Minutes 1955/03/21
Gilroy, California
March 21,1955
This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George M..1vlason.
?resent:Councilmen Carl Vl.Pate,Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kennedy,
Courtland fu.Hush,Kenneth L.~etersen,Segundo Sanchez.
The Mayor now states that the first item on the agenda is the
discussion of the drainage in Castlewood Park Unit No.2.
The Mayor now calls u90n Walter J.Hanna,Jr. of the City bngineers
office to present his discussion on this matter.
Mr.Hanna presents a map which shows all of the old drai nage
channels in the area west of Princevalle street and discusses
the drainage of the area.
Dr.Elmer J.Chesbro,chairman of the City of Gilroy Planning
Commission, is noVJ called upon by the ~;ayor to discuss the original
map submitted for the subdivision in CastlevJood Park Unit No.2.
Dr.Chesbro, a member of the County Flood Control 90mmission,Zone 5,
reviews the flood control plan forme area.
The Mayor now calls upon riIr.I,I.J .Filice ,representing the owners
of Castlewood Park Unit NO.2, and he states that he has nothing to
add to what Dr.Chesbro had said. Mr.Paul Gallagher,attorney,rep-
resenting Mr. Filice, now appears before the Council to discuss an
offer,made by his client on a previous occasion, to contribute
the sum of $100.00 per lot to be placed in a fund to assist in
the construction of necessary drainage works in the area.
Dr. Chesbro states that it is his belief that all potential sub-
division land in the area, consisting of an estimated 115 acres,
should be annexed to the city and a drainage district set up for
the entire area.
The Mayor now calls upon Mr.Sam Gurgiolo,owner of the property
immediately south of Castlewood Park Unit No.2, lilr.Gurgiolo asks
VJhy Castlewood Park Unit No. 2 was annexed to the city when all
were aware of the drainage problem.
Supervisor A.W.Brown,a member of the City of Gilroy Planning
Co.rnmission, is called upon by the Mayor and l'ilr.Brovm states that
he agrees with Dr.Chesbro's plan and reviews the manner in which
money is raised for the revolving fund used in county flood control
Mr.Filice is asked by Dr. Chesbro how many more acres he intends
to develop as subdivision land and fiir.Filltce states approximately
50 acres beyond the present west boundary of Castlewood Park Unit No.
Dr. Chesbro then states that if the 115 acres can be annexed to the
city in order to form a complete over all drainage district the land
should be annexed as agricultural land.
Mr. Robert K.Byers,attorney, representing Mr.John Stelling, owner of
property in the proposed drainage district area, now appears before the
Council and states that they are for an over all solution of the drain-
age problem rather than doing the job piecemeal.
IvIr.Gurgiolo states that he has no plans for subdivirlj:ng any of. his
Dr. Chesbro states that he will have figures from the County Flood
. 86C-
Control engineer wit~ few days and at that'itime,it is suggested,that
the Council and the Planning Commission meet to discuss the matter
f~rther and later to discuss the filatter with the potential annexers.
It is unanimously agreed that as soon as the County Flood Control
Engineer's figures are available the Council and the Planning
Commission should meet for further discussion on the drainage ~atter.
Mr.Louis Belli,proprietor of the local propane and butane distrib-
i uting ~enc~ now appears before the Council to request permission to
instal a 250 gallon tank for propane gas on the property of the Filice
and Perrelli CmlDing Company, the gas to be used to operate the
cannery's fork lift trucks.
After discussion it is unanimously agreed that Mr.Belli make
application in writing to the Council for his requested installation.
The r:rayor now calls for bids for painting the interior of the fire
Three bids are presented and read: Henry Weymouth-$694.OO;Joseph
LI.Bet tencourt-$774. 64; S.L .Chavez-$492.3 7.
After reviewing the bids it is unanimously agreed to withold the
awarding of the bid to the April 4th meeting.
