Minutes 1962/01/15 2172 Gilroy, Cal ifornia January 15, 1962 This regular monthly meeting of the City Council is called to order by his Honor Sig Sanchez. Present: Council Members: GeorgeT. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich,Wi Iford E. Jordan, Kenneth L. Petersen, Charles F. Quartiroli; and Sig Sanchez. Absent: Council Members: Everett C. Wentworth, A report from the Planning Commission Is read recommending that a variance be allowed Robert K. Byers.andVarren Byers for encroachment upon the set back line on Miller Avenue for an addition to their office building and recommending the approval of the Final Map of "Las Animas Estates, Unit No. 1". The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 666. Discussion is had regarding the requested variance. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Duffin that Resolution No. 666 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 666 RESOlUT ION OF THE COUNC I L APPROV I NG ACT ION OF PLANN I NG COMMI SS I ON GRANT I NG ApPlI... CATION OF ROBERT K. BYERS AND WARREN L. BYERS FOR A.VARIANCE. PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1962, by the following vote: 21'73 AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Petersen,Quartiroli, and Sanchez. None Wentworth NOES: ABSENT: COUNCil MEMBERS: COUNCil MEMBER: Discussion Is had regarding the Final Map of'IILas Animas Estates, Unit No. I". [ The City Attorney presents and reads Resolution No. 667. A letter is read from the City Engineer recommending that the estimated cost of the improvements In "las Animas Estates, Unit No. l"be $70,000.00. Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Petersen that Resolu- tion No. 667 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 667 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING MAP OF LAS ANIMAS ESTATES UNIT NO.1 TRACT NO. 3106 UPON CERTAIN CONDITIONS. PASSED and ADOPTED this 15th day of January, 1962, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCil MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Petersen,Quartiroli, and Sanchez. COUNCil MEMBERS: None COUNCil MEMBERS: Wentworth NOES: ABSENT: 'I i U A letter is read from the City Engineer recommending that a progress payment be made to Granite Construction Company in the amount of $100,826.00 for construction of the Northeast Outfall Sanitary Sewer Line. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that the City Administrator be authorized to make the recommended progress payment to Granite Construction Company in the amount of $100,826.00. Discussion is had regarding the purchase of the used Fire Alarm Board f rom the Gamewe 11 Company. ~ CA.~ Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Jordan^that the City Administrator be authorized to purchase the Fire Al.-rm Boa.rd from the Gamewell Company. A letter regarding Afrl Pollution District tax which was read at the last meeting is discussed.: Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Duffin and carried that no action be taken on the Air Pollution District tax until further infor- mation on the subject is obtained. City Administrator Carr informs the Council that Wayne Montgomery has been appointed Building Inspector and gives a resume of his previous exper- i ence. A proposed agreement with P. G. & E. Is presented relating to common use of their right of way for installation of the Northeast Sewer Outfall. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the City of Gilroy enter into an, agreement with P. G. & E. relating to right of way for the Northeast Sewer Outfall. . A proposed agreement wi th P. G. & E.i s presented lfior rj ght of way for installation of a portion of the Northeast Outfall Sewer on their property. The Ci ty Eng ineer ;exp 1 a ins the reason for the pr.oposed agreement. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Petersen and carried that the proposed agreement with P. G. & E. for right of way for installation of a portion of the Northeast Sewer Outfall be approved. Clty Adminlstrato\"1: Carr recommends that 'Well No. I be lowered to 150 foot setting~ and requests authorization to lower Well No. I. This matter is tabled temporarily because it is the opinion of the Council that we will get rain soon. City,'Admini.strator Carr recommends that the Police Department .budget be amended to allow $1,3.16.00 to be spent in addition to the original amount budgeted. This amendment is necessary because of the' unanticipated expendi- ture in vehicle maintenance caU6ed by'one of the vehicles being wrecked.' It is noted that the City was reimbursed by the insurance company for thlsactident. Mot i on by Counc 11 man GoodrLch second by Counc i I man Petersen and carr i ed that $1,316.00 additional expenditure be allowed in the police budget as reques.ted. .,<: Al etter is read from' Ch i ef 'of Po Ii ce la i zure recommend i ng sa I ary in- crease for Patrolman Gilbert Nuanez to be effective February 1, 1962. Motion byCounci Iman Quartirol i second by Counci Iman Duffin and carried that Gilbert'Nuanez be advanced to the next step in his salary range effective February I, 1962. A request for authorization to, advertise for bids for one new pol Ice vehicle is made.. Chief of Police Laizure explains his purpose