw up a resolution declaring the policy of the Council to be intersection lighting in all fut:ure subdlvisimns;that in blocks over 600 feet in length an additional light be provided;that all lights shall be on steel poles and over- 1591 head wiring be provided. Councilman Gallo presents a plan submitted by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company indicating lights, except intersection lights, that can be turned offg at any time the ~ouncil desires,on ~onterey Street. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried iIII"- ''l\; that the plan as presented by the Pacific Gas and Electric ilompany - for turning off certain lights on Monterey Street,except intersection lights, be accepted. A cOJYIsnunication is read from the State Department of Public Health with reference to thetaking of water from the Uvas Creek. It is unanimously agreed that a meeting be held in the future with Mr.Barold Wood of Blackie and Wood, engineers :for the South Santa Clara llalley Water Conservation District,Mr.Maga of the State Health Department and the Water Committee of the Council to discuss all matters pertaining to the use of Uvas Creek water by the city. A communication is read from the Gilroy Auxilliary Police requesting ,.,..."" the Council to approve their constitution ~ndoy~laws. This IT~tter is referred to the 0 rdinance Committee f'or future report. I : , - A communication is read from the Public Utilities Commission with reference"to the city's inquiry,tSibout light rates for mercury vapor lights. This matter is referred to the City Attorney to investieate the necessary proceedure before the Public Utilities COIT@ission. A communication is read from the I.E.D.E.S.Association requesting ~rmission to hold their m1Dual parade on kay 15th. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that permission be granted to the I.J?D.E..:i.Association to hold their annual parade over the route set forth in their letter and that the Cit,;/ 1J:arshal be notified that the parade will be held 11ay 15 ,1955. A certified report of franchise tax for 1954 for the Gilroy Telephone Company showing the tax to be '3,585.15, is presented and "",.... , i , ' -..I read. Motion by Councilman Petersen,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the report of ~ranchise tax due for 1954 from the Gilroy Telephone Company be accepted and placed on file. A cOIT@unication is read from the City Marshal recommending that Gerald Jewell be appointed Police Officer of the City of Gilroy,:: -~ ~otion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Petersen and 1592 carried that the recommendation of the City r,'iarshal be accepted and that Gerald Jewell be appointed Police Officer of the City of Gilroy, I to serve at the will and pleasure of the Council, effective March 1,1955 at a salary of $340.00 per month. Mr.Robert Howson,representing a group of local citizens interested in constructing a swimming pool._at 0 wsley Park, now appears before the Council to discuss the proposed project. Mr.Howson states that his group desires to lease a portion of ~vsley Park for the pool and they would consider offering the use of the pool to the Rec- 3 reation COIT@ission for the summer swiffi~ing program of the commission. It is agreed that the group. sponsoring the swimming pool shfuuld present,in writing, their offer to the city. It is unani.mously agreed that the Buildings and Grounds Committee meet with Mr.Howson's group and obtain all details and report to the Council. Mr.Vernon Gwinn,president of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce,now appears before the Council to discuss the celebration connected with the turning on of the new lights on Monterey Street. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the date for turning on the new t:onterey Street ~ lights be set for Friday,~arch 25,1955, the time for the program and other arrangement s be made by the Chamber of Comm.erce. Councilman Rush presents a maintenance agreement from the ~nerican-LaFrance-Foamite Corporation for the two American- LaFrance fire tru cks owned by the city. Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the maintenance agreement for the two American- LaFrance fire trucks as presented by the American-LaFrance- Foamite Corporation, be accepted and the Clerk authorized to sign the same. Councilman Kennedy discusses the allowance for the library Councilman Kennedy discusses the matter of painting the interior ~ granted at t he last budget discussions. of the Fire House. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman 3anchez and carried that the Purchasing Agent and the Buildings" and Grounds Committee ascertain what painting is needed at the Fire House and to send out invitations to bid on the work to aocal painting contractors-bids to be opened in two weeks. 1.593 The foll~wing reports are presented and read and ordered filed: County cController-February fines;Gilroy Fire Depar~~ent-1954 report of fire 10sses,alarms,etc.;Gilroy Public Library report;Building Inspector's report for February,1955;Gilroy Police Department's report for February,1955;water samples report for February,1955; and the poundmaster's report for February,1955. flY"....., Reports of the City officers are presented and read. I,lotion b~r Councilman Kennedy, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried -.. . that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. Motion by vouncilman Rush,s~conded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that bills as presented be allmJed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. The IvIayor now. discusses the possible use of Wheeler Auditorium for City Hall purposes. All Councilmen join in the uiscussion of the use of the auditorium building as_ a< dity hall. Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that Binder and Curtis,architects,35 W.San Carlos Street,San Jose, IM"->'''' be hired to make a preliminary surve~r and report 011 the possibility ! ~ of the use of Wheeler Auditorium for a City Hall. The Mayor now discusses a communication from the League of California Cities with reference to the universal sales tax, several bills on this subject now being before the legislature. It is unanimously a~~eed that further study be made of Ulis matter before any decision is made by the Council. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the city property located on the south side of East Sixth Street, between Honterey Street and the Southern Pacific rieht of way, and known as the Corporation Yard,be put up for sale on bid with the stipulation that a 120 day period be allowed for .....,-... the city to vacate the property !1fter the bid has been accepted by i : ....... the Council Lotion by Councilman Hush, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried th3.t this meeting adjourn to Honday,Harch ::>1,1955 at 8 o'clock P.M., Council chambers,City Hall,Gilroy,California. ~-- City Clerk