Minutes 1956/08/06
August 6,1956.
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Sig Sanchez,Charles Gallo,Kenneth
L.Petersen,Courtland M.Rush,Everett C.Wentworth.
The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of
the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of July 2,1956 and the
regular adjourned meeting of July 16,1956.
All Councilmen answer in the affirmative.
The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or coreections to be
made in the minutes as presented.
No errors or corrections are noted.
I '
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of July 2,
1956 and the regular adjourned meeting of 3uly 16,1956 be approved.
A communication is read from the Peninsula Division of the League
of California Cities requesting dues in the amount of $5.00.
Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Rush and
carried that the sum of $5.00 be paid to the Peninsula Division
of the League of California Cities.
A communication is read from the Southern Pacific Company and
enclosed is a traffic count made by the company on June 14-15,1956;
the communication pertaining to a prevmous request to close Casey
Street crossing, the count also including the count at Leaves1ey
Motion by Councilman Pate,seccnded by Councilman Rush and carried
that the letter from the Southern Pacific Company be acknowledged
and that the company be advised that the Council will not consider
the closing of the Casey Street crossing under any circumstances.
A communication is read from Logan and Frazer,certified public
accountants,offering to audit the city's books of account and
record for the fiscal year 1956-1957 for the sum of $400.00.
Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried that the offer of Lo~an and Frazer,certified public
accountants,American Trust Bank Building,San Jose,California,
to audit the city's books of account and record for the fiscal
year 1956-1957 for the sum of $400.00 be accepted, the audits to
be made quarterly and a final audit report presented to the Council
at the end of the fiscal year.
A communication is read from the Director of Recreation,State
of California, stating that a representative will be in Gilroy
August 13th to discuss recreation problems in the city.
The Mayor now reports on the meeting between the Board of
Supervisors of Santa Clara County and representatives of the
Inter-City Council,held August 6th to discuss the matter of a
county-wide sales and use tax. The Mayor reports that the rep-
resentatives of the cities present have agreed to accept 91%
net of the total tax collected with/the corporate limits of the
cities be paid to the cities the remaining 9% to go to the county
the 9% to include the 1.7% estimated by the State Board of Equal-
iaation as the cost of collection.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez,~econded by Councilman Pate and
carried that agreement between the Board of Supervisors and
representatives of the Inter-City Council reached at the meeting
in San Jose on August 6th,1956 be approved-the city to receive
91% net of all sales and use tax collected within the corporate
limits of the City of Gilroy the County to receive 9% of the
amount of sales and use tax collected with the corporate limits
of the City of Gilroy aaid 9% to include the 1.7% required by the
the State Board of Equalization for collectionithis action to
occur when all cities of the county have adopted and passed a 1%
sales and use tax ordinance to comply with the agreement.
The Clerk is instructed to advise City Manager A.P.Hamann of San
Jose of the action of the Council.
Councilman Pate discusses the matter of curbs and gutters in the
Second Northern Addition.
The Mayor now discusses a meeting he hrl with the Division of
Highways officials in which they requested the city to require
the property owners in the Second Northern Addition to construct
curbs and gutters along the west side of Monterey Street between
the old city limits and the new north city limits.
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the ownersof the property along the west side of
North Monterey Street between the old north city limits and the new
north city limits be required to instal curb and gutter in front
of their property immediately.
The Clerk is instructed to advise Mr.Italo Canepa, one of the
property owners concerned, and Mr.Martin Judge of the Division of
Highways, of the action of the Council in the matter of requiring
property owners in the Second Northern Addition to instal curb and
The City "Attorney presents and reads RESOLUTION NO.383.
Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Pate that
RESOLUTION NO.383 be adopted.
WHEREAS,certian of the officials of the City of Gilroy and a portion
of the employees of the City who are not officials are paid salaries
on a monthly basisiand,
WHEREAS, the City has followed a practice in the past of issuing
warrants for the salaries of such officials and employees after
the first regular council meeting of the month following that for
which the salary is paid, and often such warrants cannot be issued
for a week or ten ~ays after the last day of the month fpr which
the salaries are to be paid, and if is the opinion of this Council
that such delay should be obviated.
That the salaries of the city pfficials who are on a salaried basis,
and the compensations of the city employees who are employed upon a
salary as distinguished from a wage on a day or week basis,be paid
the first day of the month succeeding that for which the salary is
paid unless such day should fall upon a holiday, in whmch event the
salary should be paid on the first business day thereafterJ Claims
for the salaries shall be approved by the proper officials in time
to permit the issuance of the warrant for said salaries as herein
PASSED AND ADOPTED the 6th day of August,1956, by the following
Councilmen Pate,Sanchez,Gallo,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth
Councilmen None
Councilmen None.
