Minutes 1955/06/06 1 1814 Gilro~,Ca1ifornia June 0,1955' This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George M.Mason. Presemt: Councilmen Charles Gallo,J.H ughes Kenned.y,Courtland M.Rush ,Kenneth L.Petersen, Segundo Sanchez . Absent.:Councilman Carl W. Pate. The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of May 2,1955 and the regular adjourned meeting of May 9,195'5. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now alIks if there are any errors or corrections to be made in the minutes. No errors being noted and no corrections to be made the Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of Kay 2,195'5 and the regular adjourned meeting of May 9,1955,approved. This being the time specified in a legal notice published in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch calling for bids for the construction of a new fr~e and corrugated metal building on concrete floor and foundations and alternate bids for a pre-fabricated metal building of comparable size , at the Corporation Yard on East Street just No.rtherly of Old Gilroy Street., four bids are presented and read. Howson Bros.-Proposal No.1-For frame and corrugated metal building,complete-$11,803.00; Proposal No.2-for pre-fabricated met.al building,complete-$l2.,950.00;amount. to be deducted if no plumbing incJ.uded-Prpposal No.l-$5;O.OO, ~Vl No.2-$55'O.OO; fII"!"""'" I I ........"'* I I I ...;.. ~'" 1615 Amounts to be deduct.ed if no Electrical included-Proposal No.l-$839.00, proposal No.2-$890.oo. McClary-Davis Co.-Proposal No.1-For frame and corrugated met.al building,comple)e-No Bid; Proposal No.2-For pre-fabricated Metal bUilding,complete-$12,808.oo; Amounts to be deducted if no Plumbing included-Proposal No.1-No Bid; Proposal No.2-$;OO.OO; Amounts to be deducted if no Electrical included-P roposal No.l-Nor:Bid, proposal No.2-$700.00. Geo.C.Renz Construct.ion Co.,Inc.-Proposal No.1-For frame and corrugated metal building,complete.-$12,208.00; Proposal No.2- For pre-fabricated Metal building,complete-$13,697.oo; Amounts to be deducted if no Plumbing included-Proposal :10.1-$600.00, Proposal No.2-$600.00; Amounts to be deducted if no Electrical included- proposal :10.1-$900.00, PrOpoBal No.2-$9oo.oo. William Radt.ke & Son-Proposal No.1-For frame and corrugated metal building,complete-$ll,llO.OO; proposal No.2-For pre-fabricated metal building,complete-$l2,973.50; Amounts to be deducted if no Plumbing included-Proposal No.l-$509.oo, Proposal No.2-$509.oo; Amounts to be deducted it no Electrical included-Proposal No.l-$880.00;Proposal No. 2-$880.00. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the bid ot William Radtke & Son-~roposal No.1 on bid torm-'.For frame and corrugated metal building,complete-$ll,llO.OO" , to be erected at the city corporation Yard loca'ted'on'East'Street just north ot Old Gilroy Street ,be accepted as the lowest and best bid and the contract for the construction of said building be awarded to William Radtke & Son,40 Martin Street ,Gilroy, California. The Mayor now asks if Mr.M.J.Filice is present to discuss the matter of drainage in the Castlewood Park area. Mr. Filice is not present. Councilman Kennedy reports that some work has been done on Oak Court Park. "".. Councilman Sanchez reports that the City Engineer will have data on the proposed new outfall sewer line ready in two weeks. The City Administrator reports that the traffic count taken at Second,Third and Seventh streets and I.O.O.F.Ave. have qualified these intersections for part payment by the Division of Highw~s for intersection lighting and that with the permission of the M~or traffic counts were taken at Eighth and Ninth streets and both ot these streets have qualified for intersection lighting payment by 161() the Division of Highw~s. The Mayor states that Counc ila1an Pate has advised him that Ralph and Norman Ross have agreed to sign a lease for $1.00 per year for the city use of a parking lot located on the west side of Railroad Street between Martin and Lewis streets. The City Attorney now presents and reads a tentative lease between Norman and Ralph Ross and the City of Gilroy. Mr. Phil West, secretary of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce,now appears before the Council to discuss the matter of the proposed Railroad Street parking lot. It is unanimously agreed to postpone final action on s~ing of the ~ease;w;ith Norman and Ralph RosS c,for two weeks and t hat. a copy of t he proposed lease be sent to Norman and Ralph Ross folt their comment. The City Att.orney reports that the franchise tax matter with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company will be reviewed by the legal council of the Le~ue of California Cities as soon as the Legislature adjourns. The City Administrator reports that a local cabinet maker is preparing plans for a newwCouncil table. A communication is read from the Gilroy Recreation Commission requesting action be taken to obtain the property known as the "Henry Miller Hospital Reservation Site- for use as a playground. Counci~an Sanchez states that he will discuss this matter with Mr.George Nickel,one of Henry Miller's heirs, on his next trip to Los Banos,Calif. Councilman Kennedy reports on the recent meeting of the Recreation Commission and the discussion o~ the use of the "Henry Miller Hpapital Reservation Site" for a p~ayground. A communication is read :from the Adjutant General, State of California,requesting an extension of two years of their present lease on Wheeler Auditorium . Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter to The Adjutant General of the State of California advising him that the City is going ahead with its plans to convert the Wheeler Auditorium building to city use; that the present lease on the building by the State of California,which expires July 31,1955, will be continued on a month to month basis;that the city will make the grounds in the rear of the .auditorium building '"j . .: J ~ ~ ...;~ I I I .....,,"" diIF""" .;.... ,_:,-.:~ 1617 availab1e for st.orage of the Guard company's t.anks and vehic1es and t.hat every effort. will be made to cooperate wit.h the Guard. A communication is read from the California State Automobile Association,Public Relations Department, recommending the placing of "NO U TURNlt signs at certain intersectionson Monterey Street between First Street and Seventh Street and thattSixth street at Hanna Street and Railroad street at Martin Street be signed ~YIELD RIGHT OF ~AY<< providing these signs are official1y accepted by the State Legialature. The matter of !tNO U TURN- on Monterey Street is discussed and it is unanimously agreed that there should be no U turns on Monterey Street between First street and Seventh Street and that the proper signs should be placed at each intersection between these streets. The City Attorney is instructed t.o prepare an ordinance forbidding U turns on Monterey Street between First and Seventh streets. A certified copy of Resolution No.54,City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy is presented and read; said resolution reporting and recommending on a petition to amend the building ordinance of the City of Gilroy with reference to Be-Ge Manufacturing Company's request for rezoning certain property located on the norhh side of Leavesley Road between Murray Avenue and the west line of Swanston Lane projected northerly and property lying west of the west line of Murr~ Avenue. The City Attorney presents and read RESOLUTION NO.347. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Petersen that RESOLUTION NO.347 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.147 RESOLUI'rON OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN OF THE CITY OF GILROY, THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY BE eJIANGED FROM ZONE lIE- TO ZONE -n- AND THAT THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY BE AMENDED ACCOBDINGLY. WHEREKS, the City Planning Commission of' the City of Gilroy has reported,found and recommended,aft.er due hearing had thereon, that Ordinance No .422 of the C'i ty of Gilroy" commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance, be amended by taking from Zone "E" and placing in Zone ttt)tt, as said zones are defined and described in said ordinance,the follow- ing described premises,situated in the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara,State of California,to-wit: ~eing a portion of Henry Miller's Subdivision of the southerly- portion of Las Animas Ranch Lot 34 and Sub-lot 2 according t.o the Map thereof recorded in Book "M" of l4aps,page 79 Records of Santa C1ara Count y,California, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the wester1y line of Murray Avenue with the northerly corporate 1imits of the City of Gilroy and running thence along 1ddd westerly line N.22o 20~. 407.24 feet to the line common to Lots 7 and 8 as show,n on said Map;thence along the line common to Lots 7 and 8 s.67l) 40 'W. 755.49 feet;thence N.2Zo 20tw. 264.28 feet t.o the -4 n-1'S' 1..0 ,_ line common to Lots 6 and 7 as shownoon said Map; thence along said line S. 67 40 ... 40.00 feet to the westerly common corner to Lots 6 and 7ithence along the southwesterly line' of Lot b N. 220 20.". 264.28 feet t.o the most westerly corner of Lot 6;thence s.670 37tW 826.57 feet to the easterly line of'the Southern Pacific Railroad Right of Way at the most westerly corner of that certain 20 acre tract described in deed recorded in Book 439 at page 4, ,Official Records of Santa Clara Countylthence along the easterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad property 5.220 20~. 863.1, feet to the inter- section thereof with the original northerly corporate limits of the City of Gilroy;thenee northeasterly along the original N~herly corporate limits of the City of Gilroy to the point of beginning, and also "Beginning at the intersection or the projected Westerly line of Swanston Lane with the noetherly line of Lea- vesley Road and runningtthence along said line of SWanston Lane northerly to the original corporate limit line of the City of Gilroy; thence northeasterly along said limit line to the westerly line of l!urray Avenuejthence - southerly along the westerly line of Murray Avenue to the intersection thereof with the northerly line of Leavesley Road;thence south- westerly along the northerly line of Leavesley Road to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING from said premises the following described po~tion thereof: Commencing at the point of intersection of the westerly line o"f Murray Avenue with the northerly line of L eavesley Road, and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the westerly line of Murray Avenue to the present ~ northerly city limits of the City of Gilroy; I thence in a southwesterl~ direction along said northerly city limits 198.00 feet.thence s.22.o!; 2Q'E. 78.08 feetithence N. 670 40\ E. 22.B~ feet; thence s. 22020t~.l86.20 feet;thence N. 61 40.E. 47.18 feet; thence S. 2202.0 t E. to the northerr, line of Leavesley Road ;thence along the northerly line of Leavesley Road in an easterly direction ~~epo~t ofb~inni~. a PARCEL TWO: Commencing at a point on the northerly line of L eavesley Roadtdistant thereon 382.12 feet westerly from the point o~ inter- section of the said line of Leavesley Road with the center l~ne of Murray Avenue, and runniM' thence fl. 22 20.. 