Minutes 1960/07/07 006fJ Gilroy, California July 7, 1960 This regular monthly meeting of the Council is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez. Present: Council Members: Wilford E. Jordan, Carl W. Pate, Courtland M. Rush, Everett C. Wentworth, and Sig Sanchez. Absent: Council Members: Norman B. Goodrich and Kenneth L. Petersen. The Mayor asks if all Councilmen have received copies of the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of June 16th, the adjourned meeting of June 13th, the special executive meeting of June 17th, and the regular meeting of June 20th. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regu- lar monthly meeting of June 6th, the adjourned meeting of June 13th, the special executive meeting of June 17th, and the regu- lar meeting of June 20, 1960 approved. A letter from Elmer Young Sign Company is read requestin~ a permit to erect two billboard structures to advertise local bus- inesses. Discussion is had on the matter. Councilman Kenneth L. Petersen arrives and takes his seat at the Council table. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that Elmer Young Sign Company's request to erect two bill- board structures to advertise local business be granted. A letter is read from the Planning Commission recommending that the final map of Sherwood Park Unit #3 be not accepted be- cause some of the lots do not conform to the 7,000 sq.ft. minim- um but recommending that Mr. Kent be allowed to construct a model home in the subdivision but not the other houses until the lots are in accordance with the City ordinance. Director of Public Works Kludt explains this matter. The City Engineer states the mistake in the lot sizes was his error a3 he had forgotten that there is a 7,000 square feet minimum requirement. Discussion is had on the matter. City Engineer Hanna Jr. sp.ggests that the Council approve the Planning Commission's action and allow Mr. Kent to build the model home. He states that at the time this map was approved the subdivision ordinance required a 50 foot street minimum and now this requirement has changed. He recommends that Sherwood Park Unit #3 be allowed to have a 50 foot street. All Councilmen pre- sent agree. Discussion is had. Director of Public Works Kludt asks the Council to state whether Mr. Kent should be required to pay the off-site charges for Sherwood Park Unit /13. The Mayor states that Mr. Kent will be required to pay the off-site charges and it will be up to him to collect from Mr. De Bell. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Jordan and carried that the Council accept the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission and that ~Ir. Kent be allowed to proceed with the model home at Sherwood Park tlnit #3 and that when the remaining lots are in accord with the subdivision requirements that the fin- al map will then be approved. Director of Public Works Kludt gives a report of the Santa Clara County Traffic Ways proposal dated June 16, 1960. Mr. Kludt requests approval of the new plan which is similiar to the Hub- bard Plan, but improved. All Councilmen agree with the new plan and instruct Director of Public Works Kludt and Councilman Pate to proceed in voting for the new plan as they previously did with the Hubbard Plan. Resolution No. 575 is presented and read by City Administra- tor Carr. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Went- worth that Resolution No. 575 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 575 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A FUND TO BE KNOWN AS THE CAPITAL OUTLAY REVOLVING FUND, TRANSFERRING TO SAID FUND ALL THE PRESENT RESERVE ADD WATER LmEREPLACEMENT FUNDS, WHICH FUNDS ARE HEREBY DISCON- TINUED, AHD PROVIDING THAT A SURPLUS OF APPROXIMATELY $50,000. BE .., ...J I"""Il ..... ~ ~ 2067 MAINTAINED AS A RESERVE IN THE GENERAL FUND. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, Sanchez NOES: COUNCI~ MEMBERS: None ABS~~T:COUNCIL Mm1BERS: Goodrich The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 576. fvTotion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman 'vventworth that Resolution No. 576 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 576 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING BUDGET FOR SAID CITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1960-1961 M~D APPROPRIATING PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR PURPOSES SET FORTH IN BUDGET. AYES: COUNCIL MEI1BERS: Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth,Sanche~. NOES: COUNCIL ~ffi~rnERS: None ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBER: Goodrich The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 577. Mo- tion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Rush that Resolution No. 577 be adopted. RESOLUTIa1 NO. 577 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ANNEXATION POLICY FOR CITY OF GILROY. