Minutes 1962/04/16
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Gilroy , Call fom i a
Apr i I 16, 1962
This regular monthly meeting Is called to order by His Honor Slg Sanchez.
Present: Council Members: George To Duffin, Norman B. Goodrich, Charles
F. Quartlroli, Everett C. Wentworth and Slg Sanchez.
Absent: Council Members: Wilford E. Jordan and Kennethl. Petersen.
A: letter is read from Officer Ernest Brooks to the Chief of Police re-
questing defense counsel to represent him in a claim for false arrest. A memoran-
dum from Chief of Police Laizure Is read regarding this matter.
Discussion is had.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Quartiroli and carried
that the City furnish legal counsel for Officer Brooks.
An application, for transfer of on-sale beer and wine license from Wilfred
and Marion E. laRue at 51 South Monter,y Street Is presented. City Administrator
Carr reports that there are no objections from the Police Department at this time.
This application is ordered filed.
A letter is read from the Planning Commission recommending approval of
the revised land use plan; recommending that preliminary engineering be authorized
to establish official plan lines on First Street, leavesley Road, and for the
northerly extension of Church Street to Ronan Avenue; and recommending that a
new complete tentative plan be submitted for the development of the property
belonging to Bonanza Inc.
Director of Public Works Kludt explains the revised land use plan.
Discussion is had.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Goodrich and carried
that the Council is in accord with the land use plan as presented and that It
be referred to the Planning Commission to institute proceedingsctoward holding
public hearings on it. The Mayor instructs City Admlnistrator/f8r~otify the
Planning Commission regarding the action taken at this meeting.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Duffin'and' carried
that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare the prel imUary engineering to
establish official plan lines on First Street, Leavesley Road, and for the
northerly extension of Church Street to Ronan Avenue as recommended by the
Planning Commission.
Director of Public Works Kludt presents and explains the plan of
Bonanza Inc. for develbpment on Rosanna Street. He explains that the develop-
ment plan does not col'nclde with their original tentative plan and the Planning
Commission recommends that Bonanza Inc. submit a complete new tentative plan
,for the entire property. .'. .
City Engineer W. J. Hanna Jr., states that if the City desires Church
Street as a through street they may haVe to condemn the property adjacent to
Bonanza's property because Bonanza is unable to purchase this property.
Motion by Councl ImanGoodrich second by Counci lman 'Wentworth and
carried that the proposeddevelopment plan on Rosanna Street of Bonanza Inc. be
re~ected and that they be notified to submit a complete general plan of the
entire property.
A letter Is read from the Planning Commission notifying the 'Councl"l
that a member of the Planning Commission will attend all future Council meetings.
Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Quartlroll and
carried that the Planning Commission be notified that the Council will also have
one of Its members present at all Planning Commission meetings.
Further discussion is had regarding Church Street being a through
street. Motion by Councilman Duffin second b_y Councilman Wentworth and carried
that the Planning Commission consider initiating proceedings to set official
plan lines for the extension of Church Street south.
Commissioner Eckard InquJres as to how far south the Council wishes
the official plan lines to be set on Church Street. The touncll states that
they would like official plan lines set to the PrincevalleStorm Drai~ channel.
Recreation Director Reinsch requests approval on the job classifica-
tions as presented for summer recreation personnel as recommended by the Recrea~
tion and Personnel Commission.
Discussion is had.
Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Quartiroli and
carried that the job classification for summer recreation personnel be approved
as presented.
The Mayor states that it wi llbe necessary to have a work meeting
to discuss the Information obtained through a survey of cities on methods and
fees charged for licensing contractod, and general businesses, because the in-
formation mailed to the Council members will take further study before any ac-
tion is taken. Motion by Councilman Wentworth second by Councilman Goodrich and
carried that April 23rd at 8:00 p.m. be set for the work meeting of the Council
to discuss the license survey.
City Administrator Carr presents Ordinance No. 674. Motion by Council-
man Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth that Ordinance No~ 674 be adopted.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Counc I I of the C t ty of G i I roy, Coun ty of San ta C I a ra,
State of California, the 16th day of April 1962, by the following vote:
AYES: tOUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrlch,Quartiroli ,Wentworth, and Sanchez.
ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Jordan and Petersen
The City Attorney presents and reads a proposed ordinance amending Se~
tion 13.46 (14) pertaining to the licensing of card rooms.
Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Wentworth, and carried
that the proposed ordinance be introduced and published by title and summary.
The City Attorney presents and reads a proposed ordinance regulating
the operation of card rooms.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Duffin and carried
that the proposed ordinance be introduced and published by title and summary.
City Administrator Carr requests authorization to advertise for bids
for the Industrial Sewer line on Nimth Street.