for requesting the trading of the Plymouth car in this year for.i one new vehicle to be used as a Police Administration car and then after one year usingd t .asa patrol car, and purchasing two new pol ice vehicles each year thereafter to replace one patrol car and one administration car. ] 2174 Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and carried that bids be advertised for pur~hase of one new police vehicle. City Administrator Carr reads a letter from the County Department of Public Works submitting preliminary floor plan for the propose~ Justice Court. A letter is read from the Gilroy Police Benefit Association requesting Council recognition of their organization. The Mayor calls on Chief of Police Laizure to explain the purpose of the associ ati on. . It is suggested that this letter be tabled until the By-Laws of the associa- tion a~e submitted to the Council for study. Water samples taken by the Santa Clara Coumty Health Department are presented and read. These reports are satisfactory. The Mayor states that copies of the semi-annual audit, disbursements from December 10, 1961 to Jan,liary 10,. 1962, and report of the Poundmaster are sub- mitted to each Council member. Motion. by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Duffin and carried that the reports be accepted as submitted. Councilman Duffin asks if Vernon Brown has submitted his requestssfor co~ pletion of the water system at the golf course. City Administrator Carr reports that Vernon Brown has submitted his proposed plan for the 5 Year' Capital Outlay Budget. Councilman Jordan asks if any thing further has been done about resur- facing of First Street. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the State has measured the area to be paved and that no further word has been received. Councilman Goodrich reports that an additional "No Parking of Trucks" sign should be placed on the Notth west corner of Tenth and Monterey Streets because the pres.ent sign is too far back to be noticed and trucks are still parking in the parking space near the corner which blocks the view of vehicles turning off of Tenth and left onto Monterey Street. Councilman Goodrich also reports that the exiting driveway out of the City Parking lot next to the Wells Fargo Bank American Trust Company is being blocked by illegal parked vehicles. The Mayor instructs Chief of Police laizure to investigate both illegal parking situations. Counci Iman Quartirol i states that he has a brochure on a surplus. Garwood Packer truck which is for sale and might be worth looking into by the City for use in the garden refuse collection program. The Mayor instructs Director of Public Works Kludt to investigate this. Councilman Quartiroli suggests that the curb on the North east corner of the bridge approach be removed and a flatter radius curb be installed at the turn onto Howson Street from the North Church Street extension. He also states that the water line hangs too low under the bridge. Director (if Public 'Works Kludt reports that William Radtke &. Son have been not i tied to clean out the debr is .under the br i dge. The Mayor requests the City to check on the weed control on the City's rights of ways. The Mayor asks if. the Off-Street Parking District is making any progress. City Administrator Carr reports that Jim Pray stated that this project Is being worked on again and that th.ey plan to include another block in their pro- j ec t . W. J. Hanna Jr. suggests that a red no parking stall be painted at the Northwest corner of Third and Monterey Streets because there is poor vision for vehicles on Third Street turning left onto Monterey Street if a vehicle is parked near the co~ner. Discussion is h.ad on installing traffic signals at this intersection. Di rector of Pub Ii c Works It] UQt is instructed to conduct a traffi c count at this intersection to see if the State feels that traffic signals are justi- fied at this intersection. City Engineer Hanna Jr. requests that the City adopt an ordinance pre- venting construction of a building over Miller Slough. The Mayor instructs City Administrator Carr to determine from the Flood Control District if they regulate building over their water ways. The Mayor states there will be a League meeting in Palo Alto on January 18th and a meeting with the High School on January 17th. Assistant Civil Defense Director Reinsch reports that Twelfth Naval Dis- trict will be conducting a survey In Gilroy fGr buildings having 500 sq. ft. or more space to be used for possible Civil Defense fall-out shelters. Chief of Police lalzure invites interested City Officials to attend a course on "Ethics and Public Relations" to be given by a member of the Oakland Police Department, Thursday, January 18th at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. A letter is read from the City Engineer giving the estimated cost of the proposed industrial sewer line on Ninth Street to be $9,000.00. The Mayor states that he has a letter from the Garbage CDmpany request- ing an increase in garbage rates which will be presented at the next meeting. Motion by Counci Iman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli and carried that this Council meeting adjourn. J .. .... ~ ~ ~~ &.~u/' rirv rl~rk