City Cler
Mr.Paul Bonderson of the Regional Water Pollution Control Board,
is now invited to appear before the Council by Maypr Milias.
Mr.Bonderson now appears before the Council and reads a commun-
ication prepared by his office. Mr.Bonderson compliments the city
officials on the operation pf the sewage disposal plant over the
period of the past two years.
Councilman Petersen discusses the matter of the city obtaining
the old Bank of America property at 116 North Monterey Street.
Councilman Pate reports on his conversation with the local manager
of the Bank of America relative to the city acquiring the old bank
Councilman Wentworth that the obtaining of logs for the bridge
across the Llagas Creek at the Sewer Farm has resolved itself
into the possibility of securing eucalyptus logs for the bridge,
at a cost of between five and seven hundred dollars.
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Sanchez and
carried that the Sewer Cmmmittee proceed to have the bridge across
the Llagas Creek at the Sewer Farm constructed as soon as pessible.
Councilman Wentworth states that he is awaiting word from the
A.S.C.office in San Jose relative to a larger appropriation for
the channel clearing work on~ the Llagas Creek at the Sewer Farm.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried that Councilman Wentworth proceed with the channel clearing
work on the Llagas Creek at the Sewer Farm as soon as A.S.C.makes
the money available.
The City Attorney reports on his investigation of the 1913
IMprovement Act.
Councilman Pate reports that the Finance Committee does not
recommend accepting the financing as proposed by Mr.Ernest Wilson,
attorney,for Park Meadows Unit No.2,under the 1913cAssessment Act.
Mr.Ernest Wilson now appears before the Council to discuss
financing of subdivisions under the 1913 Improvement Act.
It is unanimously agreed to investigate the matter of financing
Park Meadows Unit #2 ,as proposed by Mr.Wilson,further.
The Building Inspector reports that the pump house at the Forest
Street water well is completed and it is being painted.
Mr. Ted Chavez, representing a group of interested in providing
recreation facilities for the city, now appears before the Council
to urge the city to move forward on providing recreation facilities
for the city.
Councilman Sanchez discusses the activity of the city on the
matter of providing the facilities for recreation. Mr.Chavez and
his group are assured that the city is doing everything possible
to speed up the acquiring of recreation facilities and that the
Council is very interested in seeing facilities developed.
Councilman Pate reports that the parking lot at the Bank of
America will be open longer hours than at present to accomodate
Councilman Sanchez presents a request from a Spanish group who
desire to hold a bull fight and use Wheeler Field for the event.
This matter is referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee.
Councilman Sanchez discusses the present city water rates and
advpcates and increase in the rates. Councilman Sanchez also
discusses the possibility of a bond issue for the Uvas Dam to
reservoir pipe line. It is unanimously agreed that the Water and
Finance Committees discuss this matter further.
The matter of ax loud speakers and seat belts for the police
cars is discussed and i~ is unanimously agreed that these two
items be purchasea..
Mr.Jim Dalcin appears before the Co~ncil to request permission
to instal a butane" tank on the service station property located
at 636 North Monterey Street.Mr.Dalcin is advised to make aut a
written request and give it to the Building Inspector for action.
Councilman Petersen discusses the matter of acquiring property
on Wren Avenue as a site for a National Guard Armory.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez,secpnded by Councilman Petersen
and carried that the city enter into negotiations with the Board
of Trustees of the Gilroy Elementary School District to acquire
2 acres of the school property on Wren Avenueithat an option be
obtained from the school district for the land as a site for a
National Guard Armory;that the National GUdrd officials be notified
of the Council's action and be requested to come to Gilroy,view the
site and adtise the Council if it is acceptable.
Councilman Pate reviews the financial report of the city auditors
for the fiscal year 1955-1956.
The Finance Committee recommends that the $50,000.00 in U.S.
Treasury Notes be rolled over for a period of six months.
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Rush and carried
that the $50,000.00 in U.S.Treasury Notes owned by the city be
rolled over for a period of six monthsand the city's bond advisor
Mr.V.N.Lundy be advised of the Council's action.
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Sanchez amd
carried that the audit report for the fiscal year 1955-1956 as
presented by Logan and Frazer,certified public accountants, city
auditors, be accepted as presented.
