Minutes 1955/07/25
July 25,1955
This regular adj ourned meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George !II.Mason.
PresentliCouncilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles Gallo,J.Hughes Kennedy,
Courtland M.Rush,Kenneth L.Petersen,Segundo Sanchez.
The Board o'f Directors o'f the Gilroy Gymkhana and Horse' Show is
present and the !II ayor now calls upon Mr.George C.Milias,mariager o'f
the association, to discuss the boards position with reference to the
possibility of sale of Wheeler Field for industrial purposes.
Mr.Milias relates the history of the grounds and how the city came
into possession o'f the property and states that it has a1w~s been
the opinion of the Gymkhana officials that i'f and when a worthwhile
industry wants to come to the community they would be pleased to have
the 11 acres sold to the industry and recommends that other recreational
facilities be provided in the event of a sale.
Mr.Cecil Carlyle,a member of the board of directors, also appears
before the Counc'il and reiterates Mr.Milias t thoughts, and,recoilDlends
a new location be provided by the city for the annual Gymkhana and
other recreational facllities in the event of sale of Wheeler Field.
Mr.George Renz.,llr.B:.lI.Weymouth and William Parks ,members of the
Board of Directors, are called upon by the Mayor and all agree with
The Mayor thank. the Directors for appearing before the Eouncil and
expressing their thoughts and giving their recommendations.
The Mayor now calls upon Sheriff Melvin Hawley to discuss the future
plans of the Sheriffs' office in Gilroy.
The Mayor explains and the City's position in the matter and offers
the Sheriff space for his office on the second floor of the City Hall
The Sheriff reviews the problems of the local office stating that
the main objective now is to provide better service in the serving of
civil processes;providing the necessary personnel for this work and
having business hours from 8 o'clock A.M. to 5 o'clock P.M., the
office to be closed during the night. The Sheriff states that the
sale of the present sub-station property by the city did not hasten
his decision to change his plans of operation.
Members of the Council ask several questions with reference to the
local police department operations which the Sheriff answers.
bt t)
It is unanimously agreed by the Council that the Mayor should
represent. the City in any future conversations with the Sheriff
and that the City Marshal be included in these conversations.
The Mayor now invites all present to adjourn to the court room
in the City Hall Building to hear representatives of the Division
of Higl'lways di scu ss the proposed freeway.
The meeting is resumed in the court roam with Mr.J.~.Sincliar
and Mr.C.T.Greene of the Division of Highways presenting maps
of the proposed freeway route and explaining the reasons for the
selection of the tentative route.
Approximately fifty interested people are present at the meeting
and mB{$r questions are asked.
Motion by Councilman Patetseconded by Councilman Sanchez and
carried that this meeting adj ourn.
City Cler