Minutes 1956/04/23 1711 . Gilroy,Californ~a April 23,1956. This regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George M.Mason. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Charles Gallo,Courtland M.Rush, Kenneth L.Petersen,Segundo Sanchez. Absent:Councilman J.Hughes Kennedy. The Mayor presents and reads a letter from State Senator John 1712 F.Thompson inviting the Mayor and members of the Council to the dedication of the recent improvements to 101 highway at Morgan Hill,Tuesday,April 24,1956. The Mayor states that it will not be ppssible for him to attend and Councilman Pate volunteers to represent the city at the ceremonies. Councilman Pate reports on a meeting with State Forestry officials and State prison officials with reference to establish- ing a prison labor camp in this area. The Mayor opens the discussion on the changes in streets in o Sherwood Park subdivision as agreed upon by members of the City Planning Commission and the Council;the streets discussed being Wayland Lane,Hanna Street and Carmel Street. Mr.Jack DeBell and Mr.Harry Arnold of the Arnold-Day Corp. owners and developers of Sherwood Park Subdivision are present and discuss the matter of streets as laid out on the map submitted by Mr.DeBell. Mr. Don Dillehay of the board of trustees of the Elementary School District and Dr.H.B.Long,district superintent of schools now appear before the Council to discuss the extension northerly ~ J of Wayland Lane.with reference to the proposed location of an elementary school. Councilman J.Hughes Kennedy is now present. After a general discmssion of the street matter Mr.DeBell offers to submit a new map of Sherwood Park incorporating the street changes as discussed. A communication is read from the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy recommending the approval of Park Meadows Unit No.2 under certain condions. ~ The matter of the width of Tenth Street along the south boundary of Park Meadows Unit No.2 is discussed. Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the map or plat of Park Meadows Unit No.2 be ] accepted,as recommended by the City Planning Commission,"such approval to be effective only when lighting easements are provided and shown on the map and upon the execution of an agree- ment with the City of Gilroy that the owners or subdivider will grade,construct,gravel and oil streets and alleys, construct curbs gutters and sidewalks and furnish and instal sewer and water 1713 mains, fire hydrants and fire alarm boxes and lighting facilities in accordance with the requirements of the City of Gilroy within two years and that a bond of a responsible surety company be executed in favor of the City of Gilroy in the penal sum of $39,000.00 conditioned upon the faithful performance of said agreement by the owner,which agreement and bond shall first be approved by the City Attorney of the City of Gilroy~ L A communication is read from the local V.P.W. Post requesting per- mission to hold a parade on June 9th. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Pate and cartied that the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post be granted permission to hold a parade on June 9,1956 with the route approval being made by the Street Committee and the City Marshal. The Mayor now discusses the investment of idle city funds and Councilman Rush,chairman of the Finance Committee, reports on the r~ L meeting he and the Mayor had with Mr.Virgil N.Lundy,bond advisor. Motion by Councilman Pater seconded by Councilman Kennedy and carried that the Finance Committee be empowered to invest $50,000.00 of city funds (Water Main Replacement and Water Fund)in D.S.Treasury Bills;that Mr.V.N.Lundy,First National Bank Building,San Jose,Calif- ornia,be appointed to handle this investment and service same for a fee which will be l/lOth of 1% of the total investment, payable quarterly;that Mr.Lundy present his opinion to the Council with reference to the holding or cashing in of all or part of the $33,000.00 in Series HGH War Bonds owned by the City. Building Inspector Byron Brown reports that all improvements to the dwelling at the Owsley Park have been completed. Councilman Kennedy discusses the wages paid to Special Pmlice Officers. Motion by Councilman Kennedy,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the wages of Special Police Officers be set at $14.00 r""'..e"", I......i per day and that all Special Officers working during the month of March,1956 be given the $2.75 per day difference between what they received and the wages as now set. Councilman Gallo discusses the salary of Tom Sanchez. It is unanimously agreed to refer the matter of an increase in salary for Tom Sanchez to the Finance Committee. Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that this meeting adjourn. ~'l~ct~~