Minutes 1961/04/17 0-J 1 8 ..:...J.....l Gilroy,. Ca I i forn i a April 17, 1961 This regular monthly meeting of the City Council is called to order by His Honor Slg Sanchez. Present: Counci I Members: Norman B. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Carl W. Pate, Kenneth L. Petersen, CourtlandM. Rush, Everett C. Wen'tworth, and Slg Sanchez. The Mayor asks if all Councilmen have received a copy of the special meeting of April 3, 1961. All Councilmen answer in the affirmative. The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or omissions in the minutes as presen- ted. No errors or omissions are noted. The Mayor now declares' tHe minutes of the special meeting of April 3, 1961 approved. The Mayor states that this i's the time and place'for tHe hearing on the annexation of Castlewood Park, Unit No.3. The Mayor asks if anyone in the audience wishes to speak for or against the proposal. Tnere Is nO comment. The City Attorney presents and reads Ordinance No. 651. Motion by Councilman Goodrich'second by Councilman Wentworth that Ordinance No. 651 be adopted. ~ j ORDINANCE NO. 651 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ALTERATIONS OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY THE ANNEXATION THERETO OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, DES1GNATED i AS CASTLEWOOD PARK ANNEXATION, UNIT NO.3, AND FOR THE I NCORPORATJ'ON OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY IN AND AS A PART OF SUCH MUNICIPALITY FOR THE GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL CONTROL OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRITORY. PASSED AND ADOPTED the 17th day of April, 1961 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich, Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None. A letter is read from Mr. Carl BlaclHedge to erect 3"X 41 portable signs on property leased from Southern Pacific Company, adjoining the fruit stand on the corner of Ninth and Monterey Streets. Discussion is had. The Mayor refers this request to Director of Public Works Kludt to obtain further details and report back to the Counci I at the next meeting. A letter is read from Mr. J. T. Walker for change of location of~his card room. The Mayor asks Chief of Police Laizure if he has any objection to the request. Chief of Police Laizure states that he has not had an op- portunity to Investigate the matter. Director of Publ ic Works Kludt states that on-sale liquor is not allowed in a C-l Distrtct. Discussion is had since this location is in a C-l District. Motion by Counci lman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that this request be referred to the Planning Commission for a request for a var lance. A letter is read from the Planning Commission requesting the Council to set a date of hearing on the plan lines on Tenth Street from Monterey to Princevalle Streets and giving notice of continuance of hearing before the Planning Commission on official plan lines on Miller Slough. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 613. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Petersen that Resolution No. 613 be adopted. .... ........ RESOLUTION NO. 613 RESOLUTION FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING REPORT OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICIAL PLAN LINES FOR TENTH STREET. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of April, 1961 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrlch,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None c A letter is read from the Parks and Recreation Commission recommending a pay schedule for the 1961~62 budget. Recreation Director Reinsch explains the recommended pay schedule. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Rush and carried that the 1960-61 pay schedule be accepted for the 1961-62 budget for the Recreation Department. The Mayor instructs City Administrator Carr to noti- by the Recreation Commission of the Council IS decision and notify them that the Council will meet with the Commission if they so desire. Discussion is had on the Capital Improvement Program. Counci lman 01 '1. n .....: J_ ~ Petersen suggests that painting of the Old City Hall be investigated if the City intends to preserve this bui Iding. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Capital Improvement Program as presented be approved. City Administrator Carr presents and reads Resolution No. 614. M~ tion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan that Resolution No. 614 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 614 II L/ RESOLUTION NO. 614 RELATIVE TO A SOUTHERN PACIF,IC COMPANY PROPOSAL TO ACQUIRE CONTROL, THROUGH STOCK OWNERSHIP, OF THE WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. PASSED AND ADOtTED this 17th day of April, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None City Administrator Carr presents Ordl~ance No. 652 for adoption. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Councilman Pate that Ordinance No. 652 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 652 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 422 OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY ZONING FIRST SOUTHERN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GILROY AND REZONING CERTAIN ADJACENT TERRI- TORY ALONG THE SOUTHERN LINE OF TENTH STREET FROM ZONE "B" TO ZONE "C" DI S- f TRICT. . ADOPTED AND PASSED TH IS 17th day of Apr iI, 1961 by the fo II ow i ng vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodrich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None r-l I I . ~j , , City Administrator Carr:presents Ordipance No. 653 for adoption. Motion by Councilman, Goodrich second by Councilman Rush that Ordin~nce No. 653 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 653 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 13.1 OF ARTICLE 13 OF THE FIRE PREVENTION CODE (EDITION OF 1960) AS ADOPTED.BYORDINANCE NO.' 639 OF THE CITY OF GILROY BY ELIMINATING THE WORD'.SPARKLERS" FROM SAID SECTION. