Minutes 1960/04/01 "(-' 1 ~. ~._ , r v) Gilroy, California April 1, 1960 This special council meeting is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez on April 1, 1960 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councilmen Carl W. Pate, Courtland M. Rush, Kenneth L. Petersen, Everett C. Wentworth, Charles Gallo, and Wilford E. Jordan. The Mayor states purpose of calling special meeting of the Common Council. The Santa Clara County Public Works Department has been asked to submit a report to the Board of Supervisors concern- ing the location of the South County building facilities and that it would be more feasible to locate the building on an existing sewer service. The Board of Supervisors and Mr. Howard Campen, County Administrator, has not acknowledged our correspondence and the offer of a building site adjacent to the Wheeler Auditorium. -"<.,.,....,"",=""".;;,-,;;""0;. '<"x,-~,;:';;";'.l'i~iZ'~<'w.;..lf"'-.h~~~_"'~:,S::'_~\<~',.;k;;;"";;#,..:.;~";,,c,_ ,'_--""'~;;;''';;';~','i".:;;::&..!;..~~,,-i:;i,x'!!i';''!''i;,!;~Jr~~:':'~::' 'ii~!,\ld:is;;,"i:.~~\'";,2t:,'n;~~!:0i:t;{~A.$.~,'W.iClil!:lj:*:j.,-,,.~~~~<~..:~j;:;Cz.1r;i.0.T:\;;lLc",.:i;.':~;':Z.\q",:;?~~rLXC:'1!,i~:C(,,;'~,:;1*':::':o::"~,,::,,,_,. -:",Ff~;)~;r'i!::;;J;~!i:fZ:,:~:;;:>~,':l~:Z;:'~::"",';;',z!!'~:;.;- :20 . . i-, U The Mayor asked Mr. Howard Smith of Voorhies Real Estate office to negotiate with out cost to the City for the property adjacent to the southerly property line which is 83.7 feet wide and 138.80 feet deep and the property is available for $6,000.00 from Mr. Floyd Jones. The Director of Public Works reports a conversation with Mr. Innes, Director of Public Works and Howard Weichert, the District Supervisor, stating that a plot 138 feet X 183 feet is available adjacent to the Wheeler Auditorium without cost to the County of Santa Clara for the South County building. Councilman Jordan insists we make clear the fact that we don't intend to close the door for any other location for the building. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Petersen and carried that this special meeting be adjourned. } j('" ,i/'/ r U/;( , L( ;1-/ City Clerk