Minutes 1961/04/18 ()1 '1- L.,' 1- -.l ~l :1 Gilroy, California Apri I 18, 1961. ' This regular adjourned meeting of the City Council is called to order by His Honor Slg Sanchez. Present: Council Members: Norman B..Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Carl W. Pate, Kenneth L. Petersen, Courtland M. Rush, Everett C. Wentworth, and Sig Sanchez. The Mayor states that the purpose of the meeting 1S to returns of the General Municipal Election of April 11th, 1961. points Councilman Petersen as Inspector and Councilmen Pate and Clerks to canvass the returns. The returns of each precinct are canvassed. The absentee votes \ are canvassed. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 616. Motion by Councilman Pate second by Councilman Rush that Resolution No. 616 be adopted. canvass the He now ap- Rush as RESOLUTION NO. 616 RESOLUTION AND ORDER CANVASSING VOTES CAST AT. REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD APRIL 11, 1961 FOR THREE MEMBERSOF.THE COUNCIL AND DETERMINING THE TOTAL VOTE AND DECLARI NG THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF GILROY. . WHEREAS, the regula~ municipal election for the election of three members of the Council of the City of Gilroy was held in the said City of G II roy on the 11 th day of Apr iI, .1961 in accordance wi tm the'prov Is I,ons of the Charter of the City of Gilroy and pursuant to-law and to due and legal notice given of the said election~ and WHEREAS, all of the absentee ballots applied for at said election have been voted and returned to the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the Council of the Ci ty of Gilroy has on' the 18th day of April, 1961 canvassed the ret~rns of said election, Including absentee votes, and founq ahd ascertained that the total number.of votes, excluding absen- tee votes, cast at said election was 1127, tmat the number of votes cast at Precinct "A" was 293; that the number of votes cast at Precinct IIB" was 211; that the number of votes cast at Precinct IIC" was 218; that the number of votes cast at Preclnot IIDII was 167; and that the number of votes cast at Precinct "EII was 238; and WHEREAS, the said Council of the City of Gilroy did proceed to also canvass the absentee ballots cast at said election and found and ascertain- ed that the total number of absentee ballots Issued for said election was 6, and that all of said absentee ballots have been returned or received, that the total number of absentee votes cast at said election was 6, that the total number of votes Including absentee votes was 1133, and that the following named persons received the total number of votes, and the total number of votes set opposite their respective names for the respective offices for which they were candidates, to wit: FOR MEMBERS TOTAL VOTE TOTAL of excluding ABSENTEE VOTES THE COUNCIL Absentee Vote Vote CAST Wilford E. Jordan 788 4 792 George T. Duff I n 695 5 700 Charles F. Quarti rol i 659 3 662 John J. Clark 585 4 589 Darrell A. Williams 408 1 409 (Wr I te- ins) 0 1 Absentee 0 0 and () -1 () q "~:: -L k..J .f..J WHEREAS, It appears from the said canvass and the records of said Council of the City of Gilroy that all of the above candidates were duly nominated to the respective offices .for which they were candidates, that WILFORD E. JORDAN, GEORGE T. DUFFIN.and CHARLES F. QUART I ROLl received the majority of all votes cast for the offices of Council Members of the City of Gilroy; THAT the said WILFORD E. JORDAN, GEORGE T. DUFFIN and CHARLES F. QUART I ROLl were the three Council members receiving the highest number of votes. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED AND DECLARED that WILFORD E. JORDAN, GEORGE T. DUFFIN and CHARLES F. QUARTlROll have been and are duly elected to the offices of Council Members of the City of Gi Iroy for the term expiring on the 2nd Tuesday of April, 1965. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Gi Iroy immediately sign and deliver to each person so elected a certificate of e I ec t i on . ADOPTED, PASSED AND ORDERED this 18th day of Apri I, 1961 by the following vo t e: AYES: COUNCIL'MEMBERS:Goodrlch,Jordan,Pate,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth, Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: None and APPROVED: SIG SANCHEZ Mayor ATTEST: SUSANNE E. PAYNE City Clerk The Mayor asks if there is any business to come before the old COYn~ cil. There Is no business at this time. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen that this meeting adjourn sine die. The City 'C'I erk nOw proceeds to swea r I n the three new Counc 11 men. The Mayor welcomes th~ new Council Members. The Mayor thanks the retlrlng.Councilmen Rush and Pate for their years of service as Councilmen with the City of Gilroy and presents them with certificates of service and gifts of appreciation. Councilmen Rush and Pate give a farewell address. The Mayor now calls on the new Councilmen who address the Council. The Mayor now orders a roll call. Present: Counci I Members: George T. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan,Kenneth L.'Petersen, Charles F. Quartlroli~ Everett C. Wentworth, and S I g Sanchez': The Mayor requests election of a Mayor Pro-Tempore. Motion by Councilman Du'ffinsecond by Councliman Goodrich that Councilman Petersen be elected Mayor Pro Tempore. Motion by Counci lman Wentworth second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that this Council meeting adjourn. if l j?, .' /<)!U1tZ4~ 0. ~/ , City Clerk - ~