Motion by Councilman Quartiroli second by Councilman Duffin and carried
that bjds be advertised for installation of the industrial sewer line on Ninth
A letter is read from the City Engineer recommending that the Council
accept the North East Outfall Sewer Project and file a notice of completion.
Motion by Councilman Duffin second by Councilman Goodrich and carried that the
North East Outfall Sewer Project be accepted and that a notice of completion be
fi led.
City Administrator Carr reports on possible methods of financing a 36"
Storm Drain Line in the proposed "Fifth Western Addltion".
Director of Publ ic Works Kludt submits information to each Council member
resulting from a survey of costs for garden refuse pick-up.
Discussion is had.'
The Mayor instructs Director of Public Works Kludt to continue his study
.on garden refuse to det'ermi ne wha't the cost woul d be to the C rty if they chose
to pick-up the garden refuse, discontinued use of the present leaf dump and paid
the Garbage Disposal Company for burying the refuse at the Sewer Farm VS paying
the Garbage Company for pick-up and disposal service under contract. ~e authorizes
Director of Public Works Kludt to instruct the City crew to 'haul the garden refuse
to the City dump and to pay the Garbage Company for burying it, for one month if
necessary, to determine what this cost would be to the City.
A letter from Plamning Con~ultant, Nestor Barrett, is read announcing a
County Planning Commission meeting to discuss con'dominlum developments.
City Admi n i strator Carr reparts that he has recei ved 'recommendad ons
from Chief 'Laizure, regarding advancement in sa'lary for J'ames Calvino and from
Chief Ramezane regarding advancement' in sal'ary for Vernon Naughton and that he
approves these recommendations for salary Increases.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth and carried
that Police Patrolman Calvino and Fireman-Engineer Naughton be advanced to the
next step in their salary ranges to be effective May I, 1962'as follows: Naughton
- Range 17 - $415.00 to $436.00 and Calvino - Range 19 - $415.00 to $436.00~
A letter from the State Department of Health is read declaring Santa
Clara County a rabies area. City Administrator Carr reports that the City has
the necessary regulations for anlma'l control and wi II conduct a rabies cl inlc in
A letter from the Gilroy Public Schools Is read thanking the City for
the drainage correction on Wren Avenue.
The Mayor calls on Mr. B. Wallace and asks if he wishes to discuss any-
thing before the Council meeting. Mr. Wallace a~ks for the proper procedure for
obtaining a use permit for a Church. The Mayor informs Mr. Wallace to make appli-
cation to the Planning Commi~slon who will in turn make a recommendation to the
Council for final action.
Satisfactory water samples taken by the Santa Clara County Health Depart-
ment are presented and read.
Trre Mayor reports that all Council Members have received copies of the
Auditor's report from July I, 1961 to March 31, 1962 and report oJ Disbursements
from March 10,1962 to April '10,1962.
Discus~ion is had regarding the water level in the City's wells.
Councilman Goodrich asks what progress, If any, has developed on the
sidewalk In front of the Hecker Pass Inn. Director of Public Works Kludt reports
that a sketch is being prepared for futcher study.
Councilman Goodrich requests that the dumping of garbage
lot on Church Street north of the bridge across Miller Slough be
Councilman Quartiroll states that he heard a report that
Gilroy was approved.
Purchasing Agent Reinsch requests permission to purchase water meters
In the amount of $3,300.00.
Motion by Councilman Quartiroll second by Councilman Goodrich and carried
that water meters in the amount of $3,300.00 be approved.
Chief of Police laizure reports that the State has approved Gilroy as
the location to conduct a Pol ice Schocbl b'eglnnlng Aprl I 30, 1962 for a two week
period. Classes will be during the day and evenings. Chief Laizure states that
at this time the meeting place has not been determined. Councilman Goodrich
reports that the Elks Building may be available and he will Investigate this
possibility. The Mayor states' if there Is no place to be found the Council Cham-
bers can be used on every day except May 7th and at that time they could possibly
meet in the Wheeler Auditorium.
'The Mayor reports on a meeting he attended of the Water: Commission.
A letter from Carsmand Bailey Circus is read requesting permission to
exhibit a:,clrcus on May 25, 1962 on property owned by Bonanza, .nc. next to Food
Villa. All Councilmen present have no objections.
A' letter is read from Santa Clara County submitting a proposed improve-
ment plan for the justice court site. The Mayor instructs City Administrator
Carr to inform the County that the City had hoped the County would comply with
their original plan and provide 35 to 50 parking spaces which the Council feels
is necessary.
Motion by Councilman Goodrich second by Councilman Wentworth
that this Council meeting adjourn.
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City Clerk or