Minutes 1955/07/05 1624 Gilroy~California July 5 sl955 Thi s regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to $ order by His Honor Mayor George C.Mason. Present:Councilmen Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kennedy,Courtland M. Rush,Kenneth L.Petersen,Segundo Sanchez. AbsentsCouncilman Carl W.Pate. The Kayor now calls upon Rev.Frederick Daglish of St.Stephens Episcopal Churbh to deliver the invocation. The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of ~":"'11., -.... fiI'"""""l I ! I I 1........ ,..,.,......"" I : I L 1625 the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of June 6th and the regular adjourned meeting of June 27,195'5. All Counc ilmen answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or corrections to be made in the minutes. No errors being noted and no corrections to be made the Mayor now dee1ares the monutes of the regular monthly meeting of June 6th and the regular adjonnned meeting of June 27,1955,approved. The Mayor now call s upon Councilman Sanchez for a further report au the matter of drainage in the Castlewood Park area. Councilman Sanchez reviews his conservation with Mr.M.J.Filice,representing t.he San Martin Vineyards Company,owner of the land under discussion for drainage. Mr.M.J .Filice now cppears before t.he Council to discuss the drainage matter in Castlewood Park area and requests details of a plan for drainage and stating that his company would not be in a position to do anything with this m~tter until next year due to heavy budget committments by the company. Councilman Sanche. states that he believes the engineering on the proposed project is the first step and suggests that the county may be interested in the drainage project. Councilman Carl '\V.Pate is now present. It is agreed that the City Engineer should draw up a tentative plan for presentation to all property owners concerned for discussion. Councilman Sanchez states that he will contact the County Engineer to ascertain if the county is interested in participating in the proposed drainage project. Councilman Kennedy reports progress on developing Oak Court Park and suggests that bids be call.ed for when the ground is ready for lawn seed.- Councilman Sanchez reports that all documents have been forwarded to Sacramento for the new outfall sewer line. City Attorney Johnson reports that he has received a reply from the League of California Cities with reference to the Pacific Gas &: Electric Company t s franchise tax payment for 195'4. The Attorney stresses the legal costs in the event of a contest with the company. It is unanimously agreed that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee and Councilman Rush,chairman of the Finance Committeetcalls a meeting of his committee with the City Attorney to be present, at Councilman Kush's home on 'Wednesday ,July 6,195,. 162G Councilman Pat.e reports that. the lease between Norman and Ralph' Ross and the City on property located on the west side of Railroad Street between Martin and Lewis streetsftb'-j,be'jU8edb~-~a;rpqking lot, had beea signed and returned. The City Attorney now presents and reads RESOLUTION NO.3,O. Motion by Councilman P ate,seconded by Councilman Sanchez that RESOLUTION NO.350 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.i,O ( ~ RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AUTHORIZING LEASE WITH RAPLH ROSS AND NORMAN ROSS.. BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Gilroy enter into the lease now presented to the Common Couneil ot said City by the City Atto-rney,covering premises belonging to Ralph Ross and Norman Ross, described as follows~ The premises bounded on the east by Railroad Street,on the west by the Southern Pacific right-of-way,on the north by the warehouse and store premises of the said BOHlIN ROSS and RALPH ROSS,and on the South by dwelling premises belonging to W.B.Stuart; said premises to be used by the said City of Gilroy as a pdblic automobile parking lot, for the annual. rental of One ($1.00) Dollar and subject to the terms set torUi in said Ie ase. PASSED and ADOPTED the 5th day or July ,1955 , by the rollowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Counci~en Pate ,Gallo , Kennedy ,Rush, Petersen, Sanchez Councilmen None Councilmen None. 1,?,~ ~ Att.e~: 1-9' (~. ~~ Cl ty Cler Councilman Sanchez states he has no further report on the Henry Miller Hospital Beservation site and states that he will visit Mr. George Nickel next week. Councilman Gallo reports on l~hting in the Renz tract and the City Attorney reports that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company now has the map showing the location at the proposed electroliers. Councilman Sanchez reports that he believes the city should have an additional water we~l and t hat a test hole should be bored before well drilling is started. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the Water Committee be authorized to secure the ~ services of a test hole driller to sink a test hole for a water well on the Forest Street Playgrounds. Councilman Sanchez suggests that a building be placed over the the pump located on the East side of Llagas Creek at the Sewer Farm. No objection is made. Councilman Pate states. that he has nothing fUrther to report on r-: I i . - I I-J ~ I , l..l .' 