The City Attorney now presentJs and read ~{ESOLUTION NO.344.
l'wtion by Councilman Hush, seconded by Councilman Gallo that
RESOLUTIO!r NO.344 be adopted:
I:\~SOLU':LI01T !W.341
\VHEREAS, the City of Gilroy is the owner of the following described
premises located in the said City of Gilroy, to-wit:
Bebinning at a point in the Southerly line
of Sixth Street that is distant thereon
Easterly 120. 00 feet from the point of "
intersection of said Southerly line of
Sixth Street with the Easterly line of
Monterey Street;thence along said South-
erly line of Sixth Street Easterly 73.00
feet to the ~oint of intersection thereof
with the Westerly line of an Alley as said
Alley is shovm upon the Map hereinafter re-
ferred to;thence along the Vlesterly line of
said nlley Southerly 90.71 feet to the North-
easterly corner of that certain parcel of
land conveyed by ~~arriett Ellis to G.A.
Chappell, by Deea recoraed Liay 12,1905 in Book
295 of Deeds,page 232,Santa Clara County Records;j
thence ',.:esterly along the Forthwesterly line of
lands so conveyed to Chappell,said line also
being the Southerly line of Lot 1 Black 1 South 1
Range 1 East as shovm upon the h:ap hereinafter
referred to 50.00 feet to the Southwesterly
corner of said Lot l;thence l~orthwestrerly along
the ~esterly line of said Lot 1 3 feet 4 inches
thence along the Eorthwesterly line of said
lands so conveyed to Chappell Westerly 23.00
feet more or less to the Southwesterly corner
of t hat certain parcel of land conveyed by Louis /
S.Osbourne to Gustav lJ.Brodersen and Lillian O.
Brodersen,his wife, by Deed recorded May 16,1944
in 300k 1204 of Official Records,pnge 203,Santa
Clara County Hecords ;thence llortherly along the
Easterly line of lands so conveyed to Brodersen
86.07 feet more or less to the point of begin-
ning,being Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2 in
Block 1 South,Range 1 East,as shown on Eap No.
6 accompanying report of the Corr~issioners in
Henry Eiller, et al ,.?laintiff s vs .I=assey Thomas
et al,Defendants,in the Superior Court of the
Stat e of California, in and for the County of
Santa Clara.,Case I;0.5536;and
VV::'iEREAS,the said property is not devoted to a public use and
has never been so devoted but ha s been u sed as a storage yard for
vehicles, equipment and r ersonal propert~r belonging to said City; and
"VIERSAS, the said City has other 9remises VJhich can be used [,lOre
advantageously for the said storage of said vehicles,equipment, and
p3rsonal property, and the pre~ises hereinbefore described are not
necessary to the said City, and it vJill be i.n the public interest
to sell the same.
N O.v , THSRSF'OH3 , BE IT Hi: 3\>:~~.'-VED : .
That the said real pro;erty hereinbefore described be sold and
t.hat notice of the sale of said real property inviting bids therefor
be 6iven by the City Clerk by publication thereof,at least once a
v;eek for two vieeks in the GILHOY SVE:Yn~G DISPATCH, said .publication
to be at seven-day intervals, and the time on or after which the said
sale ~ill be made as stated in the notice to be at least fifteen (15)
days from and after the f'irst l--,ublication of the notice,the sale to
be subject to the right of the said City to retain possession and
use of the propert~T for a period not in excess of 120 days from and
after the execution of the deed of conveyance,vIithout .pRyment of
rent. Each bid shall be accompanied by a deposit of' at least ten per
cent (lJ%) of the am.ount of bid. Title insurance and revenue stamps
are to be furnished at the expense of the purchaser.
ADOPTED and IJ.,\c;SED the 21st day of L':arch ,1955, by the following
AYSS: Counc ilmen Pat e, Gallo, Kennedy, li.u 5h, Pet er sen , Sanche z
I'TOE S: Counc ilmen };" one
AB:::;'E:~T: Councilmen None.
/('{.7' /t h
( :Layo
\(j,(A ,~
City Sler
It is unanimously agreed that the :3heriff of Santa Clara County
be notified by letter of the proposed sale of the property known
I"" ~
as the City Corporation Yard and to invite the Sheriff to be present
Rt the Council meeting on April 4,1955 to discuss the sale and to
assure hi!n that the ~ouncil is interested in cooper3.ting vlith him.
