Minutes 1957/12/02
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December 2, 1957
Gilroy, California
This regular monthly meeting of the Common Council is called to
order by His Honor Mayor Geor~e C. Milias.
Present: Councilmen Carl W. Pate, Kenneth L. Petersen, Sig
Sanchez, Charles Gallo, and Everett Wentworth. Absent: Council-
man Courtland M. Rush.
The Mayor now asks if all Councilmen have received copies of
the minutes of the regularly monthly meeting of November 4th and the
re~ular adjourned meeting of November 18th.
All Councilmen answer in the affirmative.
The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or omissions in the
minutes as presented.
No errors or omissions are not~d.
The I1ayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly meet-
ing of November 4th and the regular adjourned meeting of November
18, 1957 approved.
A notice for a hearing on gas rates from the Public Utilities
Commission is Dresented. No action is taken.
A communication from the State Board of Equalization is read
explaining the reduction in the costs of collecting local sales
The Mayor instructs the City Clerk to write a letter to Mr. Geo.
R. Reilly, thanking him for the refund.
A letter in answer to our request, from the California State
Automobile Association is read offering to make a street traffic
survey for proper placement of stop signs sometime in July or Aug-
ust of 1958. The letter also .states that a reoresentati ve of the
Association will call on the City Clerk to further discuss the survey.
Councilman Pate asks to be notified when the representative calls.
A letter from the Boy Scouts of Troop 91+ i~ read requesting to
paint the house numbers on the curbs. Motion by Councilman Sanchez
second by Councilman Pate and carried that the Boy Scouts of Troop
94 be allowed to paint the house numbers on the curbs with the per-
mission of the oroperty owners. r.~e Mayor instructs the City Clerk
to notify the Chairman, Lloyd R. Paetsch, that their request is ~rant-
ed and also for him to make sure that the correct numbers are Dainted
on the curbs. '
A communication from Rev.E. L. Moon, is read requesting a water
main extension between Hanna and Dowdy Streets and between Seventh
and Eighth Streets to his property on Dowdy Street. This matter is
referred to the Water and Street Committees to make a studv and re-
Dort to the Council at the next regular meetina: on their findings.
It was the oDinion of the Council that the alley should be comoleted
in this block and an attemot be made to obtain the necessarv ria:hts
df way to extend it to Eighth Street.'
At this time Mr. Firman B. Voorhies presents to the City of Gil-
roy an award from the California Insurance Aa:ents and Safety Council
for the City's traffic safety record from Memorial Day thro~gh Labor
A communication from W. J. lanna and Son is read renortina: that
j. )
the work done on Hanna and Carmel Streets by the Leo F. Piazza Pav-
ing Company under the terms of their contract is 95% complete and
recommends that a progress payment of ~9475.90 be made. '
A letter from W. J. Hanna and Son is also read stating that a
final inspection has been made on the work done on I.O.O.F. Ave.
by Leo F. Piazza Paving Company under the terms of their contract
Vith the City of Gilroy and recommends that a progress payment of
~2694.10 be made.
-,...",--'-,Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Petersen and
carried that the progress payment of $9475.90 on the Hanna and Car-
mel Streets project and the Dayment of ~2694.l0 on the I.O.O.F. Ave.
project he made to Leo F. Piazza Company as outlined by the Citv
~ . '
A letter from 'd. J. Hanna Q" Son is read statinF that a contract
'1.,3 s been let wi th the Geo. C. Renz Const. Co. bv th~ San Ilartin Sales
Company for the installation of all improvement work in Tract No.
2023, Castlewood Park, Unit No.3, and recommending that the San
Martin Sales Company furnish a bond for the necessary requirements
of the Cityl, based on the contract price of ~?9.2l5.PO, and that an
additional S2hOO.00 be Daid for the tvventy-six lots for storm
drainaa:e, before accepting the sub-division.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez second by Councilman Pate
and carried that the City Attorney be authorized to draw up
the necessary contract between the City of Gilroy and the
:;; o-IV' '1
.A4& I1artin Sales Gompany providing for the furnishing of all
the necessary improvements required by the City and that a
bond be furnished for )29215.80, the engineers estimate for
the cost of the required improvmments.
A letter is read from W. J. Hanna & Sons, accompanied by
a proposed final map of Castlewood Park, Unit No.3, suggest-
ing that the map be approved by the Council and that the
Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to sign it upon the
furnishing of a proper bond for the improvements required by
the City and the payment of the required amount for storm
[,'lotion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Wentworth
and carried that the final map of Castlewood Park, Unit No. 3
be approved when the proper bonds for improvements are furnished
and the required payment is made for storm drainage.
