Minutes 1955/08/15 1640 Gilroy, California August 15,1955 This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George M.Mason. Present& Councilmen Carl W.Pate,J.Hughes Kennedy, Courtland' M. Rush,Kenneth L.Petersen,Segundo Sanchez. Absent:Councilman Charles . Gallo. The Mayor states that the purpose of this meeting is to hear the report of the Finance Committee on the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1955-56 and to discuss the budget as presented by the committee. The committee presents a letter from the City Engineer and asks that it be read; the letter requesting the Council to give con- I I ~ ."....1; I j ioo...... : , ..."...... ing 1641 sideration to providl a ret~ner ~ee ~or the City Engineer of $100.00 pe~moilttl,. . , f \) . . r, The Mayor now calls upon VI.J .Hanna,Jr. of the City Engineer fS office to discuss the matter of a retainer fee for t he City Engineer. Mr.Hanna states that numerous incidental expenses are never charged t.-o the City under t he present arrangement and that with a retainer it would be man- datory that the City Engineer or his representative be present at each . Council meeting. Motion by Councilman Petersen,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that City Engineer W.J.Hanna be placed on a retainer fee of $100.00 per month,effective September 1,1955. In discussing the budget item for the golf course ~or new pipe the present condition of the course is discussed and it is unanimously agreed that the amount o~ the budget request be granted this :fear but that a warning should be issued to the directors of the golf club that ~uture city money would not be available unless definite action is taken by the directors to clean up the barbecue area and provide better care for greens and fairways. The matter of earmarking 25%. of Sales Tax money for capital improvements for recreation is discussed. Mr.James Pray of the Parks and Recreation Commission ap~ars before the Council to discuss the Parks and Recreation budget. Motion by Couhcilman Rush,seconded by Councilman SanChez and carried that the budget for the fiscal year 1955-1956 in the amount of $329,584.00 as presented by the Finance Committee be adopted as the 1955-1956 budget for t he City of Gilroy. The City Attorney is instructed to prepare a resolution providing for a Capital Improvement Recreation Fund to be established by appropriating 25$ .of Sales Tax money to the fund. Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that the tax rate for the fiscal year 1955-1956 be $1.50 per $100.00 of assessed valuation ,with the following rates to apply: ~ communication General Fund Library Fund 1940 Bond Fund Parks & Recreation Fund Outfall Sewer Fund Reserve Fund Tor AL addressed to the Mayor from $ .570 .098 .016 .072 .084 .660 it · C){)O Sheriff Melvin W. Hawley is presented and read. The Sheriff reviews the communications situation and the availability of a line for toll free messages between Gilroy and San Jose; and thanks the Mayor and Council for their cooperation. 1642 The matter of annexation of Las Animas Estates is discussed and the City Attorney'advises that the Vouncil take no further action on this matter until he has an opportunity to check on laws governing annexation passed at the recent session of the State Legislature. The matter of fencing the new corporation yard is dis cussed and it unanimously agreed that the Purchasing Agent request bids from three fence manufacturers for a six f.et fence with three strands of barbed 'wire and gate or gate s to provide a 25 feet opening. It is unanimously agreed that the Buildings and Grounds Committee receive the bids and award the contract. Councilman Sanchez reports that the State has approved the plans and specifications tor the portion of' the outfall sewer line to be Constructed,and that the State money is available on a matching ba si s. Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that advertisement be made calling for bids f'or construction' of the new outf'all sewer line and th at bids be opened on Tuesday, September 6,1955 at 8 0 'clock P.M. ,during the regular monthly meeting of' the Council. The Mayor discusses his investigation with the City Engineer and Building Inspector of the possibility of drain~e on East 7th Street. It is unanimously agreed that t he Building Inspector talk to prop- erty owners in the area of the proposed drainage line to ascertain if t hey are interested in giving the city a right-of-way. Councilman Pate compliments the Finance Committee and the City Clerk for the work done in preparing the 1955-56 budget. Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that this meeting adjourn. / ~~ ~l~ot .