Minutes 1961/06/14 21H4 G 1'1 roy, Ca'l i forn i a June '14, 1961 'f '. This regular adjourned meeting of the City Councllisca.lled' to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez at 1:00 p.m. Present: Council Members: Norman B. Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Kenneth L. Petersen and Sig Sanchez. Absent: Counci I Members: George T. Duffin, Charles F. Quartiroli, and Everett C. Wentworth.' , The Mayor states that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the bids for the Southwest Sanitary OutfaH. Sewer Line and "to deci:de wnich alter- nate and 'units will be selected~ for this project. The Mayor asks C'i ty Adml nlstrator Carr to eXlllalnthe Oast I ewood Park proposed easement. City Administrator Carr reads a letter from Mr. Michae1 FI lice of- fer i ng an easement to the City under certa i n cond it ions through property owned by San Martin Vineyards Company. 01 scus's i on is had on the phrase set' o'ut in the 1 etter lithe same fees as charged to other residents". It is decided that it should read lithe same fees as charged to other property developers". The Mayor instructs City Administrator Carr to have the requested changes made in the easement. This letter Is accepted with this correction. The Mayor calls on City Engineer Hanna Jr. to explain the two pro- posed alternate routes of the Southwest Sanitary Outfall Sewer line and to recommend a route. City Engineer Hanna Jr. expla.lns the location of the two routes and recommends .that the route of Unit No.1 and the revised route proposed in Unit No.3 be accepted, plus an extension to the Braquet property to cost ap- proximately $12,700.00, which is for the extra work at the same unit price for laid pipe andmanho 1 es. Discussion is had. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the school' will grant an easement for a right-of-way of thirty feet on Santa Theresa Drive and thirty- five feet on Third Street. Motion by Counci Iman Jordan second by Counci Iman Goodrich and carried that the selected route fortheSouthwe:st Sanitary Ou,tfall Sewer line'be Unit No. I and Unit No.3 with extensions amounting to approximately$12,~00.00. City Engineer Hanna Jr. discusses Alternate No. I and No.2 and rec- ommends that Alternate No.1 for asbestos cement pipe be used for the proposed sewer line. Motion by Councilman Goodrich 'second by Councilman Jordan and carried that asbestos cement pipe as described in Alternate No.1 be used for instal- lation of the sewer line. Di rector of Public Works Kludt asks the Counci I if they still wish to meet with the school to discuss extension of Fourth Street. The Mayor suggests that this proposed meeting be cancelled. City Engineer Hanna Jr. suggests that the East side sewer line be brought up for discussion at .the next meeting. Discussion is had on the East side sewer line extensi.on in connection wi th It i nterferhigwi th the proposed freeway route. Councilman Quartiroli enters and takes his seat at the Council table. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and carried that the low.bid of Bilardi Construction Company for the Southwest Sanitary Out- fall Sewer line be officially awarded. Mr. Bi lardi addresses the Counci 1 and thanks them for awarding his COIlt' pany the low bid. The City Attorney states that he will have the requested easements pr~ pared for the Council meeting Monday night. ') -1 '3 r; ...... .1. r ~.J Mr. Bilardi states that he wi 11 also have the necessary bonds prepared by Monday night. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and carried that this Council meeting adjourn. <:I "Uoa~, City Clerk ... ._""-_. .- .--- '__'0' ---r _..-:;1"-------. .......--....-- ---...- --_.-~,.-.--_._-.J - ~,e~) (