Minutes 1960/05/16 0f):')c-l ~,\ 1'_" ....l Gilroy, California May 16, 1960 This adjourned meeting of the Council is called to order by His Honor Carl 'vv. Pate, Mayor Pro tempore. c,c r) Present: Councilman Norman ~. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan,CW ~~ Courtland M. Rush and Everett C. wentworth. Absent: Councilman > Kenneth L. Petersen ~nd Mayor Sig Sanchez. A letter from Gilroy Union High School is read requestin~ use of Wheeler Auditorium for a Band and Choral Concert. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that Gilroy Union High School be granted permission to use \ifheeler Auditorium free of charge for a Band and Choral Concert. A letter is read from C. W. Englund protesting sewer charges for labor camps. At this time Mr. Englund addresses the Council and states that he feels the present sewer charge is an absorbant fee due to the average of 200 to 250 men capacity, and compared to the charges in Soledad which are $60.00. City Administrator Carr asks Mr. Englund if he does not have similiar arrangements for the labor camp in Salinas. Mr. Englund states that he does have an arrangement with Salinas and with forty or fifty labor camps throughout. Discussion is had. Councilman Wentworth states that at the time this sewer char~e was set it was only on a trial basis with the understanding that Mr. Englund could appeal the charge after one year, and that this appeal was not made or no compaint given to the City. Councilman Rush states that if the fee is lowered and should the capacity of the labor camp double, the fee should not be the same. This matter is referred to City Administrator Carr. Mr. Carr states that he would like to meet with the Sewer Advisory Com- mittee consisting of Councilmen Wentworth, Rush, and Goodrich to discuss the sewer charges for labor camps. Mr. Carr states that he will arrange a date for the meeting. A petition is read requesting annexation of property belong- ing to J. Jung. Resolution No. 567 is presented and read by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Wentworth that Reso- lution No. 567 be adopted. , RESOLUTION NO. 567 RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO CITY OF GILROY OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEHEIN AND DESIGNATED "JUNG EASTERN ADDITION" AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS THERETO. AYES: COUNCIU1~T: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Rush, and Wentworth NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT:COUNCIL: Petersen, and Sanchez. A letter from the Division of Highways is read concerning progress on proposed Freeway bypassing Gilroy, stating that studies are now completed for the location between Thomas Road and Ford Road and that the matter will be before the California Highway 2n5~1 Commission for adoption before the end of 1960. City Administrator Carr reports that the exclusive listin~ agreement between the real estate agent and Mr. Floyd Jones for property adjacent to VJheeler Audi tori urn ends July 1, 1960 and the City must submit a down payment in order to bind the bargain. Discussion is had on the matter. Mayor Pro tempore Pate suggests that this matter be referred to the next Council meeting because Mayor Sanche?' has done the negotiating concerning this property. All Councilmen have no objections and this matter is tabled. Ordinance No. 622 is presented by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan that Ordinance No. 622 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. ~22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 422 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF SAID CITY BY RE'30NING CERTAIN TERRI TORY LOCA TED IN THE SOUTHEASTERLY PORTION OF THE CI TY OF GILROY FROM ZONE TTBTT TO ZONE TfC_lll DISTRICT. AYES: COUNCIL: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Rush.Wentworth NOES: COUNCIL: None ABSENT: COm~CIL: Petersen and Sanchez Ordinance No. 623 is presented by City Administrator Carr. r\~otion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Wentworth that Ordinance No. 623 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 623 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI TY OF GILROY MJIENDIN G SECTION NO. 46 OF ORDINANCE NO. 480 OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY AUTHORIZING ANGLE PARKING ON THE EAST SIDE OF EIGLEBERRY STREET BETWEEN FOURTH AND SEVENTH STREETS. AYES: COUNCIL: Goodrich. Jordan,Pate,Rush, and Wentworth NOES: COUNCIL: None ABSENT: COUNCIL: Petersen, and Sanchez The City Attorney presents and reads a proposed ordinance establishing 2:00 a.m. closing hour for card rooms and providing a penalty for violation of revocation or suspension of license. Discussion is had on the proposed ordinance. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that the proposed ordinance be introduced and published by title and summary. Motion carried by unanimous vote of the Council pre- sent. At this time there is discussion on the proposed emergency ordinance setting the amount of surety bonds for City Officers and employees. The City Attorney presents and reads Ordinance No. 624. I/[otion by Counci Iman Rush se cond by Counci Iman TjJent- worth that emergency Ordinance No. 624 be adopted. ORDIN AH CE NO. 624 ORDINANCE NO. 624 OF THE CITY OF GILROY DESIGNATING OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES 'l!\fEO MUST BE BONDED AND FIXING A]\;lOUNT AND CHARACTER OF SUCH BOND, DECLARING AN EtlliRGENCY EXISTS AND THAT ORDINANCE IS TO TAKE EFFECT I~IT~EDIATELY, AYES: COUNCIL: Goodrich, Jordan, Pate, Rush, and Wentworth NOES: COUNCIL: None ABSENT: COm1CIL: Petersen and Sanchez Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Jordan and carried that City Administrator Carr be authorized to advertise for bids for surety bonds for City officials and employees. City Administrator Carr presents and reads a proposed ord- inance providing for adoption of the Administrative Code. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the proposed ordinance be introduced and published by title and summary. Motion carried by unanimous vote of the Council present. Mayor Pro tempore Pate commends City Administrator Carr and his staff for their extensive work preparing the Administrative Code. ,""" tl "-~ , , :! (' h City Administrator Carr requests an improvement to the ordin- ance controlling weeds and rubbish on vacant lots. Discussion is had on the matter. The City Attorney states tha~there is a state law providing for cities to clean up vacant lots and bill the property owner after necessary legal steps are taken such as passage of a resolution and posting of the area in question. The City Administrator and City Attorney are instructed to take the necessary steps to control the cleaning of vacant lots. Water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Depart- ment on April 10th and 28th are read and are satisfactory. Mayor Pro tempore Pate states that there was an error in the newspapers stating that the City did not qualify for federal aid for the Princevalle Street Storm Dr.ain project at the recent hear- ing because the City was aware that the project would not qualify for Federal aid . City Engineer I'Ianna Jr. states tha t this pro,iect and other projects had to be presented at the hear inr; for approval of said projects but the City never expected Federal participa- tion in the Princevalle Storm Drain Project. Councilman <Jordan asks the progress of Republic Powdered Metals at the gymkhana grounds. City Administrator Carr states that he believes that the contract has been awarded for the build- ing on the site in question and that the off-site char~es remain unpaid, however, Republic Powdered Metals is aware of the char~es. City Administrator Carr states that he has reappointed Ray- mond Fortado as Special Police Officer for an indefinite period. City Administrator Carr reports that Patrolman John ~. Doher- ty has resigned. He states that he and Marshal Sturla will be interviewing two applicants who are on the reserve list. City Administrator Carr asks the Council their feelings feel- ings about a Patrol Service operating in this City. It is the Council's feeling that if the merchants wish this service that the Council will not deny the Patrol Service a license to operate. City Administrator Carr is instructed to investigate the owners of the Patrol Service before issuing them a business license to operate. City Administrator Carr states that there will be work meet- ings on the 60-61 budget on May 23rd and May 26th. All Council present have no objection. Councilman Rush asks if any progress has been made in amend- ing the license ordinance pertaining to Gasoline Service Stations. The Administrator states that the Citv Clerk has been workinp; on amendments to the license ordinance. The City Attorney presents and reads a proposed ordinance establishing a truck traffic route over certain streets. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the proposed ordinance be introduced and published by title and summary. Motion carried by unanimous vote of the Council present. Notion by Councilman Went"tllorth second by Councilman Rush and carried that this Council meeting be adjourned to <June 6, 19~0 at 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, Gilroy, California. ) ,,' /~ I ,,~,,/, - ''-'~' \_~-.L.iL L- L City Clerk