A communication is rea6 from the South Santa ~lara 'talley l"ater
C'onservation ~istrict requesting a meeting with the :;ouncil or the
Water Committee of the Council to discuss ffi9tters concerning the
construction of the Uvas Dam.
It is unanimously agreed that a date for such a meeting set by
the Directors of the district v'lill be satisfactoI"J to the Ct;mncil.
Councilman Kerilledy states that he has no report on the proposed
s\d.mming pool which a group of local citizens are sl-onsoring.
Councilman Pate states that the Junior Chamber of Commerce has
requested free use of Vmeeler Auditorium for a variety show for the
benefit of the Red Cross on Merch 31,1955.
r.:otion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried
tbat tbe Junior Cham.ber of COf!l{'lerCe be granted free use of Wheeler
Auditorium for a v?r:.et.y shoVJ for the benefit of the Red Cross on
Tarch 31,1955.
Councilman Sanchez announces that the l.l.ayor and Councilman are
cordially invi tea to attend a banquet ~J.nd entertainment to be given
by mencbers of the :ianta Clara County Garbage Association in San Jooe
on Larch 23,1955.
The City Attorney presents and reads RESULUTIOK NO.345.
L:otion by Councilman Gallo, seconded by Counciltnan l)ate that
HSSCL"tJTIOK l~ 0.345 be adopted.
::1E~jOLL'T ION HO. 3.1.2
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the Citv of Gilrov has heretofore
adopted RESOLUTIOK Im.239 and RE:';OLUTION 1\0.240 providing that as a
matter of policy the City of Gilroy should not accept any maps or
plats of subdivisions for filing until and unless server and water
mains have been laid and installed, and the streets and alleys therein
gravelled and oiled, and siclevalks MG curhsmd gutters constructed
and installed, to the sati sfi-:l.ction of the said Common Council, or in
lieu thereof that the suhdivider or owner of the subdivided property
provide a good and sufficient surety bond contitioned uron the faith-
ful performa.nce of tlle saic: work and facilities;and,
WHEHEAS~ the said lteso..:...utions constituted a declaration of the
policy of the Com~rrlOn Council on the r1atters therein set forth but
said Resolutions did not contain anv d~clnr8tion of the COllncil re-
latin6 to lighting in any Subdivisi;n;and,
WHEREAS, this Common Council believes that the proper lighting
of t:he residential section of the City of Gilroy is important, and
tha.t tfle streets in an~r residenti.al section, and particularly in any
nev; subdivision therein, should be liGhted and the lighting in the new
subaivision should be provided for and installed by the subdividef
prior to and as a condition to the approval or acceptance of any map
or plat of tbe subdi vi sion by the Council in adc.Li tioIlJ,to all the other
requiy'ements as expressed in the former cleularations of policy by the
-1 F"". --9. 8..
Ld~ .
?:C:Vl , ?;--I~~}~J.1\~~R3, ~3E IT itS :;()L "~D:
T}J:::.t the COfInihn Cauncil of the Ci t,/ 0 f Gilroy do es require as
a [;~...t tel' of :)oli cy tll at as a conu i tion to the ace ert ance and/or
arprov&l of an./ map at plat of any subdivision that proper lighting
fricilitie s be provided and installed by the subdivider or owner of
the tract at intersections of streets in the sUbdivision, and where
a block is 600.00 or r\iore feet lonE th at lit:hting be furni shed and
installed in the center of the bloc',.::) and that all lights be on steel
ADOPTED and ?A,-~SED the 21st day of I,:arch,1955, by the following
Councilmen ~)ate, G a110 ,Kennedy ,Hush, Petersen, Sanchez
Councilmen l;one
Councilmen Kane.
l~OE ~J :
4d7' IPIrh
( 'l:a or..
Lotion by::ouncilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Kennedy fmd
carried that th i s meeting adj ourn.
Ci~ 'C~SJX