117.00 t'eet;thence s.64~". and parallel with the northerly line o~ Leavesley Road 278.40 feat;thence S. 22020tg. 111.00 feet to the northerly line of Leavesley Road;thenee along the said northerly line ot' Leavesley Road in an easterly direction to the point of beginning. Reference is hereby made to the map and Zoning Ordinance now on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Gilroy. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the public hearing will be ~ held on Monday,the 27th day of June,195" at the hour of' eight U o'clock p.m. of said day,in the common Council Room in the City Hall,in the City of Gilroy,California, when and where any person interested may protest and/or Object to such sbange. And,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk give notice of the said hearing in accordance with law; and the prdinances of the City of Gilroy. PASSED and ADOPTED the 6th day of June, 1955 , by the following vote: . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gallo,Kennedy,Rush,Petersen,Sanchez Councilmen None Councilmen Pate 1619 4-~'jI1Yo{fL~~ Attest: CR.Q.~ City Cler The matter of a request for a sign to be placed in front of hotels :IP'''-:C;-.''ll "hic:h'.O-u~~ preven:; the,. parking,,"ot ,!ehiCJ.es. ot.her,than. fer lQading and unloadisg. o:tpassengers is discussed and it 1s agreed that this matter be held over until Councilman Pate is present. The Mayor states that Councilman Pate has requested permission from the Council to ask for bids for street maintenance. I .....,~.... ~~..... Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the Street Committee and the City Administrator be authorized to ask for bids from local contractors for rent<of equipment for street maintenance work for the period July 1,1955 to October 31,1955. The Mayor now discusses the matter of dogs running at large in the city stating that he has received numerous complaints. It is unanimously agreed that the City Clerk place an advertisement in the local newspaper warning local dog owners that their dog must have a city license. Building Inspector Byron Brown reports that the city" has provided the necessary gravel to protect a drain pipe from !he I.O.O.F.Avenue I . i i I '~,...;' pumping plant in the al1ey being constructed by C.N. Bolfing. Councilman Gallo discusses the matter of a request for two street lights in the Walnut Orihard Park Tract. Motion by Councilman Gallo,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that the City C1erk be instructed to write a letter to the Pacific Gas & Electric Company instructing them to instal two street lights in Walnut. Orchard Park Tract at places designated by Councilman Gallo and JIlr.Roy O.Mead,manager of the local office of the Pacific Gas and Electric Compapy. Counc'ilJIlan Gallo reports that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company ,.. is not willing to carry the paper on street lights to be erected in I 1_ tba: Renz Tract and that several property owners have stated that t.hey will not give an easement over their property for the purpose of stringing wires to attach to electroliers. The City Attorney states that he will contact Mr.Mead of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company and obtain e1ectrolier specifications fran him. Councilman Rush states that Mr.Charles Platt,fireman, will not be able to contipue his duties due to health. 1620 The matter of securing a man to replace Mr.Charles Platt at the Fire House is p~aced in the hands of the Fire Committee with power to act. Councilman Sanchez discusses the water situation and recommends consideratiob _e given to a stand-by well. It is unanimously agreed that the Mayor and Councilman Sanchez investigate the matter of another water well for the city. The City Attorney presents and reads ORDINANCE NO.527. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Petersen that ORDINANCE NO.,27 be adopted. ORDINANCE NQ.52? AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDnTG SECTION NO. 70 OF ORDINANCE NO.4Bo OF THE CITY OF GILROY,KNOWN AS THE TRAFFIC ORDINANCE,PBOVIDING AN ADDITIONAL THROUGH STREET AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO.520 OF THE CITY OF GILROY. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.52?: ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Gallo,Kennedy,Rush,Fetersen,Sanehez Councilmen None Councilmen Pate The City Attorney presents and reads ORDINANCE NO.,2B. Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Rush that ORDINANCE NO. 528 be adopted. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO.,28: ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Gallo,Kennedy,Bush,Petersen,Sanchez Councilmen None Councilmen Pate. A commuhication is read from Gilroy H~h School enclosing a schedule of home g ames for the foot~ball season. This communication is ordered filed. Reports of the County Controller, the Building Inspector,the POlice Department and the Poundmaster are presented and read and ordered filed. An application for an On Sale Beer license by Raffaele Cozzito:tto,309 S.,Monterey street is presented and read. No ob- jection is made. Reports of the City officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Sanehez,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed on file. The Water Department presents its annual report of uncollectible ~ accounts. Motion by Councilman Sanchez , seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that uncollectible accounts of the water department in 1621 the amoun~ of $79.35 as presented by the Water Collec~or, be ordered writt.en off. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Motion by Councilman Rushtseconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that this meeting adjourn to Monday,June 27,1955, at 8 0 tc10ck p.m., Council Chambers,City Hall,Gi1roy,California. (j, (" ,~ CitYffi k