Minutes 1960/12/05 000,:) "- ~JLJ Gilroy, California December 5, 1960 This regular monthly meeting of the City Counci I is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez. Present: Counci I Members: Wilford E. Jordan, Carl W. Pate, Courtland M. Rush, Everett C. Wentworth, and Sig .Sanchez. Absent: Counci I Members: Norman B. Goodrich and Kenneth L. Petersen. The Mayor asks if all Counci Imen have received copies of the minutes of the r.egular monthly meeting of November 7th and November 21, 1960. All Coun- ci Imen answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now asks if there are any errors -or omissions in the minutes as presented. No errors or omissions are noted. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of November 7th and November 21, 1960 approved. Councilman Petersen arrives and takes his seat at the Counci I table. The Mayor states that the Gi Iroy National Guard has invited the Council .to attend their inspection this evening. The letter is read inviting the Council to attend the National Guard inspection. f Councilman Goodrich arrives and takes his seat at the Council table. The Mayor declares this Counci I meeting adjourned in order that the Coun- cil and the audience might attend the National Guard inspection. At 8:15 p.m., the Mayor following adjournment, again calls this regular meeting of the City Council to order,. A letter from the Planning Commission is read recommending that the Coun- ci I accept the proposed off-street parking plans for Salinas Valley Savings and Loan. Director of Public Works Kludt explains the proposed plan of Salinas Val- ley Savings and Loan. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Counci lman ,Jordan and carried that the proposed off-street parking plans for Salinas Valley Savings and Loan be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. 20gB r~~ L._I The Mayor states that members of the Library and Culture Commission are present to discuss the rules and regulations of the Community Room at the Li brary. City Administrator Carr reports that copies of these rules and regula- tions were mailed to the Council and that these rules should be approved or disapproved by the Council. Discussion is had on the closing hour of the Community Room. Mrs.Kendall Pine, Secretary of the Library and Culture Commission, states that 9:00 p.m. was tentatively set for the closing hour of the Community Room because the Library closes at that time and janitorial service is not available after 9:00 p.m., however, if a certain group wanted to stay later they may do so by paying for the janitorial service. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the proposed rules and regulations for the Community Room of the Library, as submitted by the Library and Culture Commission, be approved. The Mayor asks if the library and Culture Commission members present have anything further to discuss with the Council. Mr. Armand White reports that there is a leak in the library roof that should be repaired before the redecorating is completed. Assistant City Administrator Reinsch reports that he contacted Mr. G. Sims to check the roof for leaks but he has not heard from him as to his findings to date. The Mayor instructs Mr. Reinsch to follow up on this matter before the library redecorating is completed. Ordinance No. 642 is presented for adoption. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Jordan that Ordinance No. 642 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 642 -'~:;"': AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LOCATION, ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOBILE HOMES OR TRAILER PARKS, PROVIDING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN OF MOBILE HOME OR TRAILER PARKS, AND REGULATING THE LICENSING AND CONDUCT OF MOBILE HOME OR TRA- ILER PARKS, PROVIDING PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALING ALL CO~ FLICTING ORD1NANCES. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 1960 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ......... 1"', City Administrator Carr reports that Mayor Sanchez, Councilmen Petersen an, r&J.&t".' and Wentworth, and himself met with Representative Gubser and State/Officials on November 23rd regarding requirements for an armory site. He reports that the reason that a five acre requirement was established by the Federal gover~ mentwas because in some cities other reserve units of the armed services could use the same facilities if the:site were larger. He states that there will be a meeting of the.National Guard and the Army to discuss this matter in Washington in January 1961. . Discussion is had on this matter. A letter is read from Chief of Police Laizure recommending that Officer Raymond Fortado be advanced to the next step in the salary range, from $358. to $376,. effective December I, 1960. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that Officer Raymond Fortado be advanced to the next step in the salary range from $358.00 to $376.00, effective December 1, 1960. City Administrator Carr reports that he has transferred the insurance from the old to the new residence at Ousley Park. All Council members present agfee on the transfer. City Administrator Carr requests authorization to advertise for sale of the old residence at Ousley Park wtth provision for removal or demolition. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the :remova I of the 0 I d resi dence at Ous I ey Park be turned oV'er to City AdmJ n,.. istrator Carr to be handled as he sees fit. City Admi n istratorCarr reports that he has di scont i nued the insurance on the Sewer: Farm' Br i dge 5 i nee it is fire proof and because the .i nsurance wi lIon I y cover", damage from: an a reap 1 ane in the event that the pi lot did not have his own insurance. Motion by CO'unci lman Petersen second by Counci lman Rush and carried that the C;ity Administrator's action to cancel the insurance on the Sewer Farm Bd dge be app:rove'd. A resolution of the Board of Supervisors is read declaring intention to contract with the State for water from the South Bay Aqueduct. Resolution No. 593 is presented and read. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that Resol u:ti on No. 593 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 593 2094 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY COMMENDING THE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, SOUTHERN DIVISION, AND FOUR OF ITS EMPLOYEES; HARMON F. CAR- TER, 'JAMES G. FELLOWS, ELDON C. PAINTER, AND DEMPSEY E. RABY JR. FOR THEIR UN- SELFISH EFFORTS IN THE RESCUE OF TODD DUNCAN ON THANKSGIVING DAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1960. PASSED AYES: NOES: ABSENT: and ADOPTED this 5th day of December 1960 by the following vote: MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush, Wentworth, and Sanchez. