Minutes 1962/02/19
Gilroy, California
February 19, 1962
This regular' monthly meeting is called tp order by 'His Honor Sig
Present: Counci I Members: Geo-rge T. Duffin, Norman B. Goodrtch,'
Vilford E. Jordan, Charles F. Quartirmli, and Sig Sanchez.
Absent: Council Members: Kenneth l. Petersen and Everett C. Went-
City Administrator Carr presents, reads' and explains a proposed
agreement with Arthu'rB': Hyde fordeve'lop.ment'of 'christmas Hill Park. He states
that other proposals w'ere cons i aered and 'Mr:' Hyde IS proposa I was recommended by
the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Motion by Counci lman Quartirol i second by tounci Iman Duffin and
carried that Arthur B',' Hyde"s proposal for development of Christmas HI II Pa'rk
be accepted and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf
of the City.
City Administrator Carr reports that a certain amount of engineer-
ing will have to be done and he has received an estimate of $600.00 which will
include flying the area' for a topographical map, bo"undary survey, etc.
Discussion is had regarding the proposed facilities at Christmas
Hill Park.
The Mayor state~ that this is the time and place for
hearing on repeal in~f SLibdivision 2, Subsection (c)ot: Section Tt
Ordinance regarding signs over sidewalks in "C-l" Districts. No
in the audience to speak for or against the proposal.'
The City Attorney presents and reads the proposed ordinance repeal-
ing this subsection of the Zoning Ordinance. .'
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried
that the proposed or'dinance be 1'ntroduced and publfshed by title and summary.
The Mayor state~ that this is th~ time and place for the publ i~
Zoning the "Second Southern Addition" to the City of Gilroy as a "0"
No one is present in the audience to speak for or against this pro-
the public
'of the Zoning
one is present
h ea r I n g on
posa I .
The City Attorney presents and reads the proposed ordinance for
zoning the 'ISecond 'Southern Addltion'~.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried
that the proposed ordinance for z"oning the IISecond Southern Addition~1 be intr~
duced and pu~lished by title and summary.
elty Administrator Carr reads a letter from the Personnel Commission
recommending a proposed salary schedule for the 1962-63 year.
Discussion is had on the proposea salary schedule as recommended'by
the Personnel Commission.
C"ity Admini'strator Carr presents arid reads Resolution No. 674. Mo-
tion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan that Resolution No. 674
be adopted.
Passed and Aaopted this 19th day of February 1962, by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCil MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Quartiroli, and Sanchez.
ABSENT: COUNCil MEMBERS: Petersen, and Wentworth.
City Administrator Carr reads the report of the Planning 'Commission
makl ng a recommendat i on on the proposed annexat i on of' property on Sixth 'Street.
He requests that recommendations on the 1962-1967 Capital Outlay Program be
postponed because the charts 'explaining this recommendation are not completed.
Director of Publ ic Works Kludt ex'plains the proposed annexation map
of property on Sixth Street as recommended by the Planning Commission.
Discussion is had regarding the drainage problem existing on Tenth
Director bf Public Works Kludt reports that the water level i.n the
City's wells is comparable to the water level in May 1961,' ,
The City Attorney distributes copies of the proposed ordinance' amend-
ing Section 12.23 of the City Code pertaining to the proposed increase in rates
for garbage and refuse collection.
Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Jordan and carried
that the reading of the proposed ordinance regarding increase in garbage collec-
tion rates be waived and that it be published by title and summary.
Discussion is had regarding metering of City pumps. City Adminis-
trator Carr estimates the cost of meters to be between $350.00 and $400.00 plus
cost of installation. ,
The Mayor instructsrCity Administrator Carr to obtain the cost for metering
pumps and present it to the Council for a proposed amendment to the budget.
A letter is read from W. J. Hanna & Son recommending that a progress pay-
ment be made to Granite Construction Company in the amount of $28,801.92 for con-
struction of the Eastside Sewer Line.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli and carried
that a progress pa,yment, in the amount of $28,801.92 be made to Granite Construction
City Administrator Carr recommends that Chief of Police Laizure be advanced
to the next step in his salary range, Range 28 - $644.00 to $676.00, effective
March 1, 1962.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Counci Iman Jordan and carried that
Chief of Police Laizure be advanced to the next step in his salary range March I,
A memorandum is read from Chief of Police laizure recommending a salary
increase for advancement of Poundmaster Weiss to the next step in his salary range,
Range 6 - $243.00 to $255.00, to be effective March 1, 1962.
Motion by Councilman Jordan second, by Councilman Goodrich and carried that
Poundmaster Weiss, be advanced to the next step in his salary range March I, 1962.
A claim from Mrs. lena Bozzo is presented and read for injuries acquired on
Fourth Street near the alley between Monterey and Eigleberry Streets.
City Administrator Carr requests the Council to take action on the claim as
requested by the City's insurance carrier. He also states that if no action is
taken on this, the claim will automatically be rejected sixty days after it was
filed, as provided for in the City charter.
Discussion is had.
The City Attorney recommends that the Council reject the claim by motion.
Further discussion is had.
Motion by Councilman Jordan that the claim of Mrs. Lena Bozzo be rejected.
The motion is not passed due to lack of a second.
Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Quartiroli that the claim
of Mrs. Lena Bozzo not be accepted nor rejected.
Water samples from the Santa Clara County Health Department are presented
and read. All samples are satisfactory.
The City Auditor's report of disbursements from January 10, 1962 to Febru-
ary 10, 1962 are presented to each Council Member.
Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Jordan and carried that
the reports be accepted as presented.
Councilman Duffin inquires about the feasibility of having an air-port on
the sewer farm land.
Discussion is had.
Director of Public Works Kludt states that an airport at the sewer farm
would have to be a temporary nature because eventually the agricultural area will
be utilized for sewage.
Discussion is had regarding possible use of the Hornbeck property for air-
port facilities.
Councilman Jordan asks if there has been any progress on the proposed "Fifth
Northern Addition". The City Administrator reports that he is working on the asses-
sed valuations and will report at a later date on the progress.
City Engineer Hanna Jr. reports that the plans and specifications for the
industrial line for the Poultry P,lant is ready for advertisement.
Director of Public Works Kludt requests Counci I permission to prepare maps
for the county areas adjacent to the City limits so that house numbers can be
assigned to correspond with our present house humbering system. The Mayor instructs
Director of Public Works Kludt to proceed with this house numbering project.
Assistant City Administrator Reinsch presents copies of the calendar of
budget proceedi:ngs to the Counci I Members to fami 1 iarize them wi th this procedure.
City Administrator Carr reports $n the City Manager's Convention he recently
attended at Riverside.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich
this Council meeting adjourn.
second by Councilman Jordan and carried that
f f. JJ
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