Minutes 1957/09/03
Gilroy, California
September 3, 1957
This ,regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor George C. Milias.
Present: Councilmen Kenneth L. Petersen, Everett C. Wentworth,
Sig Sanchez, Charles Gallo, and Courtland M. Rush. Absent: Council-
man Carl W. Pate.
The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies .of the
minutes of the regular monthly meeting of August 5th, the re~ular
adjourned meeting of August 19th, and the special meeting of August 26th.
All Councilmen answer in the affirmative.
The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or omissions in the
minutes as presented.
No errors or omissions are noted.
~e Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly meet-
ing of August 5th, the regular adjourned meeting of August 19th, and
the special meeting of August 26th, 1957 approved.
The Mayor now asks for a report by Councilman Wentworth on the
Gentry sewage problem. Councilman Wentworth states that Mr. Stockman
has made a brief study of the City's sewer plant and has made a re-
port of the maximum capacity of waste material.
The City Clerk now reads a preliminary report from Mr. R. C.
Stockman concerning the City's sewer piliant capacity and sewage flow,
and making recommendations for repairs and possible enlargement of
the plant in the near future. He also reports on the Gentry sewage
. Councilman Wentworth now invites Mr. Stockman to answer ques-
tions on his report. Mr. Stockman gives an explanation of his re-
port and the population chart accompanying it.
~e Mayor now instructs the City Clerk to write a letter to
Gentry Company telling them that the Council is interested in their
sewage problem and would like further to discuss the problem with
Councilman Wentworth suggests that Mr. Stockman proceed with a
survey on the City's sewage problem. Mr. Stockman states that he
will submit a proposal to the Council at their next meeting on Sept-
ember 16th and will meet with the Council at that time. Mr. Stock-
man also asks the Council if they have any objections to his help-
ing Gentry with their future planning. All Councilmen have no ob-
jections. T~e Mayor commends Mr. Stockman on his preliminary report.
~ A communication from W. J. Hanna, City Engineer, is read con-
,carning the inspection of the Fifth Street Storm Drain now being
....~.. inst91led by William Radtke and Son under the terms of their contract
-'~ith-~he City of Gilroy. He recommends that a progress payment of
$12,847.70 be made.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth, second by Councilman Petersen
and carried that the recommended progress payment of ,~12,847.70 be
made to William Radtke and Son.
A communication from the Division of Highways is brought to
the attention of the Council by the City Clerk requesting the City
to undertake a study to provide a basis for an over-all street and
road planning project. The communication is ordered to be placed
on file as the City has all ready entered into an agreement with
the County for over-all planning on streets and highways.
A communication from the Central Labor Council is read request-
ing the passing of a resolution proclaiming September 2nd through '
September 8th as Union Label Week in the City of Gilroy. No action
is taken at this time.
A communication from the City of Turlock is read requesting
the Mayor to make proclamation on Central California's Sunday School
Fair Week. No action is taken.
A communication from the Bay Area Pollution Control District
is read concerning burning refuse at the City dump. The Mayor asks
Councilman Wentworth if our burning problem is under control.
Councilman Wentworth states that everything is under control with
the exception of the burning of onion skins from the Gentry Plant.
The Mayor instructs the City Clerk to write a letter to Gentry
adking them to diBcontinue burning of their waste material.
A communication from Electronics Home'Tele-Movies Co. and
from Skiatrom TV, Inc. requesting a franchise for a closed circuit
TV system is brought to the attention of the Council by the City
Clerk. No action is taken at this time.
A communication from the Department of Public Works is read,
thanking the City of Gilroy for their submission of the Highway
Needs Report. Tne communication is ordered filed.
A communication from the California Marine Parks & Harbors
Ass'n. is read, concerni~g the City's future improvements for boat
facilities. ~e Mayor instructs the City Clerk to write a letter
stating that we have no boating plans at this time.
A communication from Mr. R. A. Miller of the Southern Pacific
Railroad Company is read acknowledging our letter concerning the
action taken by the Council on Ordinance No. 557. This communication
is ordered filed.
A letter from W." J. Hanna, City Engineer, is read concerning
the approval from the Division of Highways of the
fications for the resurfacing of Hanna Street and
from Broadway to Welburn Avenue, Project No. 30.
advertisement for bids is also attached.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth, second by Councilman Petersen
and carried that the City Clerk advertise for bids for Project No.
30, and that the bids be opened at the regular adjourned meeting
of the Common Council on September 16, 1957, at 8:00 P.M.
The Mayor now asks Councilman Gallo for the report of the Ord-
inance Committee on licensing automatic vending machines. Council-
man Gallo requests further time for study and states that he will
report at the next meeting of the Council.
The Mayor asks for a report from W. J. Hanna, City Engineer,
on the plans and specifications of the new filter beds. Mr. Hanna
states that the report is completed. Comncilman Sanchez suggests
that this subject be taken up at a meeting some time next week.
The Mayor asks the City Attorney if the agreement with the
Miller and Lux heirs on the lease of the property for recreation
purposes is completed and ready for execution. ~e City Attorney
states that after further study a motion to accept the agreement
can be made at the next meeting.