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 17th day of Apri I, 1961 by the following vote: . ' AYES: COUNC I LMEMBERS :'\;Goodr i ch, 'Jordan, P.ate, petersen" Rush, Wentwor.th, and 'Sanchez. ' . ' NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None :, The City Attorney presents and reads ~esolution No. 615. Motion by Councilman Rush second by Counci Iman Pate that ~esolution No. 615 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 615 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROYiADOPTED IN MEMORY OF RODNEY ESCHE-NBURG, FOR MANY YEARS CITY TREASURER OF SAID CITY OF GILROY, WHO DIED APRIL3, 1961. I WHEREAS, Rodney Eschenburg, a llfelonr' resident of the City of Gil- roy and vicinity, died on the third day of Apri , 1961 after a long, disabling and painful Illness wh.ich he bore wi th gr,eat forti tude and courage; and WHEREAS, said Rodney Eschenburg serve~ as City Treasurer, and ele~ tive office of the City of Gilroy, contlnuously'from the year 1942 when first elected to that office until April, 1960 when t~e office was 'abolished by the provisions of the new freeholders 1 charter whlclh went into effect at that time, and was still servling the.City at the time of hIs death as Assistant Finance Director; and ',:,' I I WHEREAS, dl;lclng,his long term .of Offlj. e as City Treasurer, and in his lesser t!:.aP.acbtyas Assistant F.-nanceDlrect r" the.,said ROdne.y~ESChenbUrg proved to be honest, dUlgent, efUcient.\alldab, e In ,the!d,i-scharge'of his duUesasan offipial of said city" and altogetllterwas a man 'of 'e>4emplary character, unimpeachable integrity.andwas a cr$dlt to thecommun.ity:in wh lch he lived;! and, ; " . I ::' " I WHEREAS the said Rodney E$chenburg shved his country in the First World War as a member of The United Stat.es Arme<il Forces and was .actlve in various capadNes'onl'behalf of hrs countrry'in the' Second World,Warand was q '1 (~In .., ..L _ \ always wi lling to help his community; and WHEREAS, this Council believes the passing of one of Its former offi- cials who served his community so long, honorably and well, and his country in time of need, should not be permitted to go unnoticed but merits a perpet- ual memorial in the records of this city; and WHEREAS, the said Rodney Eschenburg left surviving him his wife, Han- nah Eschenburg, and a son, Rodney Eschenburg, Jr., who, together with a host of friends and acquaintances, mourn his passing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in the death of the said Rodney Eschenburg the City of Gi Iroy has lost a tried, true and able citizen and of- ficial who was always willing to serve this community and his country and who left behind him an enviable record as a public servant and employee; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ~his Resolution be entered in full upon the minutes of this Session of the Councl I, and a copy thereof duly certified by the City Clerk be delivered to the said surviving wife and son of the said Rodney Eschenburg to whom this Council in its own behalf and in behalf of the people of this city express sincere sorrow and sympathy upon the passing of said decedent. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 17th day of April, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Goodr.ich,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: None D ATTEST: Susanne E. Payne City Clerk The Mayor reports on a meeting that he, City Administrator Carr, and Chief of Police Laizure had with the District Attorney concerning better ser- vice from the District Attorney's office on court cases. Chief of Pol ice Laizure reports that since the meeting he has talked with the District, Attorney's office and they have agreed to have their services available in Gi Iroy at the Police Department on every Monday in the morning and afternoon. City Administrator Carr presents and reads a proposed ordinance ac- cepting the requirements of Section 13522 of the Penal Code relating to the training of law enforcement officers. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Pate and carried that the proposed ordinance be Introduced, and that it be published by title and summary. Motion carried by unanimous vote of the Council present. City Administrator Carr presents and reads a proposed resolution en- dorsing Assembly Bill 2048 relating to establishing County Highways within cities. Discussion is had. The Mayor refers this resolution to the City Attorney for further study and requests a report at the next meeting. City Engineer Hanna Jr. explains the plans for the sewer outfall and requests authorization to advertise for bids on this project. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that City Engineer Hanna Jr. be authorized to advertise for bids for the .sewer outfall on the two stages with an alternate. Councilman Petersen reports on the Inter-City Council Meeting that he recently attended in Alviso. Director of Public Works Kludt requests authorization to advertise for bids to construct new pavement on Elgleberry Street from Ninth to Tenth Street. Discussion is had. Motion by Counci Jman Wentworth second by Coun- cilman Pate and carried that Director of Publ ic Works Kludt be authorized to advertise for bids to construct new pavement on Eigleberry Street from Ninth to Tenth Streets. City Engineer Hanna Jr. reports a storm water Infiltration problem in the sewer system causing overloading of the Old Gilroy Street line during heavy rains. He states that this may be the cause of the trouble In the Forest Street line. Director of Public Works Kiudt states that the drainage problem on Old Gi lroy Street will be taken care of in the 1961-62 budget. Purchasing Agent Reinsch reports that he and City Administrator Carr witnessed a demonstration of a communicator in connection with Civil Defense and requests authorization to purchase a communicator with antenae In the amount of $420.00 and a receiver In the amount of $65~00. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Pet~rsen and car- ried that the $485.00 items requested by Purchasing Agent Reinsch be allowed. The Mayor asks Chief of Police Laizure if he has anything to discuss before the Council. He has nothing to discuss at this time. The Mayor presents a letter from Dale Connell and Howard Smith reques- ting the annexation of a five acre parcel of land on Wren Avenue. The Mayor ~ () 0-101' L: -L.;..J Instructs City Administ~ator Carr to cons~lt with the City Attorney on this proposa 1 . . , ., The Mayor reports on ~~Supervisor's meeting that he, City Adminis- trator Carr, and Couhcilmen Wentworth and Jordan attended concerning the South County bui lding location. He states that the matter of the two sites offered by the City of Gilroy was tabled for further study. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Pate and carried that this Counci I meeting adjourn to Apri I 18, 1961. ,6bA/J~ / City &~r>> Clerk '