Minutes 1958/01/20
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Gilroy, California
January 20, 1958
This regular adjourned meetin.g of the Common Council is called
to order by his Honor George C. Milias.
Present: Councilmen Carl ~. Pate, Courtland M. Rush, Kenneth
L. Petersen, Everett C. Wentworth, Sig Sanchez, and Charles Gallo.
A communication from the Public Utilities Commission with a
resolution attached authorizing the Southern Pacific to install
fully automatic crossing signals at Lewis, Martin, Sixth, and
Pacheco Pass crossings is read and ordered filed.
A letter of thanks from the staff of the Gilroy Public Library
for the Christmas gift is read and ordered filed.
A communication from the Community Facilities Agency explain-
ing its loan program is read. Councilman Sanchez states that on
Thursday he and City Engineer, \1Valter Hanna Jr., will go to San
Franci.sco to obtm.in additional information concerning loans to
cities and will report back to the Council at the next meeting.
A letter of thanks for use of the Wheeler Auditorium from
the Gilroy Gliders is read and ordered filed.
A communication from the Gilroy Cooperative Dryer request-
ing permission to install a butane tank for emergency purposes
is read. This matter is referred to the City Attorney for a re-
vision to be made in the present ordinance governing the installa-
tion of butane tanks with the understanding that butane tanks
maybe installed and filled with butane only at times of an emer-
A communication from the Associated Consultants
the salary survey accompanied by a contract is read.
Councilman Pate second by Councilman Rush and carried
con cerni ng
Motion by
that upon
recommendation of the Finance Committee the contract for Six
Hundred Dollars be awarded to Associated Consultants for the
salary survey. The City Administrator is instructed to notify
Associated Consultants that the salary survey contract has
been awarded to them and the salary survey can be started as
soon as possible.
A communication from the State Department of Public Health
declaring Santa Clara County a rabies area is read. The City
Clerk is instructed to report back to the Council after obtain-
ing further information from the Health Department.
A letter from Congressman Charles S. Gubser regarding the
National Guard Armory program is read. This letter is tabled
until more information is given on the matter'by'Congressman
The Mayor now asks that the bids for the combination heat-
ing and air-conditioning system for the proposed new city offices
be read. The bids are opened and read as follows: Bollinger
Sheet Metal - Proposal No.1, which includes heating the entire
area and air-conditioning adequate and controlled for alternate
use in either office area or Council Chambers - ~5689.00, Pro-
posal No.2, which includes adequate heating and air-condition-
ing entire wing simultaneously - t6829.00; Harry M. Barnes
Company - No bid~ Larkin Sheet Metal - Proposal No.1, $4052.35,
Prop..osal No.2 - f.'5193.60; Schieler's Heating and Plumbing -
ProDosal No.1 - $4300.00, Proposal No.2 - ~5965.00.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez, second by Councilman Peter-
sen and carried that'the bids be Dlaced in the hands of the
Building and Grounds Committee for study and instructions are
given to report to the Council on February 3, 195q.
The Mayor now asks for a progress report on the extension
of the alley between Seventh and Eighth, and Hanna ~ Dowdy
Streets. The City Administrator reports that all the property
owners have signed the deed. The City Att6rftetvstates that a
Rasolution must be adopted before the deeds can be accepted.
The City Attorney states that Mrs. Lee I~athison's signature is
necess8ry and will be obtained as soon as nossible.
Resolution No. 457 is presented by the City Ettorney.
Motion by Councilman Sanchez, second by Councilman Pate that
Resolution No. 457 be adonted.
BE IT RESOLVED by Tne Common Council of the City of Gilroy that
any of the following named officers of the said City of Gilroy
are hereby authoriz~d to accept and consent to deeds or grants,
or other interests in real property on behalf of the City of
Gilroy: GEORGE C. MILIAS, Mayor.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th day of January, 1958., by the
following vote:
AYES: Councilmen:
Pate, Rush, Petersen, Wentworth, Sanchez,
and Gallo.
George C. Milias
I,Ia yo r
G. B . Carr
City Clerk
The City Attorney states that the deed can be accepted by
execution of the certificate which is read and signed by the
The City Clerk presents at this time a letter from the
Office of the Registrar of Voters stating that the signatures
of the property owners on the Miller Avenue annexation are in
order with the exception of two signatures.
Resolution No. 458 is presented by the City Attorney.
Motion bv Councilman Petersen second bv Councilman Wentw0rth
that Res~lution No. 458 be adoDted. .
PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th day of January, 1958, by the following
Councilmen:Pate,Rush,Petersen,Wentworth,Sanchez,and Gallo.
George C. Milias
G. B. Carr
City Clerk
The Mayor now asks if the bond and contract for Castlewood Park
Unit No. 3 have been received. The Attorney states th8t the contract
must precede the execution of the bond. The Citv Attornev states
that the bond is not satisfactory and not complete. The Mayor now
signs the contract UDon recommendation of the City Attorney. The
contract and bond are referred back to the City Attorney until 8
satisfactory bond can be obtained.
The City Clerk reports that he did not write the Water Pollu-
tion Board and the State Health Department concerning the diversion
of cannery waste through the storm sewers because the City Engineer
prefers that a more definite plan be submitted to these a~encies in
order to receive their best consideration. The City En~ineer renorts
that we should wait until Gentry has comnleted their study before
doing anythin~ further. Councilman W~ntworth states that the City
of Hollister's urogram for disposal of cannery effluent is very
satisfactory. This matter is referred back to the City Engineer for
further study and a later report to the Council.
The City Clerk renorts that he is w8iting for additional infor-
mation on a model license ordinance from the League of California
Cities to aid in revising the City's present license ordinance. ~i......
Councilman Sanchez reports that the National Guard should be . ...
notified of the unsatisfactory maintenance at the Wheeler Auditorium.
This matter is referred to the Buildin~s and Grounds Committee to
contact the person in the National Guard responsible for its main-
Councilman Sanchez asks if anyone would like to 0:0 with him to
San Francisco to see the Community Facilities Agency regarding a
possible loan for the proposed pipe line. Councilman Wentworth
states that he will accompany him.
Councilman Wentworth suggests that the electroliers on r~onteret
Street be painted an aluminum color the next time thev are repainted.
This matter is referred to the Li~hting Committee.
Councilman Petersen reports that stop signs should be inst811ed
on the north and south sides of Ninth Street. It is decided that
this be postponed until the survey to be made by the Automobile
Association is comnleted.
Reports on water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health
Department on Janparv 2nd and 9th are read. These reDorts are satis-
factory and are ord~red filed.
The M8yor now asks if anyone in the audience has any questions.
A student from the government class from the high school asks about
the annexation on Miller Avenue and the Mayor explains the annexation
Councilman Pate introduces I1r. Leonard Gross from the Wayne Sweep-
er Company who at this time shows moving pictures on the Wayne street I
sweeper. This matter is referred to the Street Committee for possible
inclusion of a new sweeper in the next budget. . .
T'1ere being no further business this Council meeting is adjourn-
City Clerk