Minutes 1957/04/01 ~1 81 [. -'- .. .1. D Gilroy,California April 1,1957 This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to order by His Honor Mayor George C.Milias. Present:Councilmen Carl W.Pate,Sig Sanchez, Charles Gallo,Kenneth L.Petersen,Courtland M.Rush,Everett C.Wentworth. The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received conies of the minutes of the regular monthly meetigg of March 4th and the regular adjourned meeting of March 18,1957. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. Tne Mayor now asks if there are any errors or corrections to be made in the minutes as presented. No errors or corrections are noted. The i'lIayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of March 4th and the regular adjourned meeting of March 18,1957, anproved. . A group of residents from the 300 block on the east side of Princevalle Street and the 300 block on the west side of Carmel Street are Dresent to discuss the matter of permit issued to Mr. George T#hite,300 North Princevalle Street to'use an accessory buildin~ constructed on the rear of his lot Tor a garage with cooking facilities and housekeeping facilities located in the second story of the building. The Mayor onens the discussion on the permit and calls unon the City Attorney to discuss the provisions of Ordinance No.422 with reference to the use of the accessory building. The City Attorney states that the builsing is an accessory buildin~ and the second story cannot be used for cooking purposes. Mr. Robert Schrepfer,341 N.Carmel Street,now appears before the Council to discuss the building erected blf Mr.~nite on the rear of his lot. Mr.John Lang,310 N.Princevalle Street and Mrs.Nettie Chappell,311 N.Carmel Street also appear before the Council to discuss the permit. Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the motion made,seconded and carried at the meeting of jVlarch 4,1957 (Book No.6-1956-of Minutes Page lS13)"that Mr. George ;;vhi te, 300 l\J. Princevalle Street, be ~ranted a permit to use the new building located on his property at the northeast corner of Third and Princevalle streets,for garage and living quarters above the garage with housekeeping facilities",be rescinded. It is unanimously agreed that the building under discussion on Mr.wnite's property does not meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance ana when any change is made by IJlr.vv'hi te that a plot plan be submitted to the Council which will be referred to the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy for study and recommendation; that if Mr.vfuite plans to move the buildin~ that the Building Inspector ascertain from ~Ir.Wnite how soon he intends to do this work,the Building Inspector to report on this latter matter to the Council. A petition sign~dby twenty property owners ~esiding in the the vicinity of 300 N.Princevalle Street objecting to the p;ranting of any permit to George Wnite to use the two-story building whtch they have constructed on their premises for anything except an accessory building,is presented and read. A communication is read from the County-Inter City Council committee requesting the city to join with the county and the cities in the county in a county-wide road survey. This matter is refereed to the Street Committee for studv and renort to the Council. A communication is read" from the County of Santa Clara Planninp; Commission with a resolution attached requesting the city to nass a similar resolution urging the Legislature to Dass AB 1647 and SD 2285 to provide for the establishing of a Ba~ Area Regional Planning Agency. It is unanimously agreed that action on this request be deferred until a copy of AB 16h7 is available for study. A communication is read from Van Gas requesting a permit to instal butane tanks on property located at 636 N.~lonterey 3treet. ~: , ' ~ .~ : -- ~ J 1817 TIlis matter is referred to the Building Inspector for investigation and report in two weeks. A communication is read from the Chief of Police of qollister inviting the Council to visit the new police office in that city. 'T.lis communicatuon is ordered filed. A communication is read from the Eagles Auxiliary requesting a reduction in rent of ~~eeler Auditorium for theif'T.V.Stars show. This matter is referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for investigation. A communication is read from the San Ysidro Elementary School requesting use of VJheeler'Auditorium for an Easter Music program on April 12,1957. T10tion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that San Ysidro Elementary School be granted fr~e use of Wheeler audi torium for their Easter r\'Iusi c program on April 12,1957 and that theyJb~_advi~ed that they will be:li~bel for ~ny-damage to the building and furnishings during the time they are using the building. A communication is read from the Gilroy Public 3chools requesting free use of vmeeler Auditorit@ for the graduation exercises June 18th and 19th. Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Gilroy Public Schools be granted free use of ~heeler Auditorium for graduation exercises June 18th and June 19th, that school officials be advised that they will liable for ailY dama~e to the building and furnishings during the time they are using the building. A communication i$ read from the E.E.Brovmell Parent-Teachers' Association ttianking the Council for placin~ a cressing ~uard at First and 1anna streets. . A communication,~ith Resolution No.61 attached, is read from the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy with reference to a p~tition from Mr. Elmer J.Serpa,611 N.1anna Street,to rezone a portion of his property located on the west side@ of HannaC3treet ~etween First Street and Broadway. ~otion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the hearing on the matter of Elmer J.Serpa's request to rezone a portion of his property be set for Monday,April 15, 1957 at 8 o'clock p.m.,Council chambers,City ~all,Gilroy,California. A communication is read from the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy advising the Council that they have accepted the tentative map of "Eschenburg Park, Units 2 and 3". Motion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy be accepted and that the tentative maD of "Eschenburg Park, Units 2 and 3,be accepted. A communication is read from George C.Renz with a deed attqched offering to the city a nortion of La Sierra Way and an alley. T:lis matter is referred to the Street Committee for investigation. A tentative map of llCastlewood Park, Unit No.3" and a letter from the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy is presented, the Planning Commission advising the Council that they approved the map. and recommend that Unit No.3 be placed in Zone "A". Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman Wentworth and ~arried that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy be accepted and that "C3stlewood Park, Unit No.3!! tentative map be approved and the unit be placed in Zone "A". Mr.Ed.Petersen,240 S.Rosanna Street,now appears before the Council to discuss the pronosed drainage plan for Castlewood Park and adjoinin~ area with reference to additional storm water IvTr. Petersen contends he and his neighbors on S.Rosanna and S.:ianna streets would receive. Councilman Wentworth reports on his meeting with County Flood Control ~nd Drainage officials with reference to the Cast~ewood Park-Fifth Street drainage project and outlines the entire project when completed by the flood control district. Councilman Wentworth renorts th4t his committee recommends that a thirty inch concrete drain line be constructed from the south boundary line of Castlewood Park Unit No.3 to Fifth and Princevalle streets. .Mr.Louis Sacculo,Phil Velasco and ~illiam Hall appear before the Council to discuss the drainage matter under discussion. Motion by Councilfuan Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Pate and carried that the drainage project- Castlewood Park-Fifth Street- be approved and that work be commenced as soon as finances are negotiated to do the work. Councilman Wentworth states that he will have a report on the Finances for the project, shortly. TI~e City Attorney states that he has no report to make on the city's liability to furnish water for residents on N.Forest Street. 1818 Councilman Sanchez, cha~rman of the 'dater Comrni ttee, presents a map of the area located on the west sidem of Forest Street between Swanston Lane and Leavesley Road,which is under discussion for water service. ~e matter of financing by the property owners is discussed and the Building Inspector reports that practically all the property owners have requested that they be permitted to pay 'the p'ortion~ Oi'theirl cos,t','of 'the water main on a monthly basis. This matter is referred to the ','Iater Committee for study and a report to the Council. The City Attorney reports that it has been recommended that the city offer the State a deed to the Armory site property excluding Wayland Lane. It is unanimously agreed that the City Attorney proceed to draw up a deed on this basis. The City Attorney states that he has no report on his request to the Attorney General for an opinion on title to the Severance school property. Councilman Petersen reports on his talk with the school authorit- ies with reference to the Nursery school using the Forest Street nlaygrounds. Motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Sanchez and carried that the City Attorney draw up an agreement between the city and the school district and the Building and Grounds Committee be authorized to negotiate with the school board on the use of the Forrst Street playgrounds for the Nursery School. Councilman Sanchez presents the architect's drawing and layout~ of the proposed swimming pool to be located on the Gilroy High school grounds. Councilman Sanchez the matter of a tentative survey of proposed routes for a new nine line from the Uvas Dam to the reservoir. Motion by Councll~an Wentworth, seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the Ci~y Engineer be instructed to make preliminary surveys and estimated costs for a new pipe line from the Uvas Dam to the city reservoir. Councilman Pate reports on a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy he attended during which an informal discussion was had on sections of the Zoning Ordinance concerning the construction~ of c:,uest houses on property in Zone lilt". Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Gallo and carried that the City Planning Con~ission of the City of Gilroy be requested to study that portion of the Zonin~ Ordinance pertaining to the construction of guest houses and accessory buildings and to forward their recommendations to the Council. Motion by Councilman P?te,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the sum ofplS,OOO.OO be transferred from the Heserve Fund to General Fund A. The City Attorney presents and readsHEc30LUTIO;r lJO.421. Motion by Councilman Pate, seconded by Councilman Petersen that RESOLUTION NO.421 be adonted. HEJOLUTION NO.421 WHEREAS, ther is now pending in the State Legislature of the State of California ~3enate :[3ill TTo. 220Q ~'Jhich has been anproved by t'1e Senate Transnortation Committee,and which would transfer all b~t a very small portion of the cost of railroad grade separations to the cities~and, HHEHEAS,the cost of making such ~rade separations are considerable and many of the smaller cities, including the City of Gilroy,are unable to bear the costs of such separations which will be put upon the cities by said Senate Bill No.220S;and, WHEREAS,it appears that the said Bill was originated with the railroads of the State of California, and that its adoption is detrimental to the nublic welfare and to the welfare of the municipalities of the State. NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT 11ESOLVED: 'rhat the r,Iayor and Common Council of the City of Gilroy do hereby OPDose the adoption of Senate B~ll No.220S or anv modifications thereof which ',"lould cOllmel the munici pali ti es in the State to bear any ~reater expense in ~o nnection wi~h grade separations than they will have to bear under the present law. IT FlTETI-IEli ;r,)OL \vED: r--, ~ "- ~ ....... 1819 That a copy of this resolution, duly certified by the City Clerk,be immediately forwarded to the State Senator from this District,the Honorable John F.Thompson,and to the Assemblyman from this District, the Honorable Bruce Allen,and to Assemblyman Richard J.Dolwig, Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of the Assembly. ADOPTED and PASSED this 1st day of April,1957, by the followin~ vote: AYES: Councilman Pate,Sanchez,Gallo,Petersen,Rush,wentworth Councilmen None Councilmen None. ~iaY~ .77J~ I'JOES: ABSENT: Attest: G. C-. .~~ City Clerk Renorts of the Police Department,the Building Inspector,the County Controller's office on fines collected for February,1957,Santa Clara County Health Department on water samples taken and. the Poundmaster are read. Motion by Councilman Sanchez, seconded by Councilman ~entworth and carried that the reports of the Police Department,the Buildin~ I spector,the Couyty Controller's office on fines collected for F~bruary,1957,Santa Clara County Health Department on water samples taken and the Poundmaster be accepted as read and nlaced on file. Reports of City officers are presented and read.' Motion by Councilman Rush,seconded by Councilman Petersen and carried that the reports of City officers be accepted as read and placed on file. ~otion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Wentworth and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Treasurer. I!lotion by Councilman Pate,seconded by Councilman Rush and carried that this meeting adgourn to Monday,April 15,1957 at b o'clock n.m., Cou'ncil chambers , City Hall, Gilroy, California. G'lA. ~~ City Clerk