Minutes 1955/05/02
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May 2,1955
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor ~.Iayor George M.Mason.
Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles G allo,J.Hughes Kennedy,
Courtland liil..H.ush,Kenneth L.?etersen,Segunclo Sanchez.
The lVlayor now calls upon Rev.Theodore Alam of the presbyterian
Church to deliver the invocation.
The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of
the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of April 4th, the
regular adj ourned meeting of April 11th and the regular adj ourned
meeting of April 25,1955.
All Councilmen answer in the ~firmative.
The rJlayor now asks if there are any errors or corrections to be
made in the minutes.
No errors being noted and no corrections to be made the rv:ayor
now d8clares the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of April
4th and the regular adjourned meetings of april 11th and April
~5th,1955, approved.
The l,:ayor now c'ills upon Councilman Pate to report on the
Constitution and By-Laws of the Gilroy Auxilliary Police.
Councilman Pate st'ites that he submitted tthe Constitution and
By-Laws to Chief Hay Black-.more of the San Jose Police Department
and that Sergeant Ed.Pracna of t hat department had cheCKed the
docwnent and had made two minor suggestions which 'v'Jere considered
ilnmaterial by City Marshal Harold Sturla. Councilman Pate recomm-
ehds adoption of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Gilroy
Auxilliary Police.
~otion by Councilman ?ate,seconded by Councilman Petersen and
carried that the Constitution and By-LavIs of the Gilroy Auxilliary
Police be accepted as presented.
Councilman Kennedy reports progress on securing figures for a
building at the new corporation yard site at Bast and Old Gilroy
Councilman Pate reports that he has favorable reaction on "STOptl
signs placed temporarily on Eigelberry Street from First Street
to Ninth Street and recommends that an ordinance be drawn to cover
the stop streets now covered by temporary stop signs.
It is unanimously agreed that the Ordinance Committee pr oceed
with the draINing of an ordinance making the temporary "STOP" streets
Councilman Sanchez states that he has nothing fUrbher to report on
drainage in the Castlewood Park Unit No.2 subdivision.
Councilman Gallo reports that he is vJai ting for a report from the
Pacific Gas & Electric Company relative to the company financing
the installation of intersection lighting in the ReITZ Aodition. The
City iI.ttorney states that he is \~aiting for specifications for the
pr0posed electroliers.
The Mayor now calls upon fur.Donald H.Strahl,Manager of the Gilroy
Telephone Company, to discuss the coming change-over to the dial
system with reference to Police Department calls after mi~~ight.
Mr.Strahl states that a new transfer service can be provided at a
cost of $9.50 per month.
Lotion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and carriei
that the Chief Adrdnistrative Offic.er be authorized to enter into an
agreement with the Gilroy Telephone Company to provide transfer
service for the Police Department so the company can order the
transfer .s ervi ce equipment.
Council Pate stat es that he has nothing further to report on the
proposed extension of Alexander Street south of Ninth Street.
Councilman Kennedy states that he has contacted a man who will
take care of city parks and lawBs,etc. and he has agreed to work for
$1.45 per hour, furnish a pick-up truck to be paid for on a mutually
agreedanount when used in' his work.
I.;ot ion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and
carried that the Chief AdIrlinistrative Officer contact Mr.lvlarco Vizza
and that he be employed by the city as gardener at the rate of
$1.45 per hour, to be employed by the cit,{ at the will and pleasure
of the Council.
,.,...~ 1..otion by CouD-cilman pate, seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried
_~ that the Building & Grounds Committee take charge of purchasing and
installing of pipe,pprinij.ler: heads,etc.and plant lawns in Oak Court
Park and the city pumping plant at l"irst and J?rincevalle streets.
Councilman Pate reports that a ladder truck for servicing Eonterey
Street lights can be purchased from the state of California,Division'
of Highways for the sum of $550.00;that Mr.B.D"Kinsey,Assistant
Engineer,Division of Highways,District IV,has suggested that a
Purchase Order from the city be sent to the division offic.e in
in Sacramento covering CHC 1211 vehicle for the sum of $550.00.
Councilman Sanchez and Mayor ~ason state that they have seen the
vehicle and that it is vieiil worth the the price suggested by Mr.
Kin sey .
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Sanchez and :'
carried that a city purchase order be sent to Mr.George T.McCoy's
office,attention of Iflr.Earl Sorenson,Division of Highv'iays,Sacramento,
.... 1;
for ladder truck CHC 121l, the purchase price on t he purchase order
to be $550.00.
Councilman Pate asks that a letter be sent to Mr.R.D.Kinsey, .
Assistant Engineer,District IV,San Francisco, thanking him for his
time and effort in securing the ladder truck. It is unanimously
agreed that the Clerk .write the letter to Mr.Kinsey.
Councilman Sanchez discusses the possibility of purchasing a used
pick-up truck from the state for use in the Water Department.
