Minutes 1957/03/04
March 4,1957
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias.
Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Sig Sanchez,Ch~FEes Gallo,Kenneth
Petersen, Courtland M.Rush,Everett C.Wentworth.
The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of the
minutes of the regular monthly meeting of February 4th,~he regular
adjourned meetings of February 19th,February 25th and February 26th,
All Councilmen answer in the affirmative.
The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or corrections to be
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made in the minutes as presented.
No errors or corrections are noted.
The rlayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly meeting
of February 4th, the regular adjourned meetings ofxFebruary lSth,
February l~h,February 25th and February 2oth,1957,approved.
A communication is read from the San Jose Firemen's 3rd Annual
Championship Rodeo inviting the Council the parti~inate in the parade
preceeding the rodeo. This matter is referred to the Chamber of
Commerce for action.
A report f,fom the Pacific Gas and Electric Company showin~ the
amount' of franchise tax for 1956 which would be payable under the
terms of the Broup,hton Act. This communication is ordered filed.
Councilman Pate reports that the Pacific Gas and Electric Company
now have the city's figures on the city's contention of the amount
due under the proposed s~ttlement of the present gas and electric
A communication is read from W.J.Hanna,Jr. with reference to the
proposed drainage line to be installed on Fifth Street to drain
water out of Castlewood Park and Fifth Street. Tfjr.Hanna is present
and discusses the proposal with reference to the drainage work
contemplated under the County Drainage and Flood Control pro~ram.
The matter of Mr.Hanna's proposal is referred to the Sewer
Committee for full study and report to the Council.
A communication is read from the I.F.D.E.S, Organization request-
permission to hold their annual parade on May 26,1957.
Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried that the I.F.D.E.S.Organization be granted permission to
hold their annual parade on May 26,1957 over the route presented
in their communication requesting permission to hold their parade.
A communication is read from Charles A.Schmidt,co-chairman of
the committee of the Peninsula Division of the Leagae of California
Cities, thanking the Council for the resolution urging legislation
to permit school districts to participate in the cost of hiring
school crossing guards. This communication is ordered filed.
A communication is read from the Joint Interim Committee on
Transportation Problems urging the city to complete the street
survey forms under Section 210 of the 1956 Federal Aid Highway
Act. Tnis communication is referred to the Street Committee,
the City Engineer and the Chief Administrative Officer for action.
A communn:cation is read from the Division of Highways advising
the Council that they intend to resurface Hecker Pass Road (First
Street) from the west city limits to Miller Avenue and requestin~
city assistance in handling the traffic during the operation.
A communication is read from the Division of Highways advising
the Council that the request to eliminate the school crosswalk
across First Street between Sargent Street amd Hanna Street has
been approved. The Chief Administrative Officer advises that the
crosswalk has been eliminated by the state highway crew.
A communication is read from Logan and Frazer,city auditors,
advising that the city's books of account and record have been
audited to Dece~ber 31,1956 and everything was found in good order.
TI1is communication is ordered filed.
Councilman Gallo,chairman of the Ordinance Committee, reports
that the local vendor of magazines has ~greed to follow the county
ordinance with reference the sale of crime horror books.
The Chief Administrative Officer reports on his conversation
with Mr. Hughes of the Hughes Construction Company with reference
to the extension of city water service on north Forest Street
north of Swanston Lane. It is unanimously agreed that the Building
Inspector contact the property owners along the route of the pro-
posed extension and ascertain what method they would use to pay for
the extension of the water main.
Councilman Gallo requests permission to be excused from the meet-
in~ and the Mayor grants his request. Councilman 6atlo~n6w retires
from:the Ccunbil" chambers.
Councilman Sanchez states that he has no report on increase in
water rates.
City Attorney Johnson now reports that he has studied the request
of Mr.George Vmite,300 N.Princevalle Street,for clarification of
the zoning ordinance with reference to installing cooking facilities
in a building on his lots owned by him, the residence nortion of the
the building located above a newly constructed gara~e;that he has
discussed the matter with the chairman of the City Planninp.; Commission
of the City of Gilroy and both had agreed that the new building is
on a separate lot. Iv1r.'Jvhite appears and states that he knows of no
restrictions against waht he desires to do.
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Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman vventworth and
carried that Mr.George White,300 N.Princevalle Street, be ~ranted
a permit to use the new building located on his property at the
northeast corner of Third and Pr'ncevalle streets,for gara~e and
living quarters above the garage with housekeeping facilities,
Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried that Police Officer Gary Narvaez be granted a leave of
absence for military service.
Councilman Pate, chairman of the Street Committee,reports on the
request of Mrs.Sharp,309 S.Rosanna Street,that the city do some-
thing to provide sidewalk area for her property.
Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Petersen and
carried that the city do the work to provide sidewalk area for
Mrs.Sharp's property, located at the, northeast corner of 10th and
Rosanna streets and the trees located in the sidewlak are be
removed by the city.
