Minutes 1955/05/09
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L:ay 9,1955.
This regular adjourned [fleeting of the Common Council is called
to order by His Honor bayor George M.Mason.
Present: Councilmen Carl VI ...-late, CtJarles Gallo ,J. . Hut;he s Kennedy,
Courtland K.Rush,Kennetl1 L.lPetersen,Segundo Sanchez.
The kayor now asks for a report from the chairman of the Build-
ings and Grounds committee with reference to construction of new
buildiggs at the corpor~tion yard at East and Old Gilroy streets.
rValter Halli~a,Jr. of the City Engineers office is called upon to
give information on cost of a building 143 feet long by 26 feet wide.
I;~otion by Councilman Kenn4y, seconoeu b.l ~ouncilman Gallo and carried
that alternate bids be cnlled for for a steel and/or frame building
to be constructed at the city corporation yard at East and 01d Gilroy
streets, said building to be 143' x 26 I and 10 t to eave line ;vJi th or
without doors, with metal partitions in the steel building bid, floor
to be 5" concrete with crushed granite aggregate and wire mesh re-
inforaing, plumbing and vdring to be included in bid, the wiring to
be for 220 volt service;the City Engineer and City Building Inspector
to approve the plans and specifications before advertising for bids;
bids to be opened at the regular monthly meeting of the Council on
Nlonday,June 6,1955 at 8 0 'clock P.I'iT.
The matter of meetir~ with ~ representative of the Pacific Gas and
Electric Company to discuss the matter of franchise tax is discussed.
It is unanimously agrees. that the meeting be held on Monday,Ivlay 16,
1955 at 6 o.clock P.Ivl.,Council Chambers,City Hall.
The Building Inspector discusses the proposed alley from 7th Street
to Eighth Street between Rosanna and Hanna streets; stating that the
individual land owners have agreed to give the necessary land providing
there will be no expense to them.
The City Attorney state s that he vvill make up descriptions for the
various owners without charge. It is agrE?ed that the City Attorney
work with the Building Inspector in this matter.
Councilman Sanchez reports that he has discussed the Castlewood
Park Unit #2 drainage with 1Ir.M.J .Filice and suggests that Mr.!t'ilice
be invited to attend the regular monthly meeting on June 6,1955 to
tell the Council what he will do in regard to drainage in ~he area.
The Clerk is instructed to write a letter to tIr.tT.J .Filice inviting
him to attend the meeting on June 6th.
Councilman Pate state s that he hns talked with Norman and Ralph
i.{oss,O\mers of VaCfu'1t property located on the west side of liailroad
Street between lvlartin and Lewi s streets , with reference to using the
property as a parking lot;that the riwners have agreed to lease the
property to the city for $1.OO per year,providing the city will
provide the labor and, material necessary to prepa~Q the parking lot.
It is unanimously agreed that the City Attorney proceed to draw
up a lease uovering the property and present it at the next meet-
ing of the Council.
The City Attorney advises the C:ouncil that the right of v~ay of
the outfall sewer line is 12 t wide. It is unanmmously agreed that
Councilman Sanchez and 'Vi.J .Hanna,Jr. contact the property owners
along the outfall sewer line to ascertain if they have any object-
ions to depositing dirt from trenching necessary for a new out-
fall sewer line,upon their lands and to determine if additional
land will be necessary for the new proposed outfall sewer line.
~otion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Hush and carried
that this meeting adjourn.
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