The Mayor now asks the City Attorney if there has been
any progress on the Miller Avenue Annexation. Mr. Johnson
s~ates that no further progress has been made because of the
necessity of his being in court for the past several weeks
but that he would endeavor to have something ready for the
next meeting of the Council.
The City Engineer, states that he will get the description
of the property on the I:Iiller Avenue annexation. The Mayor
states that a special meeting will be called after the descrip-
tion is obtained.
Councilman Wentworth reports that the Sewer Committee has
come to a decision on the matter of sewer connections outside
( I
of the city limits. I',Totion by Councilman ';vpntworth second D'T
Councilman Gallo and carried that the matter of outside sewer
connections be referred to the Ordinance Committee to work
with the City Attorney and prepare a resolution statin~ that
sewer connections will not be permitted to Darties outside of
the City limits, with the exceDtion of labor camDS.
Counctlman Wentworth asks if there are any questions on
the report on the enlar~ement of the sewer plant. There are no
Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Sanchez
and carried that the City spend approximately ~250.00 for repair-
ing the gear reducer on the circular clarifier and for reDairing
the guide bearings on the drive shaft in the square aeration tank
and also that the future Councilman include the purchase of a
solids grinder machine in the new 1958-59 budget.
-- --
T~e City Clerk now reports on the amount of taxes on certain
properties proposed for off-street parkine; lots. The matter lS
referred to the Parking Committee for further study after which
time a reDort can be made to the Council.
The City Clerk now reports that the estimated fiqure for mov-
ing of the City Clerk's offices to the/r1eeler Auditorium is~ll,
823.95 which does not include a council table and a floor safe.
It is decided that all Councilmen and the IIayor meet at Wheeler
Auditorium on r~ursday, December 5th at 5:00 p.m. to acquaint
themselves with the proposed changes to be made to accomodate the
city offices.
Councilman Petersen reports that he, the City Clerk, and two
Remington Rand reDresentatives went to the Santa Cruz City offices
to see their counter installation.
The Mayor now asks the government students from the Senior
Class who are in the audience if they wish to ask any questions
concerning our local ~overnment system. T~e students do not have
any questions.
Councilman Pate reports that the City Emplovees' Christmas
qift be referred to the Finance Committee.
The City Clerk is instructed to order flowers for John H.
Hush's funeral.
Councilman Pate reports that the extension of Alexander Street
is near completion and suggests that the property owners be notif-
ied to put in the curbs and gutters.
Motion bv Councilman Pate second by Councilman Sanchez and
carried that the City Clerk write the California Hie;hway DeDart-
ment and ask someone to call and discuss the improvement of Old
Gilroy Street.
Councilman Petersen asks the City Cle~ to write the Division
of Highways and inquire if they have a used pick-up truck for sale.
Councilman Petersen states that the lar~e tree on I.O.O.F.
Avenue cannot be decorated for the holiday season because it is
too expensive to buy the lights from the regular street decorators.
The Mayor states that Jay-walking should be eliminated in the
City of Gilroy. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman
vJentworth and carried that the City Administrator send a letter to
Marshal, Harold Sturla informing him that jay-walking be stopped
i~~ediately by a one week warning and citations issued after that
The City Clerk reads a card of thanks from the relatives of
Watt Moore which is ordered filed.
Recorts on water samples taken by the Santa Clara County
Health Department for November 18th and 21st are read. L~e re-
uorts of November 18th show contamination but the samules taken on
fuovember~21st are s~tisfactory and the reports are or~ered filed.
An auplication for a renewal of an on-sale alcoholics beveraqe
license for Bimbo's Club is read. All Councilmen have no objection
to this apulication and it is ordered filed.
Repo~ts of the Police Department, the Buildin~ Insnector, and
the Poundmaster are presented and read.
~otion by Councilman Sanchez second by Councilman Fate and
carried that these reports be accepted as read.
Reports of City officers are presented and read.
Iv;otion by Councilman ','Jent'/JOrth second by Councilman Petersen
and carried that the reports of the City officers be accepted as
read and placed on file.
Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Petersen and
carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the Treasurer.
Motion bv Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Gallo and
carried that this meeting adjourn to Monday~ December 16, 1957, at
8 o'clock p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, Gilroy, California.
kiLl 6{,vJ
City Clerk