Councilman ~anchez discusses the matter of replacement of a portion
of the outfall sewer line stating that before any of the so-called
II Chri stmas Tree'l money can be obtained from the state the plans and
specifications for t he work must be approved by the Department of
Walter Hanna,Jr. of the City Engineer's office discuss the right
Io'inance,the disbursing agency of the State.
of way and present location of the se1;~er line in the right of vJay.
The ~ayor states that here is no further report on the proposed
swimming pool at Owsley Park.
Councilman Pate discusses the possibility of securing additional
money: from the state for Eonterey Street lighting;that in addition
to the present llllowance Second Street,I.O.O.F.Avenue,Third Street
and Seventh street could be included if the 5e intersections vd th
Monterey Street can qualify under a traffic count required by the
Motion by Councilman Keru1edy,seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried t hat the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to
to employ the necessary help to make a traffic count at the
intersections of lv~onterey and Second streets; I .O.O.J:t' .i-wenue and
Monterey Street;Third street and l>lonterey Street and Seventh and
Monterey streets,for the purpose of ascertaining i~ these inter-
sections can qualify for additional state money for hlonterey Street
A communication is read from Howson Bros.requesting a reduction
in their bond for street work in Glenview Tract.
A communication is read from the City Engineer stating that he ha{ 611
insnected the Glenview Tract and that the amount of the bond for Hov;son
Bros.can be reduced from $7500.00 to $5600.00.
Motion by Councilman Kennedy, seconded by Councilman Pate that the
recommendation of the City Engineer to reduce the bond of Howson Bros.
for street work in the Glenview Tract from $7500.00 to $5600.00, be
Councilman Pate discusses the proposed alley requested by C.N.
Bolfing on N.Monterey Street stating that the Southern ?acific Company
would IE rmit the property owners concerned to use a portion of the
company's l.and for the alley;that the city would have to cut off a
rart of the rear portion of the city park located at Monterey and
I.O.O.F.Avenues to provide an opening on I.O.O.F.Avenue.
l\;lOtion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by '''::ouncilman Rush and carried
that the sum of $20,000.00 be transferred from the Heserve Fund to
General fi'und.
The City Attorney reports that he has studied the ?acific Gas and
Electric Company's demand that the city agree to accept no more than
the 1954 franchsie tax payment under the present franchise and that
he advises that the city stand under the present ordinance granting
the franchise,i.e. 2% of the gross annual income from the sale of gas
and electricity in the City of Gilroy.
It is unanimously agreed that the City Attorne~r write a letter to
the Pacific Gas and Electric Company advising them that the Council
has determined to stand under the present ordinance granting the
franchise and to demand the entire amount as provided by the ordinance
now and in the future,for the life of the franchise.
Councilman Sanchez discusses the possibility of a new table for
the Council.
motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried
that the Chief Administrative Officer look into the possibility of
a new type of table.
Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that the sum of $l'JO. 00 be donated to the Gilroy Volunteer Fire
Department to be used in their clothing replacement fund.
Councilman Pate discusses the matter of the Oliver CorDoration
holding their board of directors meeting in Gilroy and the fine
hospi tality shown the r':ayor and Councilmen during their visit to
the Be-Ge Manufacturing plant on May 2nd. It is unanimously agreed
that a letter be sent to r\Ir. D. V. stout ,man%er of the Be-Ge
1 6-} 2
~vlanufac:turing Com:pany thanking the directors of the Oliver Corp-
oration for ho.lding t heir; me eting in Gilroy and the hospi tali tJr
shown the Eayor and Councilmen during their visit to the plaht.
The City Attorney 1,resents and reads a proposed contract between
the City of Gilroy and the Board of Trustees of the Gilroy Union
High 5chool District with reference to the use,by the high scho~l,
of V;hee ler B'ield and the barns.
Ii:otion by Councilman Kennedy, seconded by Councilman Rush and
carried that the contract between the City of Gilroy and the Board
of Trustees of the Gilroy Union High School District,as presented
and read, be entered into and t;he l\iayor authorized to sign the
contract on behalf of the city.
rtepor t s 0 f t he Building Inspector for the month of April ,1<;; 55,
the Poundmaster for the months of r:; arch and April,1955, the
.?olice Der-:artment for the month of April and vvater samples taken
by the Sant a Clara County Health Department are present ed and read.
Reports of City Officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman rate,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and
carried that t he report s of city officers be accepted as read and
placed on file.
ffiotion by Councilman Rush, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that bills as presented be allowed and v: arrants ordered drawn on
the 'l'r,;asurer.
The r,:a~ror announces that the Council vlill meet with the directors
of the South ;.;;anta Clara Valley ':iater Conservation Di strict at
b o'clock ?~. on May 13,1955.
Councilman ~anchez states that he will call at the San Jose Water
'::orks office in San Jose to dis cuss with them the manner in which
they take v;ater from their several Gams.
Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Petersen and
carried t hat this meeting adjourn to I:Ionday,l\Iay 9,1955 at b 0 'clock
P.M.,Council Chambers,City Hall,Gilroy,California.
C8.0. ~
City Clerk