Minutes 1962/03/19 12182 Gilroy, California March 19, 1962 This regular monthly meeting Is called to order by His Honor Sig Sanchez. Present: Council Members: Norman B. Kenneth L. Petersen, Charles F. ~uartlroll, Sanchez. Absent: Counc i I Member:' George T. Duff in. The Mayor states that Councilman Duffin is ill and will not be present at this meeting. I The Mayor states that this'is the time and place for the hearing on the establishment of official plan lines on Ninth Street from Tenth and Church Streets to East City limits. He states that there are several people In the audience:interested in this proposal and calls on Director of Public Works Kludt to'explaln the proposed official plan lines. ' Director of Public Works Kludt explains the proposed official plan lines on Ninth Street. The Mayor asks if anyone In the audience wishes :to speak for or ~gainst the proposal. Mrs. Carmen Mangano states that she is against this proposal because it will ruin their property. Discussion is had. Mr. Heredia requests information on what improvements can be made on his property before and after official plan lines are established on Ninth Street. Further discussion is 'had. It is the general opinion of the Council that a complete economic study be made of using Tenth Street through the Shell Oil Company Plant and over a new crossing at the Southern Pacific railroad tracks as a route for this minor City itreet. Motion by Councilman Jordan second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that this public hearing on the establishment of official plan lines on Ninth I Street from Tenth and Church Streets to the East City limits be continued to June 4, 1962 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. A letter is read from Attorney lewls J. Yapp, of Santa Cruz requesting approval for a card room license at 19 South Monterey Street. The Mayor refers this application to Chief of Police laizure for inves- tigation and full report to the Council specifically to deter:mine the person who will be operating the card room If the license Is approved. . City Administrator Carr requests formal approval of the 1962-1967 Capi- tal Improvement Program. The Mayor suggests that the Council meet with the Planning Commission , , Goodrich, Wilford E. Jordan, Everett C. Wentworth and Sig 2183 ....,..... to discuss the proposed 1962-1967 Capital Improvement Program before formal ap- prova lis made. City Administrator Carr requests Council IS opinion on the adoption of the proposed plan line ordinance. Motion by Counci lman Wentworth second by Counci lman Quarti rol I and carried ,that the City Attorney be Instructed to prepare an official plan line ordinance. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the Division of Highways is in accord with the previous request of the Council to install traffic .signals at Third and Monterey Streets. He states that the estimated cost to the City Is $4,000.00 for a traffic signal with a "walk-walt" device to be included. He reports that tbere will be an additional cost of $4,000.00 to equlp,the exist- ing signals with a "walk-wait" device if this additional work is let ,under the same Gontract as the Third Street traffic signal. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Petersen and carried that Director of Public Works Kludt:b~ instructed to inform the Division of Highways that the City wants the traffic signal at Third and Monterey Streets without the "walk-wait" device if possible otherwise they will take the signali- zation with the "walk-wait" device If this Is the only condition for obtaining signalization at this intersection; also that the existing signals remain as they are at this time. Director of Public Works Kludt submits copies of his report on the cost of recording meters for City pumps. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Quartlroll second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the City advertise for four recording meters and that purchase of these recording meters be authorized on a bid basis. City Administrator Carr reports that he received a proposal from Howson's Inc. to purchase gravel and fill from the bank of the Carnerdero Creek on Christmas Hill property. Discussion is had. The City Engineer recommends that no action be taken for selling gravel and fi II at this location unti I plans for Christmas HI II Park are com- pleted. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Jordan and carried that no action be taken on this proposal. City Administrator Carr recommends that Susan Mayer, Account Clerk, be advanced to the next step in her salary range 12 - $281.00 to $295.00 effective April I, 1962. Motion by Councilman Petersen second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that Susan Mayer be advanced to the next step in her salary range 12 - $281.00 to $295.00, effective April I, 1962. City Administrator Carr reports that he is In accord with Fire Chief Ramezane1s recommendation that Charles Bittle Jr. and Merle Johnson, Firemen Engineers be advanced to the next step in their salary range 17 - $358.00 to $376.00 to be effective April I, 1962. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroll and carried that Charles Bittle Jr. and Merle Johnson be advanced to the next step In their salary range 17 - $358.00 to $376.00 effective April I, 1962. A letter is read from the State Treasurer regarding proposed Federal Income tax on public bonds. Discussion is had. Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that the Council go on record opposing the proposed federal income tax on public bonds and that notification of this ,Council action be given to our Congressman and Senators. City Administrator Carr notifies the Council that the State Depart- ment of Finance has approved the City's request for planning assistance for development of a new Zoning Ordinance. A card of thanks from Councilman Wentworth is read. Water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Department are presented. All samples are satisfactory. The Mayor states that all Council members have received copies of Disbursements from February 10, 1962 to March 10, 1962. Director of Public Works Kludt reports that the City will be cleaning the reservoir Wednesday. The Mayor instructs Director of Public Works Kludt to inform the Planning Commission that the Council wish to meet with them on Monday, March 26, 1962, to discuss the Capital Outlay Program. The Mayor states that he will be attending a meeting in Sacramento with the State Legislators to discuss pending legislation on March 29th if any of the Council wish to attend. The Mayor reports t hat the Water Study Commi ttee wi 11 meet on March 21,1962 at 3:30 p.m. at the City Hall. L.. -....J w ~1 qil -- ~ (/ -" City Administrator Carr informs the Council that certain property owners north of the City limits have Indicated that they are interested.ln being annexed to the City and would like to know what their cost will be for sewer, water, and other facilities. City Engineer Hanna Jr. estimates the preliminary engineering at this area to determine area costs will be approximately $750.00 to $1,250.00. Motion by Councilman Quartiroli second by Councilman Jordan and carried that the City Administrator instruct the City Engineer to proceed with the pre- liminary estimates for improvements in the assessment district area and to dete~ mine the proper manner of financing these improvements. The Mayor asks If anyone in the audience has anything to discuss before the Counc i 1 . Mr. Douglas Neilson requests information on zoning and annexation of the Pentacostal Property after the meeting Is adjourned. Motion by Counci Iman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried that this meeting be adjourned. ~ A U/:)(}/J1h1U ~ . ' , City Clerk