Minutes 1955/08/31
1 1642
Gilroy, California
August 31, 1955
This special meeting, called by the Mayor, by mailing post cards to the Mayor
and Councilmen and by notification to the press, twenty four hours in advance,
is called to order by His Honor George M. Mason.
Present: Councilman Carl W. Pate, Courtland M. Rush, Kenneth L. Petersen,
Segundo Sanchez and J. Hughes Kennedy.
Absent: Councilman Chas. Gallo.
The Mayor states that the meeting is called to authorize the advertising for
bids for the pav~ng of A1exanger Street from Old Gilroy Street to 9th Street.
City Engineer, W. J. Hanna Sr. states that his estimate is $19,575.36.
The matter of replacement of water mains and provision for a hydrant on
Alexander Street before paving is discussed.
Motion by Councilman Pate, second by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the
City Administrator and City Engineer be instructed to advertise for bids for the
paving of Alexander Street, the bids to be opened on Monday, September 19, 1955.
Motion b,y Councilman ~ate, second by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the
replacing of water mains and the provisions for a hydrant on Alexander Street,
before the street improvement, be left in the hands of the Water Committee with
power to act.
The Mayor now declares this meeting adjourned.
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Deputy City Clerk