Minutes 1958/07/07
Gilroy, California
July 7, 1958
, I
This regular montply meeting of the Common Council is called
to order by His Honor Mayor Sig Sanchez.
Present: Councilmen Carl W. Pate, Courtland M. Rush, Ken-
neth L. Petersen, Everett C. Wentworth, Charles Gallo, and Wil-
ford Jordan.
The Mayor now asks if' all Councilmen have received copies of
the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of June 2nd and the
regular adjourned meeting of June 17th.
All Councilmen answer in the affirmative.
The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or omissions in the
minutes as presented.
No errors or omissions are noted.
The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly
meeting of June 2nd and the regular adjourned meeting of June 17,
1958 approved.
A letter is read from the Department of Public Works ac-
companied by a copy of a resolution on traffic safety and high-
way planning which was adopted by the Engineering Division of the
1957 Governors Traffic Safety Conference. The letter was ordered
A preli~~~~r,X report from De Leu Cather Company on a planned
south county1s P~Xd. No action is taken.
A clai~\for 1110.54 is read from the California Casualty In-
demnity Exchange. The claim is for injuries suffered by Mrs.
Alise E. Schulz who fell in a hole in the parkway on Lewis Street
adjacent to the Filice & Perrelli Canning Co. which it is claimed
was dug at the request of the City of Gilroy. The City Clerk is
instructed to investigate this matter further and refer the claim
to the City Attorney.
Mr. J. Williams, manager of Foster and Kleiser Company appears
before the Council to appeal a recent denial of a request for a
permit to erect a sign on South Monterey Street. Mr. Williams
requests that this matter be postponed until further investiga-
tion is made and a definite policy from the Ccunty can be obtained.
The Mayor suggests that the Council discuss this matter with the
Planning Commission at the meeting to be held on July 14th. At
this time there is some discussion on the matter. Motion by Coun-
cilman Wentworth second by Councilman Gallo that Foster and Klei-
ser be granted permission to install a sign on South Monterey St.
Ayes: Councilmen Wentworth, Gallo, and Petersen. Noes: Councilmen
Jordan, Pate, Rush, and Mayor Sig Sanchez. As the motion did
not pass the request for the permit is denied.
Councilmen Pate reports that the present method of
handling lawn and tree trimmings is getting out of hand. He
suggests that a monthly charge of $.50 be made to each water con- ,
sumer and that the charge be placed on the water bill to help
defray the expense of this service and to help maintain cleaner
alleys. This matter is turned over to the Ordinance Committee
for study and recommendation.
Councilman Pate reports that the City Clerk has in-
formation on the cost of a new street sweeper. He states that it
will be necessary to immediately spend approximately $700.00 on
our old sweeper and recommends that a new one be purchased. He
recommends that we purchase the Wayne sweeper on the lease agree-
ment plan. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Went--
worth and carried that the City enter into the proposed lease
agreement and possible purchase of the Wayne Street Sweeper in
accordance with the proposal of the Western Traction Company.
Purchasing Agent, Cecil Reinsch, is instructed to notify Western
Traction Company of the action taken.
The City Clerk reports that Mr. Gunn from the County
Executive Offices would like to arroage a meeting with the Police
and Finance Committees to discuss the increase in the charge for
communication services. The Clerk is instructed to arrange an
afternoon meeting around 1:00 or 1:30 p.m. and to call all Coun-
Permission is requested to send out bids for equip-
ment rental for street and alley projects.
Councilman Pate reports that most of the future
street improvements will be on a contract basis but that some
rental of equipment would be necessary for alley maintenance.
Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Petersen and carried.
that the City Administrator be instructed to send out requests
for bids on equipment rental for street and alley work.
Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Jordan
and carried that John Doherty be hired as Patrolman with a start-
ing salary of $376.00 per month as recommended by the City Mar-
Treasurer, H. R. Eschenburg, reports that thirteen
one thousand dollar series "G" United States savings Bonds, Se-
rial Nos. M3808457G to M3808459G inclusive and M4105864G to
M4105873G inclusive have expired and are due for collection.
Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Rush and carried
that the thirteen one thousand dollar series "G" United States
saving Bonds, Serial Nos. M3808457G to M3808459G inclusive and
M4105864G to M4105873G inclusive be surrendered for redemption
and that Mayor Sig Sanchez be authorized to name G. B. Carr, City
Clerk of the City of Gilroy as the authorized person to endorse
these listed Bonds for the City of Gilroy and that the money be
turned over to the Treasurer for temporary deposit in the check-
ing account until the Finance Committee can make further reco-
The Mayor reports that the General Plan prepared by
the County for the City is complete and that a conference with the
County Planning Department will be held on July 14th.
Cecil Reinsch is instructed to see if the new po-
lice cars are using an excessive amount of oil.
Reports of the Building Inspector, Police Department,
Poundmaster, and City officers are present and read. Motion by
Councilman Rush second by Councilman Petersen and carried that
these reports be accepted as read.
Reports on water samples taken by the Santa Clara
County Health Department on June 18th and 22nd are read. These
reports are satisfactorily and are ordered filed.
Councilman Petersen reports that Mr. H. A. Hyde from
~192 5
Watsonville has submitted a proposal of approximately $7,500.00
for the installation of a sprinkler system at the Miller Park.
Mr. Hyde has estimated $7,000.00 to prepare the ground and plant
the lawn, and $250.00 for preparing plans and specifications and
supervising the project. Councilman Petersen states that the
Building and Grounds Committee recommends that a sprinkler system
and lawn be the first step in developing the Miller Park. Mo-
tion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth and
carried that the City enter into agreement with Mr. H. A. Hyde
for the sum of $250.00 to prepare the plans and specifications
and supervise the Miller Park project.
Max Kludt is instructed to notify Mr. Hyde of the Councils'
Councilman Petersen reports that Max Kludt has prepared
plans for landscaping the front of the new City Offices and his
cost is estimated at-$3,000.00 plus $750.00 for a canopy over
the entrance doors.
Max Kludt suggests that a surface sprinkling system be
put in operation as soon as possible at the Miller Park site so
that a cover crop may be grown to better prepare the soil for
Councilman Petersen recommends the installation of curb and
gutter on the south side of Miller Park. It is decided that this
curb and gutter be included in the future street improvement
Councilman Rush reports that the Police Committee has
prepared plans for alterations at the old City Hall for the new
Police Department offices and recommends that the work be done
on an hourly basis. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Coun-
cilman Pate and carried that the City Administrator and Director
of Public Works proceed with the alterations at the proposed
new Police Department offices.
Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Wentworth
and carried that bills as presented be allowed and warrants drawn
on the Treasurer.
The City Attorney reports that he received a letter from the
Research Attorney of the League of California Cities regarding
the proposed change in the charter on the question of the legality
of adopting a freeholders charter without first becoming a general
law city. He reports that according to the League of California
Cities any city such as Gilroy, at the time of the adoption of
the present Constitution, continues to exist, until at an election
to organize under~general law or obtains a freeholders charter.
The Myaor instructs the City Attorney to make arrangements with
the League of California Cities to have a representatvie of the
League meet with the Council to discuss and compare the charter
we operate under now with a general law or freeholders charter.
At this time there is some discussion on the charter.
Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Gallo and
carried that this meeting be adjourned to Monday July 21, 195$,
at $ o'clock p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall, Gilroy, California.
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, ~ .J (V I; I. L .
City Clerk