Minutes 1955/04/25 ~ 1603 Gilroy,California April 25,1955 This regular adJ ourned meeting of the COJ:illlOn Council is called to order by His Honor h';a;lor George I'.:.Mason. .i.)resent :Counc ilmen Carl W ..lJate ,J . Hughe s Kennedy, Courtland 1'l.Rush, Kenneth L.Petersen,Segundo Sanchez. Absent:Councilman Charles Gallo. The Mayor announces that .one purpose of this meeting is to discuss lGDG with those promoting the construction of a swimming pool on city property in 0 wsley ?ark,certain matters concerning the proposed swimming pool. One of the spokesmen states that Mr.John Klarich, attorney for the group, was not present but would be present. ~~.John Krumton,representing the Curtis Publishing Company,now ~ appears before t he Council to request that the local Boy Scout troop be permitted to solicit magazine subscriptions without a solicitors license. Ur.Cecil Dotson,Scoutmaster,also appears J before t he Council and states that this is a method for the boys of his troop to earn money to go to summer camp. 1.iotion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the Clerk be instructed to issue a solicitors license to the Boy Scouts without charge. A con~unication is read from the Department of Military Affairs, Off'ice of t he Adjutant General, State of California, reque sting that the present lease on \~leeler Auditorium be extended for aLother five years; that the State expected to build an a~nory building in Gilroy by 196o prmviding the city would fUrnish the the land for such a building. Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Kennedy IIIlIII j and carried that the Clerk be instructed to invite the Adjutant General or a representative to meet with the Council and to advise him in the letter what the city plans for the auditorium and to request that the meeting be held on a :Monday night. IVIr.John Klaricrutattorney,n01t! appears before the Council and states that the directors of the proposed swimming pool are present to speak to the Council about the proposed construction of a swimming pool on city property at Owsley Park. Mr.E.F.Driscoll,Henry Jensen,Mark Kennedy and Everett Wentworth appear before the Council to discuss the swimming pool. During the discussion it is indicated by the directors that they for surilmei':lSWimming classe s free 0 f ch arge but 1J\TQuld require the ~ .J would not agree to allow the Recreation Commission to use the pool same payment from the Commi ssion as they now pay for the use of the pool at Oak Dell Park. Mr.Don Chesbro addresses the Council and advocates the constructi~ of the swimming pool. I\i1r.Mark Kennedy cSiscusses the project stating t hat the project is a fiE ans to an end of the city securing a swimming pool for public use. The Council now discusses the matter and asks questions of the 1607 directors promoting the swimming pool. At the suggestionE of one of the group spokesmen the gropp retires to allow the Council to ~iscuss the proposed project among themselves. A communication is read from Binder & Curtis,architects,with reference to the proposed conversion of Wheeler Auditorium for City Hall purposes; 1IP''''''lIII the architect stating the the building lends itself to such a conver- sion. - It is unanimously agreed that the Council should meet with the fir st , Adjutant General or his representative/and advise Binder and Curtis of the Council's action. Councilman Sanchez reports on a meeting uf the Sewer Committee with u.J.Hanna,Jr.)of the City Engineer's office with reference to the replacing of a portion of the outfall sewer. Mr. Hanna reports that he will have the necessary specifications to call for bids ready for the next regular meeting of the Council.. The City Attorney reports on the matter of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company franchise tax payment. Motion by Councilm~n Pate, seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that a representative of the ?acific Gas and Electric Company be , I.......i invited to attend a Council meeting to discuss the franchise matter vii th tIle Council. The City Attorney now presents and reads a portion of a proposed agreement between the City and the South Santa Clara Valley Water .. Conservation District with reference to the amount of water the city vvill receive from the Uvas Dam. It is unanimously agreed that the chairman of the: \';ater Committee contact the Preside.nt of the Board of Directors of the district and arrange a meeting between the Council and the Directors to discuss the matter of allocation of water from the Uvas Dam . Councilman Pate states that the Street Committee has located a r~ loader which can be attached to the city owned tractor at a cost of , U $36o.Jo. I:JIotion by Councilman K ennedy,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that a Wagner loader be purchased from William Dieber,Jr. forthe swn of' $360.00. The matter of the swimming pool at Owsley Park is discussed ~urther and it unanimoasly agreed that the Council shall give a final decision at the next rebular 111 onthl)" meetine;; of the Council. .-1 ,. O. 8. -10 l,;otion -my Councilman i-'ate ,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that th.is meeting ..adjourn. G. tA .~ City Cler ..--