Minutes 1961/07/03 () -1 (..J - .::...lr)H Gi Iroy, California J u I y 3, 1961 This regular monthly meeting of th~ City Council is called to orger by His Honor Slg Sanchez. Present: Council Members: George T. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich, Wil- ford E. Jordan, and Sig Sanchez. Absent: Council Members: Kenneth L. Petersen, Charles F. Quartiroli, and Everett C. Wentworth. 0-1 (39 i-,' J.> t L_ The Mayor asks if all Councilmen present have received copies of the regular monthly meetings of June 5th and June 19, 1961 and the regular adjourned meeting of June 14, 1961. All Counci Imen present answer In the affirmative. The Mayor now asks if there are any errors or omissions in the minutes as pre- sented. No errors or omissions are noted. The Mayor now declares the minutes of the regular monthly meetings of June 5th and June 19, 1961 and the regular adjourned meeting of June 14, 1961 approved. An application is presented for On-Sale Beer License from Rose M. and Bruno Matteucci for Carlo's Delicatessen at 415 North Monterey Street, Gilroy. City Administrator Carr reports that there is no objection from the Police De- partment. This application Is ordered filed. A letter'is read from the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding sites viewed by them for a recreation park. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that this Information regarding sites viewed by the Parks and Recreation Com- mission be referred to the Planning Commission for further study and recommenda- tion. City Administrator Carr presents and reads Resolution No. 630. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan that Resolution No. 630 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 630 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING BUDGET FOR SAID CITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1961- 1962 AND APPROPRIATING PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR PURPOSES SET FORTH IN BUDGET. PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of July, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Petersen, Quartiroli, and Wentworth. - City Administrator Carr reports that he has discussed the m~tter of re- quiring property owners to Install, maintain, and ~epair curbs, gutters and sidewalks with the City Attorney and recommends that an ordinance be adopted regarding this matter. The City Attorney states that under the Improvement Act of 1911 the City can proceed under state law to require property owners to install, main- tain,and repair curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. The Mayor instructs the City Attorney to prepare~an ordinance regarding this matter for Council IS examination. City Administrator Carr presents a proposed bicycle license ordinance and states that copies have been submitted to each Councilmen. He also explains the proposed changes in the present bicycle license ordinance. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by CouncllmanGoodrich and carried that the proposed bicycle license ordinance be introduced, the reading waived and published by title and summary. City Administrator Carr gives a supplemental report on the water levels in the City wells and explains that the water level is dropping faster than anticipated and requests that the press notify the citizens that the City is lowering one pump and will possibly lower an additional one and requests that the public continue to cooperate in conserving water. An itemized report from the Director of Public Works is read on weed abatement on private properties. The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 631. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Duffin that Resolution No. 631 be adopted. I(f# ." RESOLUTION NO. 631 'J RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CONFIRMING REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLI C WORKS SETT I NG FORTH THE DESCR I PTI ONS OF PROPERTY, THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND THE COST OF ABATING THE NUISANCE CAUSED BY THE GROWING OF WEEDS IN THE CITY OF GILROY AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COSTS, WILL CONSTITUTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE OWNERS OF LAND. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of July, 1961, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrlch,Jordan, and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Petersen,Quartiroli, and Wentworth. Copies of reports from the Chief of Police and the California State Automobile Association regarding the desirability of replacing certain existing Yield Right of Signs with Stop Signs are submitted to the Council. Chief of Police Laizure explains his recommendation. Discussion is had. The Mayor instructs the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance regulating the height of hedges on corner lots. The Mayor instructs Chief of Police Laizure to observe the Yield Right of Way intersection at fourth and Church Streets for six months after the hedge 2140 is cut down to three teet and after cross bars are painted on the pavement. Discussion is had on the rate for disposal of materials from demolished buildings, tree limbs and old tires at the City dump. City Administrator Carr is instructed to notify Mr. C. R. Acker that the Counci I is aware that $1.00 per yard wi 11 be charged for the handl ing of non-compactable materials hauled to the dump by residents of the City. Motion by Counci Iman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that acceptance of non-compactable materials be limited to people residing within the City limits. Discussion is had concerning Council appointment of member to repre- sent the Council on the Santa Clara County Water Commission. Motion by Counci Iman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that Mayor Sanchez be appointed to represent the Council on the Santa Clara County Water Commission. The Mayor reports that something should be done about garbage falling off of vehicles on route to the garbage dump. City Administrator Carr is Instructed to contact the Sheriff's Depart- ment to obtain their cooperation in patrolling the route to the garbage dump a rea. . Councilman Petersen arrives and takes his seat at the Council table. Reports of receipts of City officers are presented and read. Reports of the Building Inspector, Police Department, Poundmaster and progress reports are submitted to each Counci I member. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and carried that reports as read and submitted be approved. Discussion is had concerning the amount of City money placed on time deposits bearing interest. Discussion is had concerning the City's tax rate in comparison with other cities in the County. Councilman Goodrich asks if a drinking fountain is available at Mil- ler Park. It is stated that water is available at the building located at the north end of the park. The Mayor reports that he and Assistant City Administrator Reinsch met with Mr. George Miller to discuss the site offered to the County for the pro- posed court building. The Mayor states that he requested a letter conft"rming their discussion but it has not been received yet. Assistant City Administra- tor Reinsch reports that he received a telephone call from Mr. Miller stating that $90,000.00 will be used for the architectural survey and the building, $40,000.00 for furnishings, landscaping, parking lot, and archltural fees and the balance of the money will probably be used for the Welfare Building north of the City. He stated that a letter would follow confirming this matter. City Admlnlsteator Carr reminds the Council of the Inter-City Council meeting in Gilroy at Corsiglia's on July 6th. City Administrator Carr instructs City Engineer Hanna Jr. to investi- gate the sewer line site at Mrs. Mazzucca's property to determine If the exis- ting line can be replaced with a new line. The City Attorney requests that a plot plan of the proposed sewer route on Maple Street be prepared for attachment to the agreement with Mrs. Mazzucca. The Mayor asks if anything has been stated about the Princevalle Storm Drain. City Administrator Carr reports that Mr. Currlln stated that it will probably be put out to bid in July and the work should begin on August 7th. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and car- ried that this Council meeting adjourn. ,.'~. ~~' . /~U~ IQ__ City Clerk ., .