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rus~,Wentworth,Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBER: Goodrich The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 57R. Mo- tion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Petersen that Resolution No. 578 be adopted. - RESOLUTION NO. 578 ~ RESOLUTION ESTABLISHINGilESTEIlN OFF SITE STORM DRAIN FUND AND CENTRAL OFF SITE STOm~ DRAIN FUND. AYES: COUNCIL MB~BERS: Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth,Sanche7. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSEUT: COUNCI L MEIJIBER: Good ri ch Director of Public Works Kludt requests the Council's decision on starting condemnation proceedings on four buildings within the City of Gilroy belonging to Steve Toroni, Joe Semas at East Seventh Street, the Redwood Apartments at 40 North Railroad Street and a building belonging to the Carrie Atema Estate on East Street. Di- rector of Public Works Kludt reports that condemnation proceedinqs can be started under regulations set forth in the Uniform Building Code or through the State Housing Act. Discussion is had on the matter. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Petersen and carried that the recommendation to start condemnation proceedings on four buildings be accepted and that Director of Public Works Kludt and the City offices be authorized to take the necessary steps to start proceedings. A letter is read from the Chamber of Commerce explaining an agreement with Hahn, Wise, and Barber for development of an Off- Street Parking Plan for Gilroy. Discussion is had on the matter. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Jordan that the report of the Off-Street Parking Committee of the Chamber of Commerce be accepted and that the City enter into an aC';reement with Hahn, Wise, and Barber for the development of an off-street park- ing plan. A letter is read from the Personnel Division of the City of Gilroy notifying the Council that Mrs. Susanne Payne has passed a satisfactory examination for the position of City Clerk. I'f1otion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman VJentl'1/orth and carried that Susanne E. Payne be appointed City Clerk. ~ater samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Depart- ment are read and are satisfactory. 20G8 Reports of the Building IDspector, Police Department, Pound- master, and reports of receipts of City Officers are presented and read. Motion by Councilman Rush secorld by Councilman ~/Jentworth and carried that these reports be accepted as read. Councilman Petersen states that it was suggested to him that stop signs north and south on Eigleberry Street be removed. Discussion is had on the matter. The City Clerk is instructed to determine if the California Automobile Association will conduct a traffic survey in August. The Mayor reports that Service Stations have been putting signs on the sidewalks obstructing traffic and suggests that these places of business be issued citations. The City Attorney reports that the George ~~ite accessory building is being demolished. The Mayor presents and reads the following names for appoint- ment to the various commissions: Planning Commission - Mark Kenne- day, Dr. James Neilson, Chester Eckard, Ed Peterman, Marvin Broder- sen, Bruce Jacobs, and Gene Martin; Recreation Commission - John Klarich, Floyd Emerson, George Parrish, Louie De Lorenzo, Ben Gu- tierrez, Mrs. Martell Zamzow, and Mrs. Midge Chiesa; Personnel Com- mission - Roy Mead, Vernon Gwinn Sr., Michael A. Filice, Donald Strahl, and Lawrence Keller; Library & Culture Commission - Mrs. Ruth Taylor, Mrs. Kendall Pine, Layton Rice, Armand White, Rev- erend Ernest Tufft, Vernie Cowardin, and Mrs. Edith Edde. I',lotion By COilllcilman Jordan second by Councilman Rush and carried that the names as presented be, accepted for appointment to the various commissions. ' The Mayor instructs City Administrator Carr to notify these members individually and arrange a meeting for these commissions, and also write a thank-you letter to the old commission members for their years of service and tell them that they will be presen- ted with a certificate of service. The Mayor states that there is a serious problem arising from dances at Wheeler Auditorium because of vandalism that has taken place throughout the City on nights when these dances are held. He suggests that this matter be investigated and if necessary can- cel all dances. Discussion is had on the matter. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Pate and car- ried that the City Council declare a llJinety day mortorium on VV"hee- ler Auditorium dances, and that at the end of the ninety day period this matter be given further consideration. IvIotion by Councilman vJentworth second by Counci lman Pate and carried that this Council meeting adjourn. <f~D t: ~ ' City Clerk