The rerouting and widening of Welburn Avenue as recommended by
the Planning Commission is asked to be brought up at the next meet-
ing when Councilman Pate, Chairman of the Street Committee is pre-
The Mayor asks the City Attorney if he has any information on
the City of Gilroy employees' retirement plan. The City Attorney
states that he is waiting to hear from the League of California
Cities before he makes any suggestions. Councilman Sanchez states
that the Finance Committee has met and are now gathering informa-
tion on a retirement plan.
The Mayor now brings up the matter of the low bid of Renz
Construction Company of $8,881.40 for the extension of Alexander
Street from 9th Street to Banes Lane. Mr. Hanna states that Purity
Stores, Ltd. has agreed to enter into the contract. The City
Attorney reads the agreement between the City of Gilroy and Purity
Stores, Ltd. for their portion of the payment of the work to be
Motion by Councilman Petersen, second by Councilman Rush and
carried that the agreement between the City of Gilroy and Purity
Stores, Ltd. be accepted and that the Mayor be authorized to sign
the contract.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez, second
and carried that the the low bid of Renz
$8,881.40 for the extension of Alexander
to Banes Lane be accepted.
The City Attorney presents and reads Ordinance No. 559.
Motion by Councilman Rush, second by Councilman Petersen and
carried that Ordinance No. 559 be adopted.
plans and speci-
Carmel Street
~e form for the
by Councilman Wentworth
Construction Company of
Street from 9th Street
PASSED and ADOPTED this third day of September, 1957, by the
following vote:
AYES: Councilman Petersen, Wentworth, Sanchez, Gallo, Rush.
NOES: Councilman None
· ABSENT: 60uncilman Pate
(! . 7T)-e--LA:-- ~~)
. Milias
G. B. Carr
City Clerk
~e City Attorney states that the ordinance regulating the
speedlimit of trains will be presented and read at the next Council
Councilman Sanchez reports that the matter of the change in
water rates will be brought up at the regular monthly meeting in Oct.
1 ~.~ fj ()
Mrs. Carroll Wentz comes before the Council requesting that
some action be taken on the spraying of the City's Elm trees, on
cleaning up the alleys, and a more systematic plan for picking up
clippings and rubbish on the City streets.
The problem of dirty alleys and the picking up of clippings
and rubbish is to be brought up at the next meeting when Council-
man Pate, Chairman of the Street Committee is present. The City
Administrator is directed to see that the City spray rig is re-
paired and made ready to operate.
Councilman Sanchez states that he will contact a friend, who
is an entomologist, to check our situation on the beetles that are
infecting our elm trees and that further action can be taken at a
later date.
Mr. George White comes before the Council requesting per-
mission to obtain a building permit to incorporate his two building
structures into one unit by attaching another room between his
house and the garage. Mr. Byron Brown, Building Inspector explains
the situation. The City Attorney states that the insertion of a
new room is a legal question and that it would be up to the courts
to decide whether this would be legally posibble. The City Attorney
also states that there might be a period in which the moving of
the accessory building would be illegal but that he believed that
after the extra room is built and the accessory building is attach-
ed to the main building that it would then probably be upheld by
the courts.
Mdtion by Councilman Rush that the Building Inspector be
allowed to issue the requested permit to Mr. George White, enabling
him to incorporate the building structures on his property into
one unit by connecting the garage and the present accessory build-
ing with a new room. Councilman Sanchez says that he will second
the motion on the basis of the City Attorney's recommendation.
Motion carried.
Reports of the Poundmaster, Police Department, and Building
Inspector are presented and read.
Motion by Councilman Petersen, second by Councilman Rush and
carried that these reports be aceepted as read.
Reports on water samples taken by the Santa Clara County
Health Department on August 22nd are read. These reports are
satisfactory and are ordered filed.
Reports of City Officers are presented and read.
rJIotion by Councilman Rush, second by Councilman Petersen and
carried that the reports of the City Officers be accepted as read
and placed on file.
The City Clerk states that the General Fund is getting low
and recommends that the Sales Tax money be allocated to the Gener-
al Fund, or a transfer of $10,000.00 from the Reserve Fund be made.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez, second by Councilman Rush and
carried that $10,000.00 be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the
General Fund.
Motion by Councilman Rush, second by Councilman Gallo and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Motion by Councilman Sanche~, second by Councilman Rush, and
carried that the City Clerk write a letter to Mr. John Radin thank-
ing him for his services and pay him $750.00 for his population
survey to the City and his estimate of the amount of gas and
electricity to be used, which enabled the Pacific Gas and Electrrc
Company and the City to come to an agreement on the amount due on
the gas & electricity franchise.
The Mayor states that there will be a Committee meeting of the
whole on Monday, September 9th at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers,
at the City Hall.
Byron Brown, Building Inspector reports that there has been
a request from Pacheco Pass Motel to erect a sign at the property
belonging to Ben Levin at South Monterey Street. The Councilmen
instruct Mr. Brown to issue a permit to Pacheco Pass Motel to
erect the sign.
~e City Attorney now asks Councilman Rush if he wants him to
bring up the proposed ordinance concerning the salary of probation-
ary firemen and the uniform allowance. ~e Mayor asks that this
ordinance be presented at the next meeting.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth, second by Councilman Peter-
sen and carried that this meeting be adjourned to Monday, Septem-
ber 16 1957 at 8 o'clock p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall, Gil-
roy, California. ~
Citv Clerk