Councimman Petersen reports on his conversation with the Spanish
society group with reference to holding a bloodless bullfight at
Wheeler Field;that he contacted the manager of the Santa Clara
~ounty Fair who advised him that they fair association had no
restrictions against the staging of such an event.
It is unanimously agreed that the promoters of the bullfight
contact the chairman of the Bumldings and Grounds Committee to
make arrangements to arrange for a meetin~ with the City Attorney
to draw up a formal contract and agreement.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Pate and
carried that Mr. Frank KristenRbe appointed Special Police,
temporarily, to serve as ,school crossing guard at First and 4anna
streets, at a salary ofJ90.00 per month:the appointment to be
until such time as Charlie Shields can return to duty.
The Mayor discusses the growth of trees on the Severance School
property being a nusiance to the adjoing property owner. It is
unanimously agreed that the Building Inspector contact to the
Superintendent of Schools to ascertain if the offending trees
can be removed from the school property.
Councilman Sanchez reports on his investigation of an architect
for the proposed joint project of a swimming pool to be loca~ed
on Gilroy High School property. The Deputy City Clerk reports on
his conversation with school authorities in Sacramento with
reference to architects.
Councilman Wentworth,chairman of the Sewer Committe~, requests
more time for study of a sewer service charge.
The City Attorney reports that the transfer of title from the
ci ty to the state to property-!purchased by the city for an armory
site has been held UD due to a 20 foot easement which is located
on the property and on adjoining property. ~It is unanimously
agreed that the City Attorney discuss the matter of quiet title
proceedings,to eliminate the easement, with the Superintendent of
Schools with the possibility that the County Counsel will institute
the proceedings.
The City Attorney presents and reads the proposed agreement
between owner and architect as presented by L.F.Richards,architect,
for plans,specifications,etc.for the proposed swimming pool to be
located on property of the Gilroy High School District.
Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Pate and
cgrried that L.F.Richards,1033 Jackson Street, Santa Clara,California,
architect,be employed by the city to draw plans and specifications,
etc.for a swimming pool to be located on property of the Gilroy High
School District,after the Recreation Committee of the Council meets
with him and discusses the agreement he has presented.
Councilman Pate reports that he has met with Mr.H.D.Brown,of the
Southern Pacific Company, and together they have viewed the area
-proposed to be used for a parking lot which is located east of the
alley between Lewis street and the termination of the alley on
Monterey street;that ~Ir.Brown will have the company's decision on
this proposal within the next three weeks.
The City Attorney prrsents and reads RESOLUTION NO.420.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez,seconded by Councilman Rush th~t
aESOLUTION NO.420 be adopted.
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the city of Gilroy has heretofore
approved the Maps of "Tract No.17g4,Sgerwood Park,Unit No.l",and
and nTract No.1862,Sherwood'Park,U,...,it I'Jo.211, lying within the
City of Gilroy and owned by the Gilroy Homes Company, upon the
condition that the owners of the said tracts furnish and install
certain improvements and facilities:and,
WHEREAS, the said improvements and facilities have been furnished
and installed to the specifications of the City of Gilroy:and,
'iJHEEEAS, certain streets and publi c thorouf!;hfares, and publi c
utilities easements were offered for dedication at the time of
approval of the maps of said tracts,but were not accepted by the
City of Gilroy,and the bond for the satisfactory performance and
installation of said facilities has now been released,and the
owners of said tracts desire that the City of Gilroy accept all
said facilities and improvements for maintenance,and acdent the
dedication of all Streets, Public Thoroughfares,and Public Utilities
Easements on behalf of the public.
That the City of Gilroy does hereby accept the said Public Streets,
Thoroughfares and Public Utilities Easements for dedication upon
behalf of the public,and also accepts for maintenance all mmprove-
ments and facilities presently installed in said tracts.
PASSED and ADOPTED the 4th day of ~arch,1957, by the followin~ ,
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Cou:"lci lmen Pate, .'3anchez, Petersen, Fi)ush, '!'Jentwo rth
Councilmen hfone
Councilman Gallo.
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City Clerk
ITa yor
l~e report of the Gilroy Telephone Company for the City's
franchise tax for 1956 is presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Wentworth
and carried that the report of the Gilroy Telephone Company's
franchise tax payment for 1956 and the check in the amount of
2% of the company's ~ross revefuues within the franchise area
in the amount of ~3,574.79,be accepted.
A Notice of Hearing before the County Planning Commission on the
application of Haymond Rossi for a Use Permit to establish a farm
labor camp on his property adjoining the city sewer farm property
on March 6,1957 at 1:30 o'clock p.m.,is presented and read. No
action is taken.
The January,1957 report of fines collected and remitted by the
County Controller, the Februa~J,1957 report of the city building
inspector and the February,1957 report of the Police Denartment
are presented and read and ordered filed.
Re~orts of the city officers are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the reports of city officers be accepted as read and ,
placed on file.
" Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman vJentworth and
,carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
I~otion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councmlman Sanchez and
carried that this meeting adjourn to Monday,March 18,1957 at ~
o'clock p.m.,Council chambers,City Hall,Gilroy,California.
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City Clerk