Councilman Pate, chairman of the Street Committee, discusses the
placing and removing of certian STOP signs. This matter is referred
Councilman Rush discusses the bridge across Miller Slough on
to the Street Committee for action.
Lewis Street.
Building Inspector Brown discusses the matter of drainage on
East 7th Street. The Inspector is instructed to contact certain
property owners along a proposed drainage line and the matter of
the work is left in the hands of the Street Committee.
A petition for annexation of the proposed "Third Western Addition
to the City of Gilroy",signed by Sig Sanchez,H.R.Eschenburg and
Georgia Eschenburg,owners of the property, is presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Gallo,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the petition for annexation of the proposed "Third
Western Addition to the City of Gilroy" be referred to the City
Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy.
A communication is read from the District Superintendent of
Schools requesting annexation of property purchasedby the
Elementary School District to the City of Gilroy. It is determined
that the request is not in proper form and the map and report of
the County Boundaries Commission does not accompany the request.
The Clerk is instructed to advise the Superintendent of Schools
to have the City Attorney draw up the necessary document to
request annexation.
Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Rush and
carried that as soon as the Elementary School District provides
the proper document requesting annexation of their property to the
city and a map of the proposed annexation accompanied by the report
of the County Boundaries Commission that the matter of annexation
be referred to the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy.
The matter of the petition of the Pacific Greyhound Lines to
abandon their services to Watsonville via Hecker Pass Highway is
presented. No action is taken.
Reports of the Building Inspector,Police Department and water
samples are presented and read. An application for a retail package
beer and wine license by Henry Kong,d.b.a.Model Market,252 N.
Ei~elberry Street is presented and read.No objection is made.
Councilman Pate discusses the matter of hiring the Poundmaster
for extra duty during the summer months. It is unanimously agreed
to allow the Poundmaster extra time for three months,August,
September and October, at the rate of $1.00 per hour for the extra
time used in picking up stray dogs.
The City Attorney presents and reads RESOLUTION NO.38~.
Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Gallo that
RESOLUTION NO.384 be adopted.
WHEREAS, the City Marshal of the City of Gilroy from time to
time collects or receives money as bail and as fines,as per warrants
issued by cities other than Gilroy,or other political subdivisions
of the State, and
WHEREAS, the Common Council has not heretofore established any
method of handling or keeping account of the funds so received by
the City Marshal,or of disbursing the same, and
WHEREAS, said Common Council believes that some method of
accounting should be established from and by which it can be
determined what moneys the said City Marshal has received and from
what source,and to whom and when it has been disbussed,and that
said account should be so kept as to permit a regular audit thereof
to be made.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that all moneys received by the
said City Marshal from the above designated sources be kept in a
separate account in one of the Gilroy banks,to be designated "City
Marshal Trust Fund", and in which all moneys received by the said
City Marshal shall be deposited, and that a duplicate deposit slip
be obtained for each deposit madeithat said money shall only be
withdrawn upon the order or check of the said City Marshal,counter-
signed by the City Clerk, and that the City Marshal issue a receipt
to each person who pays any money to him as a fine or as bail which
may develop into a fine,or stand in the place of a fine,and that the
receipt so issued show th~,'date,the amount of payment,by whom paid
and for what paid, and that the duplicate thereof be kept by the
said City Marshal.
-1 7-0.
.1 0'
PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of August,1956, by the following
Councilmen Pate,Sanchez,Gallo,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth.
CouncilmeB None
Coug.cilmen Ndme.
c~ ca~~
The matter of an agreement with the Gilroy Union High School
District with reference to the use of facliities for recreation
is held over to a later meeting.
Reports of the City Officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Gallo and
carried that the reports of City Officers as presented be accepted
and placed onfile.
Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Pate and carried
that bills as presented be allowed and warrants drawn on the
The City Marshal recommends the following be appointed Special
6fficers for the ensuing 2 years:A.Navaroli,Pete Mazzucca,George
Comin,D.Stiltz,Frank Leal,John Doherty,John Clark, Riccardo
Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the recommendations of the City Marshal be accepted
and the A.Navaroli,Pete Mazzucca,George Comin,D.Stiltz,Frank Leal,
John Doherty,John Clark and Riccardo Quartiero, be appointed Special
Police for two years to Auguust 6,1958.
It is unanimously agreed that streets in Park Meadows Unit No.2
be surfaced with plant mixed surfacing.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez,secpnded by Councilman Gallo and
carried ,that this meeting adjourn to Monday,August 20,1956 at
8 o'clock P.M.,Council Chambers,City Hall,Gilroy,California.