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: None MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: None City Administrator Carr requests Council authorization to proceed with the engineering on the proposed new outfall sewer. Discussion is had on the proposed new outfall sewer. City Administrator Carr explains a summary of anticipated revenues, ex- penditures, and balances by funds, explaining that revenues would exceed ex- penditures to a greater degree than originally anti~ipated,in the budget. The Mayor asks the group in the audience from Rucker School if they have anything that they wish to discuss with the Council. There is no comment from this group. Discussion is had on the preliminary engineering for the proposed new ou~ fall sewer line. The Mayor suggests that the preliminary engineering be on a percentage basis. City Engineer, W. J. Hanna Jr., arrives and takes his seat in the Council Chambers (9:10p.m.). The Mayor asks City Engineer Hanna Jr. to discuss the preliminary engin- eering on the new outfall sewer project. City Engineer Hanna Jr. submits a map showing a proposed general plan for outfall sewer lines necessary to service territories that may be annexed to the City in the future. He states that field surveys would ha~e to be made to de- termine estimates of cost for these lines. He estimates the cost of the pre- liminary engineering on the outfall lines as shown on the map to be $2,000.00 to $3,500.00. He also states that approximately 1/3 of this cost could be saved by a topographical map of the entire planning area. He estimates the cost for this type of map to be $6,000.00, which could later be used for additional pl~- ning. He also reports that if a topographical map was authorized some field study would be necessary to check the accuracy of the map. City Administrator Carr asks the Council if they wish to investigate the cost of a topographical survey. All Council members are in accord with in- vestigating the cost of a topographical survey. Further discussion is had. City Administrator Carr instructs City Engineer Hanna Jr. to present costs for preliminary engineering on the proposed outfall sewer to the south and west in letter form. The Mayor states that the study of sizes based on population density for the proposed outfall sewer for a cost factor can begin immediately and suggests that City Engineer Hanna Jr. proceed with this study. City Engineer Hanna Jr. states that he will arrange a meeting with the Council and an aerial company to determine the cost of conducting a topographic survey and what type of map will be produced from s~ch study. Motion by Councilman Pat~ second by Councilman Rush and carried that City Administrator Carr be authorized to work with City Engineer Hanna Jr., on the proposed outfall sewer plan and that City Administrator Carr be instructed to invite some aerial company to meet with the Council and explain their topograp- hic surveying services. City Administrator Carr reports that he has received notification from the Public Utilities Commission of application of the Southern Pacific Company to discontinue operation of the Del Monte passenger train. Mr. Kenneth Murdoch, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, reports that the Gilroy and Monter~y Chamber of Commerce have taken action to protest the discontinuance of the Del Monte passenger train. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Pate and carried that the City of Gilroy objects to the proposed discontinuance of the Del Monte passenger tra in. Water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department are pre- sented and read. All samples are satisfactory except those taken at the 9th and Princevalle Street well. City Administrator Carr reports that the City is taking action to correct this situation. Reports of the Building Department, Poundmaster, and reports of receipts of City Officers are presented and read. Report of the Police Department is submitted to each Council member. Motion by Councilman Rush second Council- man Wentworth and carried that these reports be accepted as read. City Administrator Carr gives a progress r~port on projects completed during the month of November and proposed projects for December for the Depart- ment of Public Works and the Administrative Department. Discussion is had on the condition of the ditch on Leavesley Road. ~ ..J - .. ~ U ,> 2095 ..) The Mayor suggests that the remaIning street signs be purchased instead of painting the street names on the curbs. Motion by Councilman Peteresen second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that Purchasing Agent Reinsch be authorized to purchase the str.eet signs for the remaining streets that are unsigned. Councilman Wentworth requests that he be excused from the Council Chambers. Mayor Sanchez excuses Councilman Wentwor.th from this Council Meeting. City Administrator Carr reports that the Street Advisory Committee met wHh the Cemetery Association on November 29th on requirements of annexation. He reports that the Cemetery Association would like an agreement with the City to pay for curbs and gutters within a ten year period in the event they should be required to install them. (See motion below)* City Administrator Carr requests a Council policy on Christmas Gifts for City employees. Discussion is had. .Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Rush and carried that the City Administrator be authorized to purchase turkeys for all City employees in lieu of the usual $10.00 Christmas bonus. Councilman Rush suggests that the City require additional rent from the California National Guard for use of Wheeler Auditorium and use the money for purchasing additional land for a site for a proposed police department buil~ ing or a new building at their present site or on the land purchased from Floyd Jones next to the City offices. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the City is not going to d& corate the usual tree on I.O.O.F. Avenue but plan to decorate the small tree next to the pump house and also to decorate the pump house on I .O.O.F. Avenue. Purchasing Agent Reinsch requests Council authorization to advertise bids for a six inch dewatering pump. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that Purchasing Agent Reimsch be authorized to advertise for bids for a six inch dewatering pump. Chief of Police Liizure reports that there was a 20% decrease of violat- ions on his monthly police report which could be from a decrease in personnel as a result of trying to eliminate some of the excessive over time among his officers. Chief of Police Laizure asks the Council their opinion of the Police Department erecting the accident prevention signs during the holiday season. All Council members agree that this would distract from the holiday decora- tions. Councilman Pate suggests that a pmlice officer patrol the streets on foot during the Christmas rush to discourage shoplifters. The Mayor asks Mr. LeDeit Jr. if he has anything to discuss with the Counc i 1. Mr. LeOe it Jr. has no:' commen ts . Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman, Petersen and carried that this Council meeting adjourn. nj~~.+ City Clerk * Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Pate and carried that an agreement be prepared and granted to the Cemetery Association allowing them to pay for curbs and gutters over a ten year period, if and when the City requires this improvement.