1627 on the freew~ proposed by the Division of Highw~s. The City Attorney now presents and reads ORDINANCE NO.,29. Motion by Councilman Rushtseconded by Councilman Pate that BRDINANCE NO.,29 be adopted: ORDINAl{CE l'fO.,2C1 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING SECTION 27 OF ORDINANCE NO. 480 OF SAID CITY tCOMMONLY uawN AS THE TRAFFIC ORDINANCEtPROVIDING PLACES ON MONTEREY STREET AT "liit~ "U"" TURNS MAY BE MADE. Vote on the motion to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 529 : AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen PatetGallo,Kennedy,RushtPetersen,SanChez Councilmen None Counci~en None. A communication is read from the Superintendent of School relative to the activities of the Poundmaster during the past) school year and and commending him for his work. A communication is read from Poundmaster Bert Weiss relative to his work is supressing the dog nusiance around the several schools and requesting an increase in salary. This matter is referred to the Finance Committee for study. A resolution from. the Gilroy Council of Parent-Teachers t Association urging the' Council to use every effort in obtaining the Henry Miller Hospital Reservation site for a park and playground and offert.Qg their support in the matter, is presented and read and ordered filed. A petition, signed by residents and property owners residing in the vicinity of Forest and Lewis streets, requesting a four way STOP at Forest and Lewis Street is presented and read and referred to the Street Committee. Mr.Joe PeraltatpresidBnt of the Gilroy Golf Club, now ~ears before the Council to discuss the replacing of some of the pipe at the Gilroy Golf Club. Mr. Peralta presents figures on cost of new pipe to replace the pipe that is badly worn. This matter is referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for investigation. Councilman Pate discusses the proposed extension of AlB:itimdere8treet south of Ninth Street. Mr.Junior Wilson,repres~liing one of the users of the present easement south of Ninth Street, now appears before the Cout),cil to discuss the extension of Alexander street. It is unan~ously agreed that Councilman Pate investigate the proposed extension of A1B:tander Street south of Ninth Street. City Marshal Harold Sturla now appears before the Council and states that he has been informed by a representative of the Sheriff1s office '1628 that commencing August 1,1955 there would be no radio operator on duty at the Sheriff's office after 6 o'clock P.M. Motion by Councilman Pate,secanded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the Chief Administrative Officer write a letter to Sheriff Melvin Hawley and request h is reason for discontinuing radio service a~ the sub-station on August 1,195, after 6 o'lock agreement between the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Di strict and the City of Gilroy. The City Attorney now presents and read RESOLUTION NO.351. Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Kennedy that RESOLUTION NO.351 be adopted. J :-: -....I """'-'"'"", . I iIo...J RESOLUTION NO.i'll RESOLUTION AUTHORIZmG AGREEM~T WITH THE SOUTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT. 1629 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agreement now presented to the Council by the City Attorney proposed to be entered into by the South Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District and the City of Gilroy,and dated Aprir.22.,1955, by which the City of Gilroy grants and gives to the said Water District the right to use in perpet.uity, the land and area belonging to the City located on the Kell. Ranch about eleven miles northwest of the City of Gilroy and along the Uvas Creek, for the construction of a dam and reservoir and incidental. works by the said South Santa Clara Val.ley Water Conservation District, in con- sideration ot the furnishing to the City a portion of the water to be impounded by the Distriet.'ts works, and granting to the City of the right to use the District right-of-way so far as it is feasible for the laying ot a pipe line from the District Reservoir to the City of Gilroy reservoir,be approved,and accepted,and that the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized :to exec.ute said Agreement on behalf' of the City of Gilm y. PASSED and ADOPTED the 5th day of JUly,l955, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Pate,Gallo,Kennedy,Rush,Petersen,Sanchez Councilmen None Councilmen None. /~t ~of/ /fk7 Atte~: \0, CL ~ City Clerk A communication is read from W.J.Hanna,Jr.with reference to the proposed anne.ation of Las Animas Estates Unit Notl, located north- west of the the northwestt-ity limit line and contining l3.A47 acres. It is unanimusly agreed that an ordinance should be drawn PI"Oviding for an assessment ot $100.00 per lot for drainage in all annex.ations. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Peter~en ~; . carried that the map and information with reference to the proposed annexation of Las Animas Estates,Unit No.1, be referred to the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy and that the chai. rmanbe advised that the Council would recolImend.:that t he entire 42 acr.es owned by Mr.M.Chiesa be annexed rather than l3~447 acres of the.: tract. being requested by the owner. Councilman Rwsh requests that the City Attorney gather all infor- r" mation possible on the new sales and use tax law passed at the recent L session of the 199islature. ,.. It is announced that Deputy City Clerk G.B. Carr is a patient in st.Mary's Hospital in San Francisco. The Clerk is instructed to. to semi a plant as a gift and to write al1etter to JAr.Carr s~nding the best wishes o~ the Council. for a speeqy recovery. Reports of the County Controller,Building Inspector,Police.. Department and Poundmaster and a special report on hou~worked,by 1630 the AuxiIliary Police are presented and read. It is unanimously agreed that a letter of commendation be sent to the Auxil1iary Police force and that they be invited to attend a barbecue to be given by the Council on a date to be set by the AuxiIIiary Bollce. Reports of City Officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and placed on :a Ie. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that this meeting adjourn to Monday , July 1€l,1955 at B o.clock P.M.,Council chambers,City Hall,Gilroy,California. 0.(t,~ City Cler $